How to Find All Odin's Ravens in God of War: Ragnarok — Complete The Eyes of Odin Quest Guide

In God of War: Ragnarok, you can find 48 of Odin's ravens scattered across six of the nine worlds available for exploration. However, unlike in God of War, you don't collect them just for the sake of it. As a reward for completing the The Eyes of Odin quest, you will be able to unlock six chests in Niflheim containing special items: a set of armor and runic attacks.
Note: In some locations, you won't be able to collect all the Ravens during your first visit. As expected, you'll return to the first few areas later and be able to access previously inaccessible Ravens using new equipment. If you haven't found all the birds in a region, it means you simply can't access them yet.
In God of War: Ragnarok, as in God of War (2018), you have to repeatedly explore various worlds and unlock more and more areas with each new visit. Since Kratos carries his equipment with him, there are cases when you might see an item in a screenshot that you don't have access to yet — for some players, this will be a spoiler. We have listed the birds depending on when you visit these locations. Second and third visits are additionally marked.
Tips for finding Odin's ravens
If you played God of War (2018), you know that Odin's ravens can be difficult to spot or hit with an axe. Here you will find something similar. However, we have two simple tips that will make your search a little easier.
Listen carefully to the cawing of the ravens. Often they are much easier to hear than to see. If you hear them, it usually means they are nearby. Look around and follow the sound, especially if you have surround sound.
Return to missed birds. Finding the ravens is only half the battle. They are not always easy to hit, the Leviathan axe is slow and heavy. It is great for fighting enemies but not so good for shooting birds, especially when they are soaring in the sky. If you can't hit a bird that is far away, you will most likely be able to get closer to it when you return to the location next time.
About halfway through the game, you will unlock a tool that will make killing such birds significantly easier. Remember where the bird is and return when you have this tool.
What rewards can be obtained for finding all the ravens
In Niflheim, there is a large white tree filled with birds: all of Odin's ravens end up here when you destroy them in other worlds. As you progress through the The Eyes of Odin quest, you'll be able to open new chests with rewards.
There are a total of six chests around the tree. The first three contain armor pieces, and the remaining three give you heavy runic attacks for each type of weapon.
Armor Set — an excellent reward for your efforts. This set helps in healing Kratos, and obtaining it doesn't take much time. The armor will be a great choice in the mid and late stages of the game. Two items from the armor set provide a 15% additional healing, and three give 30%.
- 6 Ravens — Girdle of Raven Tears — increases the amount of health received from stones, rage, and equipment;
- 12 Ravens — Bracers of Raven Tears — increases the amount of health received from stones, rage, and equipment;
- 18 Ravens — Cuirass of Raven Tears — low chance, depending on luck, to trigger a healing mist with every successful hit;
- 28 Ravens — Heavy Runic Attack Breath of Thamur;
- 38 Ravens — Heavy Runic Attack Meteoric Slam;
- 48 Ravens — Heavy Runic Attack The Finger of Ruin.
Once you open all six chests, you will have to defeat a boss in the Niflheim training zone, opposite the shop, to complete the quest.
All of Odin's Ravens in Svartalfheim
Svartalfheim is the realm of dwarves in God of War Ragnarok, and the first area where you will encounter Odin's henchmen. There are a total of 13 birds here, but you will only be able to access nine of them on your first visit to the area.
#1 — Aurvangar Wetlands
The first green bird in Svartalfheim is located in the Aurvangar Wetlands, almost immediately after you leave the Mystic Gate. Move left until you reach a small camp. Facing the camp, walk to the right, and you will notice the bird on top of a mountain. Kill it with the Leviathan axe.
#2 — Nidavellir
In the city of Nidavellir, there is only one Raven, located in the city square with the statue of Odin, to the left of Sindri's shop. Look at the house with the water wheel.
#3 — The Watchtower
At The Watchtower, there is another bird that you can see during a boat ride. Climb up to it and proceed to the place where the Draugr Pit is located.
#4 — Radsvinn's Rig
Directly opposite The Watchtower, on the same island, you will find a rig where another of Odin's ravens resides. Proceed to the chest located in the area to the left of the tower. Look up and to the left of the chest towards the hook supported by the giant crane.
#5 — Althjof’s Rig
Another of the numerous birds in the Bay of Bounty sits near Althjof’s rig. When you dock your boat at the rig, climb up the chain, and you'll immediately spot the raven — it's sitting behind a destructible wooden barrier.
#6 — Lyngbakr Island
Once you complete the side quest The Weight of Chains, you can access this Odin's raven.
Proceed with the quest until you gain access to incendiary bombs. To the left of the bombs, you'll see a gate, open it and take the explosive. Carry it through the gate and go to the right. You'll encounter some golden rocks. Destroy them, then cross to the other side. To the right of the legendary chest, you'll find a passage — crawl through it. Now look to the left. You'll spot the bird on Lyngbakr's back.
#7 — The Forge
The Forge has two of Odin's ravens, but you can only reach one of them on your first visit to the location. Ride the train up. Once you enter The Forge, continue until the rock is on your left. Wait on this path until you see the bird flying nearby. Kill it with your axe before proceeding to the next area. If you missed it, you can return here much later.
#8 — Jarnsmida Pitmines
When you first reach the pitmines, kill all the enemies and find the chain. Climb it to reach the lower part of the mine with an Artifact and some strange fungus.
Take the Artifact (part of the Things Left Behind collection) and look out into the bay towards the cranes. You will see one of Odin's ravens flying. If you missed it, you can return here much later.
#9 — The Applecore
The Applecore is the final area in Svartalfheim, at least on the first visit. It is here that you will rescue Tyr, the Norse god of war. Follow the path through the mine until you reach the puzzle where Kratos and Atreus must split up. When you reach the other side, you should see a door to your right that leads to Tyr and a place where you can walk along the wall. If you continue looking to the left, you'll see a bird sitting on the broken shelves.
You can pass through the mine in the opposite direction — this will happen if you miss this raven the first time. If you missed it, you can return here a little later.
This is the first part of the Ravens in the location. You will find the rest of the birds when you reach Svartalfheim for the second time in the story. There may be spoilers in the descriptions and pictures below!
#10 — The Forge
This bird becomes available only after traveling to the top of The Forge with Brok as part of the story.
Sneak to the top of The Forge near the giant bell. Facing the bell, turn left, and you'll see Brok's small workshop. On the wall directly above the golden chain, you'll see a green bird. The chain is needed to descend into the main area with the large bell.
#11 — Alberich Hollow
You can find the green bird in Alberich Hollow only after acquiring the weapon in The Forge in Svartalfheim with Brok. You will be able to access this area only by using this weapon to ascend Radsvinn's rig.
Once you have this weapon, climb the drill rig. When you reach the giant dwarf statue, turn left and move forward. Use the first pot with explosives to open the path, then stop when you reach the second pot. Defeat the enemies here, then look back where you came from, towards the dwarf statue. The raven is on the rock to your left.
#12 — Alberich Island
You can reach the area with this raven only after acquiring the weapon in The Forge in Svartalfheim with Brok as part of the story. Use it to the left of the chest on the island to climb up.
You will find the spirit as part of the favor The Lost Treasure to your left, but if you go up and to the left, you'll see debris that can be broken with a sonic arrow — the bird flies in a circle behind them.
#13 — Alberich Island
Follow the path after obtaining the previous raven on Alberich Island. This one is located in the gap between the rocks, to the right of the treasure map Washed Ashore.
All Odin's Ravens in Alfheim
Alfheim is the second major location you can explore in God of War Ragnarok. There are ten Odin's ravens in total here, but you can only collect six on your first visit. The rest will become available later, after obtaining a special tool.
#1 — The Strond
Follow the path upwards until you reach a high point in the canyon with a small circle on the ground next to a chest. When you exit this area, move forward until you find yourself on a large stone bridge overlooking the crest of the Temple of Light. In the distance, you will see a dead tree. The bird sits on the tree near the first chest, just beyond where you will first see the purple Twilight Stone.
#2 — Temple of Light
Proceed through the Temple of Light until you reach the Light of Alfheim. When you do, turn right onto the large spiral staircase. Walk just a few steps on it, then jump off to the left. You will find yourself in a small area with an Artifact, a legendary chest, and one of Odin's ravens.
The green bird is behind a metal grate, next to a purple Twilight Stone.
Aim at the lower left part of the crystal and position Kratos so that the line turns blue. Once you are in position, throw your axe.
#3 — Temple of Light
The second bird is located in the room before the chest. Defeat the appearing light elves, and you will see a staircase surrounded by purple crystals on both sides. Look to the left, here is one of the ravens sitting on a distant building.
#4 — The Canyons
Once you complete the main story quest Groa’s Secret, you will gain access to the Canyon leading to The Barrens desert in Alfheim.
The raven can be seen to the right of the dwarven shop. The green bird doesn't stay in one place, so you'll need to try to get as close to it as possible.
#5 — The Barrens
In The Barrens of Alfheim, you can find two of Odin's ravens, the first of which sits on a tree located to the west of the desert, near a small structure hiding a legendary chest and lore.
#6 — The Barrens
The second bird in The Barrens is located in the left eye of the giant skeleton in the north, directly opposite the location of the first raven in this area.
#7 — The Forbidden Sands
The raven in this part of Alfheim can be seen behind the statue of the troll and the lore in the southwestern area.
#8 — The Forbidden Sands
The second bird in The Forbidden Sands of Alfheim flies around Freyr's statue, to the west of The Burrows.
#9 — The Forbidden Sands
The green bird in this part of Alfheim is located on the top of the mountain where you fight the Frost Phantom. The raven sits on the right side of the structure. Throw the axe much higher than the bird to avoid missing.
#10 — The Forbidden Sands
The last bird in Alfheim is the hardest to find, as you first need to destroy the debris under the outer entrance to the elven library. You will find the raven flying on the left side right after entering inside.
All Odin's Ravens in Vanaheim
Vanaheim is one of the largest areas in the game, and it is literally filled with the birds we need. There are 15 birds to be found here, six of which become available during your first journey. To access the remaining ravens, you will have to return here in the storyline a little later.
#1 — Southern Wilds
This bird in the Southern Wilds is located not far from the beginning of the area. When you enter the area, move forward and to the left. Look for a giant arch made of roots. Go under it, and you will find yourself near a small lake. You will see the raven flying in the sky above the water.
#2 — The Abandoned Village
The raven is inside the tree, but to see it, you will have to climb onto the statue. It can be found by exploring the main round building consisting of several levels. Look for the green bird on the upper level, to the right of the entrance through the rift.
#3 — River Delta
The first bird from the River Delta sits to the left of the legendary chest, but first, you will need to solve a puzzle involving a red berry and arrows. This will help you access the platform with the chest.
#4 — The Veiled Passage
The raven from The Veiled Passage is located at the top of the area, near the skeletons hanging from the ceiling.
#5 — River Delta
The second raven sits on top of a tree root located above the river. To hit it, you must find a way through the raised bridge by climbing through The Veiled Passage and lowering the golden chain. You will see the bird below.
#6 — Goddess Falls
The bird circles around the triple waterfall where you dock the boat. Climb onto one of the ledges to reach it.
That's all for the first part of the Ravens in Vanaheim; you can collect the rest when you return to Vanaheim in the storyline. Further, you will see spoilers in the images and text.
#7 — Eastern Barri Woods
You are allowed to destroy this raven only after revisiting Vanaheim in the storyline closer to the end of the game. The bird sits inside the tree, down a short path from the chest and up the spiral staircase.
#8 — Freyr's Camp
The name of the area is a bit misleading, as the raven in Freyr's Camp is actually not near the camp itself, but to the north of it, if you go through the doors on the right side of the camp and the shop.
We can't say for sure, but many players claim this bird only appears at night. Go left, and you will see a large blue circle hanging on the roots. The bird sits on a small tree above the pond.
#9 — The Jungle
You will be able to see this raven in The Jungle in the Vanaheim Crater area, but to access it, you will have to bring the water back to the valley by completing the Return of the River quest obtained in The Jungle area. You will need the ability to sail a boat.
#10 — The Plains
Once you return the water to the crater by completing the Return of the River request in The Jungle area in the Vanaheim Crater, you will be able to get here and collect the bird by taking the boat to the left of the entrance to The Jungle.
#11 — The Plains
The second raven is located in a small ravine in the northeastern part of The Plains, just below and northwest of the Mystic Gateway. The bird sits inside a breach, which is to the right of the crack in the rock through which Kratos can crawl.
#12 — The Plains
The third bird is in the northwestern part of The Plains, opposite the poisoned gates leading to the chest. It sits in a crevice under the red chest.
#13 — The Plains
The fourth raven of Odin in The Plains area is perched on top of a cliff in the center of the location. You can see it if you look west from the frozen lightning.
#14 — The Plains
The last bird in the Vanaheim Crater area is easy to spot if you look at the chest with forgotten materials, which stands opposite the shop in the eastern part of The Plains.
#15 — The Sinkholes
After you have completed the Return of the River request obtained in The Jungle area, you can take a boat and sail along the path to the left of the Mystic Gateway and the Berserker Gravestone in The Sinkholes.
At the end of this river, dock the boat and turn around to see the raven sitting on a rock opposite, to the left of the chain that opens an alternative path out of this area.
All Odin's Ravens in Midgard
Midgard is the smallest of the worlds available for exploration in God of War: Ragnarok. There are six Odin's Ravens to be found here, and all are available during the first visit.
#1 — The Derelict Outpost
West of Tyr's Temple, at the end of a long and winding path, you will find the Derelict Outpost. Park your sled and jump over the wall, but do not proceed forward to the Mystic Gateway or the chain leading to Sindri's shop. Instead, look immediately to the left. You will see a stranded ship, frozen between the rocks above you. Follow under the ship and look into the large hole in its hull. The first raven of the Derelict Outpost sits above a dead body.
#2 — The Derelict Outpost
This bird in Midgard is located right behind the shop. It is situated to the right, on a small wooden column with a swinging mechanism beneath it. To kill it, Kratos will need to throw the axe a little higher.
#3 — Lake of Nine
Look around Tyr's Temple. On the sled, follow next to the temple and move as if you are heading to the frozen lightning. The raven is inside a small icy cave on the southern side.
#4 — Lake of Nine
Do not enter the shelter. Instead, stop your sled at the giant stone doors. This Raven sits above a large snow-covered chain, just beyond the entrance to the Raider Hideout in the eastern part of Midgard.
#5 — Well of Urd
It is easiest to collect during the storyline, after visiting the Norns, but you can go the same way as before, through the crack in the cliff.
In the Well of Urd, climb up and squeeze through the crack in the wall. Climb up the back wall after the crack. As you approach the top, you will see markers on the wall indicating that you can move left instead of jumping up. Move forward and track the red flag fluttering in the wind. Examine the mountain behind this flag. The bird sits on a pole opposite the camp.
#6 — The Oarsman
Reach the statue of the Oarsman in Midgard. You can get here by turning right at the broken part of Tyr's statue in the Shores of Nine area. Proceed with the quest until you kill the centaur, then climb the ice and pull the giant chain from the other side. This will open the second set of stairs. Approach the frozen ship and look at the statue of the Oarsman located to your right. You will see Odin's Raven sitting on a rock above the statue's knee.
All Odin's Ravens in Helheim
There are only two ravens to be found in Helheim, and both are available during the first visit to the location. If you missed one of the birds, you can return here at any time.
#1 — Helgrind
The first Raven in Helgrind is right next to the Mystic Gateway you pass through when returning to Hel with Atreus as part of the storyline. It circles to the left of the pillar that needs to be destroyed with a spear.
#2 — Helgrind
The second bird in the Helgrind area in Helheim sits next to the Mystic Gateway at the end of the area.
All Odin's Ravens in Muspelheim
In Muspelheim, you can find two of Odin's Ravens. Both are available during the first visit.
#1 — Sutr's Forge
This bird is located directly opposite the forge itself, in an arch to the right of the lava stream descending from the cliff.
#2 — Burning Cliffs
The last raven in Muspelheim is on the way back to the Mystic Gateway, to the right of the Legendary Chest. This area can be accessed by passing through a crack in the wall.
Other guides
- God of War: Ragnarok Walkthrough — All Story Missions, Bosses, and Chests
- Where to Find All Relics (Sword Hilts) in God of War: Ragnarok
- All Muspelheim Trials in God of War: Ragnarok
- Walkthrough of All Side Quests (Requests) in God of War: Ragnarok