Ashes of the Glorious Spirit in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: Where to Find and How to Use

The Ashes of the Glorious Spirit in the DLC Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree will allow you to enhance your ghostly companion. Since overcoming the new creation of FromSoftware alone is extremely difficult, this is an important upgrade that is definitely worth spending time on. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all of them.
Where to Find the Ashes of the Glorious Spirit
Usually, the ashes are found near special statues scattered throughout the Shadow Realm. Along with the Decay Tree Shards, this is a new feature of the expansion that should level the playing field a bit and help you avoid spending 600 attempts to defeat, for example, Rellana. Sometimes the ashes will be in pots with shadows or with especially large inquisitors, but rarely.
As with the shards, each new level of ash enhancement will require an increasing amount. If the first level requires only one, then the number of artifacts needed for one upgrade will increase. In total, there are 25 ashes, which will allow you to enhance the spirit companion to level 10.
Graveyard Plains
Location: Temple of Solace
One of the first sites of grace you will find is called «Graveyard Plains.» Move northeast from it so that the Charred Ruins are on your left. You should eventually reach a cliff. Nearby stands a tree with dead hanging from it. Walk along the cliff to the beginning of the waterfall until you see a mutilated statue. There lies the first ash, and below will be the Temple of Solace.
Location: Abandoned Village of the Weakened
Find the site of grace «Great Bridge, North» and enter the Abandoned Village of the Weakened. Stick to the right side, closer to the cliff. You will notice that one road leads through the ruins, and the other descends lower. There you will encounter several flymen, and at the end, a statue and ash.
Location: Last Rest at the Mountain Road
During your exploration, you will quickly discover the site of grace «Cross at Three Roads.» From there, go not across the bridge, but into the tunnel to the west. Stick to the left side and make your way along the cliffs so that Belurat remains to your right. You will come to the site of grace «Last Rest at the Mountain Road.» Nearby is a body of water, more like a puddle. There reside several turtles, and there lies the ash.
Location: Ellak River Cave
Go from the «Cross at Three Roads» through the Great Bridge and open the site of grace «Front of the Castle». Head southeast from it, but stay to the left. This way you will find a path that descends to the swamp. When a large crab attacks you, it's a sign that you are on the right path. Nearby there will be a cave. Inside, there are ashes and the site of grace «Ellak River Cave».
Location: Settlement by the Tower
As soon as you find the entrance to Belurat through the large staircase, be prepared to fight scorpions. First, clear the large one, and then many small ones in the spacious two-level hall. There, ahead, is a statue with ashes.
Location: Small Private Altar
Find the site of grace «Small Private Altar» in Belurat. From it, a long journey awaits. Use the sewers as a landmark. Cross the stream and enter the building opposite. Climb the stairs and go outside. On the right, you can climb onto the roofs where grave birds sit. Exterminate them and reach the bridge. You will see a shadow with a pot on the opposite side. It must be quickly eliminated, otherwise, the enemy will disappear, and you will have to start over from the site of grace. After victory, ashes will be at the place of the corpse.
Nearby, there is another ash. From the place where the shadow with the pot stood, go straight, there a horned warrior patrols. Then turn left. You should see a tree and many shadows around. There will also be a statue with ashes.
Location: Upper Belurat
At the top of the city, you will eventually encounter the story boss — the Dancing Lion. When you defeat him, find the lift that will take you even higher to a long staircase. Right in front of it is a statue with ashes.
Shadowy Altus
Location: Murta Ruins
When you get to the second large location of Shadowy Altus, find the Murta Ruins. They will be to the south. From them, go to the right if looking at the map to the edge of the cliff. You should see the ruins of a building and a tree, next to which is a statue with ashes.
Location: Bonny Village
Almost at the same point where you picked up the previous ash, but lower, there is another one. To reach it, open the site of grace «Bonny Village». You can get there through the tunnel in the Murta Ruins. From the grace, ride along the cliff approximately to where the previous ash was. You will see a crevice. Carefully descend so as not to die, and at the foot of the cliff, you will find a statue with ashes.
Location: Shadow Haven
When you reach the black castle, be careful. Find the grace «Vault, First Floor». Right in front of you is a large animal effigy. You need to jump onto it. There are several ways to get there, for example, from the tail. The main thing is to end up in the area of its shoulders, where the ash lies.
In the same Shadow Haven, there will be another ash, but on the seventh floor. The grace is called «Vault, Seventh Floor». Nearby will be Knight Freya. From there, head to the opposite part of the floor to the large bull effigy. On it lies the ash.
Location: Unte Ruins
You need to find a hidden path to the Castle Watering Hole to eventually get from Shadow Haven to another location — the Unte Ruins. Run from the grace point southeast, almost in a straight line, and you will see a statue with ashes near the cliff.
Location: Fly Village
In Bonny Village, find the grace point «Lower Ascetic River Stream». From this place, go southwest, gradually descending. You will encounter several enemies, but eventually, you will reach a statue with ashes. The main thing is to stick to the right side.
Ruins of the Ancient Abode of Rauha
Location: Temple City Ruins
You can get to Rauha's abode in several ways, including through Shadow Haven. In any case, you must find the Temple City Ruins and move exactly north from there. On the map, this place is marked with a small square. There stands a statue with ashes.
Location: Small Tower by the Viaduct
From the grace point «Small Tower by the Viaduct», ride along the main path, crossing the river. You will end up in a dungeon where in the first room there is a shadow with a pot.
Location: Rauha Abode Ruins, West
Reaching this ash is one of the most challenging tasks. In general, you just need to kill the shadow with the pot, but you need to find a way to get there. You won't find the road using the usual methods. You need to find a lift that will help you reach the shadow.
First, from the grace point «Rauha Abode Ruins, West», ride into the caves. Passing through them, you will find yourself in the open air, next to two horned warriors. Kill them and take the ash in one of the gazebos.
Now you have a path forward into the cave with shrimp and red rot, but slightly to the right, there will be a descent — that's where you need to go. After descending, keep to the left side, bypassing the infected dogs, and ride straight. You should end up on a cliff, and below there will be another cave. Jump down, and you will see that the cave ceiling is covered with scorpions. Deal with them and ride to the end, then turn right — you will see a lift. It will take you directly to the shadow with the pot, inside which is the very hard-to-get ash.
Abyssal Forest
Location: Midra's Estate, Library
You need to defeat the Grand Inquisitor. Go through the library to the end to find him.
Location: Midra's Estate, Second Floor Room
Near the grace point «Second Floor Room», activate the mechanism to descend. This is necessary if you don't succeed on the first try. The task is to jump onto the chandelier, where lies a corpse with ash.
Location: First Ascent
When you unlock access to Enir-Ilim, find the grace point «First Ascent». From there, go out into the courtyard with many golden trees. A little ahead, there will be a gathering of inquisitors along with another huge one. Kill him to get the ash.
In the same area, you can find another ash. Before killing the inquisitors, you should have jumped over the broken bridge. Now jump into the gap and find the statue next to which three enemies are praying.
Location: Winding Ascent
From the grace point «Winding Ascent», climb the stairs, and then jump onto the roof when possible. Go to the right and eliminate all the grave birds. Go to the end until you reach the road and stairs. Here, there is another bird and an inquisitor. In the first room, there will be ash.
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