The main character, named Emile Arsenault, is trying to find his daughter at a ski lodge that has been hit by a storm. He is opposed by monsters and...
A large-scale game dedicated to the trench battles of the First World War. The gamer can recreate various battles with hundreds or even thousands of...
The game takes place in 1976 at the height of the Cold War. The gamer must build a deep-sea research center working on human cloning. It is important...
Multiplayer arena in which up to 8 players fight each other. For successful shootouts, users receive coins and earn bonuses that allow them to unlock...
A dark short game in which the main character is stuck in a mansion and must find a way to escape. Gameplay consists of solving puzzles and exploring...
A multiplayer game set in a post-apocalyptic alternate future world. Gamers can fight each other in seven different modes. Weapons and appearance of...
A fighting game with famous characters from popular indie games. Up to four players can fight at the same time, where each can call an assistant. In...
An unexpected outbreak of infection destroyed almost all people on earth. Only a few heroes survived and are now fighting against countless hordes of...
The player controls a team of specialists who must survive and explore the secrets of the abandoned moon Io. There are extreme temperatures, magnetic...
A challenging boxing game with a focus on skill that takes time and practice to master. There are 3 championships available with different difficulty...
The main character goes on a timeless journey through caves filled with treasures, creatures and challenging puzzles. There are 14 different regions...
A pixelated turn-based combat game where you explore the world, fight monsters, and find secrets. There are 6 characters in the group with their own...