Bethesda developers received death threats after purchasing Fallout. The studio even had to hire security

While the Fallout series holds the attention of fans of the series, developers from Bethesda continue to share the stories of creating games in this universe. This time it turned out that the studio was bombarded with threats after purchasing the rights to the Fallout series.

As former studio artist Jonah Lobe said on his YouTube channel, after concluding a deal with Interplay to purchase Fallout, the developers began to receive threats from fans of the series.

«When it was announced that Bethesda was going to take on the Fallout franchise, there was a lot of excitement, a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of death threats,» he explained.

According to him, the studio even had to hire a security guard for the first time in its existence. Another former Bethesda developer, Jeff Gardiner, confirmed his words. He also added that once they even received a fax with the only phrase «We will slit your throats.»

Let's remember that Bethesda acquired the rights to Fallout from Interplay in 2004, paying about six million dollars.

Previously, Todd Howard shed light on the fate of NCR in the Fallout universe — he had to give an explanation after the events of the serial adaptation of the games.

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