The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
Community Patch - Shared Imports

Community Patch - Shared Imports. A collection of fully imported classes (all attributes) without any native functions. Intended to be a base dependency for other mods to reduce merge conflicts. Some mods add additional class/variable imports to the ...
Script Merger

Script Merger. Detects conflicts between mods and helps resolve them, either by creating merged files that override the conflicting ones, or by setting a custom load order for your mods. Mergers are easy to undo because they don't change the original ...
Script Merger - resolving conflicts between mods

Script Merger. Detects conflicts between mods and helps resolve them, either by creating merged files that override the conflicting ones, or by setting a custom load order for your mods. Mergers are easy to undo because they don't change the original ...
The Witcher 3 Mod Manager - mod manager

The Witcher 3 Mod Manager. A program that allows you to manage your mods, including installing, uninstalling, enabling/disabling, etc., with just one click. 1) Installation: - Detects and installs the main files and folders of the mod - Adds DLC f ...
Debug Console

Debug Console Enabler 1.32. Debug console adapted for patch 1.32. Installation: Place the "bin" folder in the ... / steamapps / common / The Witcher 3 / Console activation key: "~"