The Witcher effect: four Fallout games hit Steam trends after the release of the Amazon series

The premiere of the Fallout series predictably brought back the popularity of the old games in the famous universe. A similar phenomenon occurred with The Witcher series when Netflix released the first season of The Witcher.

At the time of writing this note, four installments are trending in the list of most popular games (provided by the SteamDB service): the original Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76. The fourth installment is enjoying the highest popularity.

Interestingly, two games — Fallout 76 and Fallout 2 — have even managed to break their record online presence on Steam.

It is worth mentioning that the series premiered on April 11th. The series has received very high ratings from players and critics alike.

Previously, Bethesda announced that a next-gen update for the fourth installment would be released on April 25th. Because of this, the creators of the major mod Fallout: London had to postpone its release.

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