Text Russifier

Version 1.005 from 01/08/25 Added manual translation of the Shattered Space add-on; A large number of errors in the text of the Shattered Space add-on have been corrected; Some errors in the text of the main game have been fixed; For the ve ...
Russian voice acting

The voice acting is based on the localization from ZOG version v1.001. Files not included in the voice acting: screams, groans, sighs. Replies whose pronunciation time is in no way comparable to the pronunciation in the Russian version. Updates: ...
Translation mod Interface StarUI

Simple translation of strings for the mod StarUI HUD into Russian. How to run: upload the file StarUI_HUD_ru.txt to the path: /My Games/Starfield/Data/Interface/Translation; upload the file NamesIndex_ru.swf to the path: /My Games/Starfie ...
Translation of the mod “Your thoughts are yours”

Translates the modification into Russian - “Your thoughts belong to you” .
Russifier of dialogues and interface [v0.4.8.6]
![Russifier of dialogues and interface [v0.4.8.6]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-10/thumbs/rusifikator-dialogov-i-interfejjsa-v0-4_1696159076_956982.webp)
Version and date of translation: from 01.10.23 This is a new public version of the crack, with many corrections and improvements, dedicated to the full release of the game. Translated dialogues to - 100%. Records, books, and other us ...
Text translation: dialogues + description of objects and notes

The file translates all available text in the game. Dialogues, descriptions of objects and various notes that can be found during the game have been localized. Russifier differs from others in that it contains optimized text translation files. It s ...
Russifier with double subtitles [v1]
![Russifier with double subtitles [v1]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-09/thumbs/rusifikator-c-dvojjnymi-subtitrami-v1_1694435244_14187.webp)
Russifier is based on the paid version of the DeepL API, and includes the following features: All dialogues were translated with an informal form of communication (to “YOU”, not “YOU”). Some of the words were translated from Polish, not from ...
Text Russifier based on Yandex [v2.7]
![Text Russifier based on Yandex [v2.7]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-09/thumbs/rusifikator-teksta-na-baze-jandeksa-v2-7_1694434997_252196.webp)
The mod translates all presented text in the game into Russian, without affecting proper names and important meanings that should be in the original language. The Russifier was created on the basis of a translator with artificial intelligence from Y ...
Translation of the StarUI Inventory mod

Completely translates the modification into Russian - StarUI Inventory . If you see squares instead of text, then make sure that the StarfieldCustom.ini file in the My Documents/My Games/Starfield directory has the following content [General] s ...
Russian voice for Sarah

Russian voice for Sarah. How to run: unpack to /Documents/My Games/Starfield; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Wasted translation

Russifier HUD (menu, etc.) from ZoG + machine translation of in-game strings. Installation: Download the archive. Extract to the game folder with replacement.