Best Arlecchino Builds in Genshin Impact

Arlecchino is the Fourth Harbinger of the Fatui, serving the cunning Tsaritsa. After the release of update 4.6 for Genshin Impact, she will become a playable character. In this guide, we will talk about her active and passive abilities, advantages and disadvantages, materials required for ascension and leveling, as well as heroes who will perfectly complement her in the team.
Arlecchino Features
The Fatui Harbinger is considered a premium character. To unlock her potential, you will need to obtain her multiple times through wishes. Only then will you gain access to her constellations. In addition, a five-star signature weapon that boosts her key attribute — Lifelong Duty — is required. As a result, you will get an excellent attacking heroine with massive base damage. However, if you are unable or unwilling to spend multiple times on banners, it might be better to choose another character.
Arlecchino Description — Title, Affiliation, Constellation, and Gender
- Gender: Female;
- Rarity:
- Element: Pyro (fire);
- Weapon: Spear;
- Constellation: Lord of Stone;
- Affiliation: Fatui Harbingers, House of Hearth;
- Titles: Head of the House of Hearth, Fourth Fatui Harbinger, Servant.
Arlecchino hails from Fontaine. She grew up in an orphanage ruled by harsh regulations. Once, she was forced to fight her best friend Clervie. Arlecchino not only won the fight but accidentally killed the girl. This enraged her, and she attacked the orphanage's owner, Krukabeny, who was a Harbinger, and did not stop until the woman was dead. Soon after, the Fatui troops arrived and arrested Arlecchino. However, the Tsaritsa pardoned her and declared her the new Harbinger.
Since then, she has held the title of Servant and takes her place alongside Scaramouche, Capitano, and Signora. Arlecchino is involved in recruiting people who will become soldiers in the Fatui army in the future. For the Tsaritsa, brute force is just one way to achieve her goals, which she resorts to in the most extreme cases. However, when blackmail does not work and persuasion fails, brute force in the form of hordes of armed soldiers is employed.
Nevertheless, Arlecchino does not shy away from using her people for espionage. Her task always boils down to carrying out the Tsaritsa's orders. And she decides how to achieve this goal. For example, at her command, Yefim attempted to infiltrate the Shuumatsuban but failed. Sometimes, the Harbinger's subordinates take liberties, such as organizing sabotage. However, it is unknown how Arlecchino reacts to such liberties.
Arlecchino's Active Abilities
Arlecchino has a unique combat mechanic based on Life's Duty. Therefore, we recommend carefully studying this section to use the character's abilities wisely.
Execution Invitation (normal attack). The heroine performs up to 6 spear thrusts. The charged version of this attack deals additional damage but consumes stamina. If desired, you can hold the attack button for 5 seconds to move faster and glide over the surface of snow or water. In this case, stamina consumption will be even higher. The plunge attack traditionally deals AoE damage.
Note: By default, Arlecchino's attacks deal physical, not fire damage.
If the heroine has Life's Duty, which is equal to or exceeds 30% of her maximum health, then all of her basic attacks will deal pure Pyro damage. Moreover, this infusion cannot be overridden by any other element. This state is called the Red Death Mask. At the same time, each of Arlecchino's thrusts becomes more powerful than standard attacks but consumes 7.5% of the Life's Duty scale. How to fill it up will be discussed below.
Everything Turns to Dust (elemental skill). Strikes enemies with a spear, then performs an AoE attack. Both thrusts deal pure Pyro damage and apply the Blood Oath Command status to enemies. It lasts for half a minute and hits enemies with fire every 5 seconds. If you attack an enemy with an elemental burst or elemental skill during this time, you will remove this status but receive Life's Duty points equal to 65% of Arlecchino's maximum health scale.
During the duration of one elemental skill, you can obtain additional Life's Duty points several times, but no more than 145% of the life force limit. To do this, you need to hit three enemies under the effect of Blood Oath Command. If you reapply the elemental skill, you can get more Life's Duty points. Note that they will not disappear even if you switch to another character.
Cooldown — 20 seconds. Energy generation — 5 units.
Ascension of the Blood Moon (elemental burst). Deals AoE damage, restores the ability to use the elemental skill, removes the Blood Oath Command status from all enemies, and restores Arlecchino's health at the expense of Life's Duty points, which are reset to zero. Note that due to the first passive skill, the elemental burst is the only way to heal the heroine during battle. Dishes and healing abilities of ally healers do not work on the Fatui Harbinger.
Cooldown — 15 seconds. Energy cost — 60 units.
We recommend primarily leveling up Arlecchino's basic attack, then her elemental skill, and finally — the elemental burst.
Arlecchino's Passive Skills
- Only Ashes Will Sate. Increases the heroine's Pyro damage by 40%, but deprives her of the ability to heal through squad mates' skills or food. Rely on your own elemental burst.
- Only Suffering Will Redeem. If you kill an enemy with the Blood Oath Command status, you will receive Life's Duty equal to 130% of your maximum life force. A similar effect will occur when absorbing Life's Duty from an elemental burst, but only if the enemy was under this status for at least 5 seconds. However, you still cannot exceed the limit of 145% of your health scale.
- Only Strength Will Protect. When Arlecchino's attack power exceeds 1000 units, for every additional 100 points you will receive 1% resistance to physical and elemental damage. The maximum is 20%, which you will reach when your attack is 3000 units.
Arlecchino's Constellations
Constellations are special passive skills, access to which requires obtaining the character again during the wish event.
- 1st Constellation. I Shall Bear All Retributions and Responsibilities.... The Red Death Mask state becomes 100% more effective. At the same time, normal and charged attacks gain additional resistance to interruption.
- 2nd Constellation. For Kind Deeds and Transgressions, I Shall Repay.... Available only if you have unlocked the second passive skill named Only Suffering Will Redeem. Blood Oath Command gains an additional Retribution status. In this case, absorbing Blood Oath Command deals damage equal to 900% of your base attack. The effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
- 3rd Constellation. You Shall Become a New Member of Our Family.... Increases the level of the basic attack by 3 units, but not beyond 15.
- 4th Constellation. Henceforth, Love and Protect Each Other.... If the heroine absorbs Blood Oath Command in any way, she regenerates 15 units of energy and reduces the cooldown of the elemental skill by 2 seconds. The effect occurs no more often than once every 10 seconds.
- 5th Constellation. Alone We Are But Dead. Increases the effectiveness of the elemental burst by 3 levels, but not more than 15.
- 6th Constellation. Let Us Rejoice in New Life Together. The effectiveness of the elemental burst is increased by 700% of the current value of Life's Duty and proportionally to your base attack power. After using the ultimate skill, the critical damage of normal attacks is increased by 10%, and that of the elemental burst by 70%. The effect lasts 20 seconds and can occur once every 15 seconds.
The best constellations are the first, third, and sixth. Most of the time, you will be dealing damage with basic and charged attacks, so it's important to increase their damage. As a bonus, the effectiveness of your elemental burst will significantly increase.
How to Obtain (Where to Find) Resources for Arlecchino's Talent Level-Up
Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of 'Order' can be found in the Pale Forgotten Flower dungeon on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Its location is marked on the map.
Recruit's, Sergeant's, and Officer's Insignias drop from Marksmen. They are less commonly found on Fatui Agents and Cicin Mages. Refer to our map for guidance.
Fading Candle drops from a boss named The Servant. It debuted in update 4.6. The map indicates the dungeon where you can battle it.
Crown of Contempt can be obtained by participating in certain time-limited events, also known as events. One such event started after the 4.6 update. Additionally, the crown is awarded for reaching level 11 of the Tree of Eternal Frost.
Where to Find (How to Obtain) Resources for Arlecchino's Ascension
Ascension should be performed after level 20 to continue character development.
We have already discussed Recruit's, Sergeant's, and Officer's Insignias above.
Rainbow Rose can be found in the open world of Fontaine.
Agnidus Agate Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones can be obtained after defeating bosses such as Signora, Wolf Lord, Azhdaha, Ancient Geovishap, Pyro Regisvine, Algorithm of Semi-Perpetual Matrix Operator, Emperor of Fire and Iron, and Pyro Hypostasis.
Fragment of Golden Melody drops from a boss known as Golem Legate or Marble and Brass Statue. It debuted in the game after the release of update 4.6. The location of the Dilapidated Theatre dungeon with it is marked on the map.
The Best Weapon for Arlecchino
Crimson Moon Semblance. Harbinger's signature five-star spear that perfectly unleashes her abilities and significantly increases damage. Base attack — 48-674, critical damage chance — 4.8-22.1%. Landing a charged attack on an enemy grants Arlecchino additional Life Debt points equal to 25% of her maximum health. The effect can trigger once every 14 seconds. As long as Arlecchino has any amount of Life Debt, her attack is increased by 12-28%. And if this value is more than 30% of the health scale, damage is further increased by 24-56%. This weapon can be obtained through the weapon wish of update 4.6.
Jade Falcon. An alternative option that also suits Arlecchino due to increased efficiency of basic attacks. Deals damage of 48-674 units and has a critical hit chance of 4.8-22.1%. Hitting enemies increases attack power by 3.2-6%. The effect stacks up to 7 times. At maximum level, an additional bonus to spear attacks of 12-24% appears. This weapon can be obtained during the prayers of Divine Manifestation and Wanderlust Invocation.
Skyword Spine. Another five-star weapon that increases the damage of normal attacks. Its base attack is 48-674 units, and as a bonus, it increases energy recharge rate by 8-36.8%. Increases the speed of normal attacks by 12%, and critical hit damage by 8-16%. If a normal or charged attack hits an enemy, there is a 50% chance a blade will appear, dealing 40-100% of your standard damage. The effect can trigger once every 2 seconds. This weapon can be obtained through the prayers of Wanderlust Invocation and Divine Manifestation.
Crescent Pike. A free four-star spear that can be crafted from materials available in the open world of the game. Its base damage is 44-565 units, and it has a bonus to physical attacks of 7.5-34.5%. If you pick up an elemental orb, your attacks will be enhanced by 20-40% for 5 seconds.
To craft Crescent Pike, you will need:
- Northlander Polearm Billet (1);
- Crystal Chunk (50);
- White Iron Chunk (50);
- Mora (500).
Northlander Polearm Billet drops from such bosses as Wolf Lord, Stormterror, Signora, Childe, Azhdaha, and Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto. Additionally, it can be purchased from souvenir shops in Mondstadt and Liyue.
Look for crystals in the open world of the game.
White iron can be found in various regions of Teyvat.
Best Artifacts for Arlecchino
You should consider sets that increase the power of basic attacks and Pyro damage.
Fragment of Harmonic Fantasy
- 2 pieces: increase attack power by 18%;
- 4 pieces: when the value of the Life Debt scale changes (increases or decreases), your damage increases by 18%. The effect lasts for 3 seconds and can stack up to 3 times.
The best set of artifacts for Arlecchino. During combat, you will constantly be gaining and spending Life Debt points, so the heroine will always be able to receive an attack bonus from 4 pieces. You can find this set in the Dilapidated Theatre dungeon, which appeared after the release of update 4.6. Its location is indicated on the map.
Gladiator's Finale
- 2 pieces: increases attack power by 18%;
- 4 pieces: increases the damage of normal attacks by 35% if the character uses a melee weapon.
A simple yet effective way to significantly enhance the efficiency of normal spear attacks. This set can be obtained as a reward for defeating bosses such as Signora, Childe, Stormterror, Wolf of the North, Ancient Geovishap, Oceanid, Cryo Regisvine, Pyro Regisvine, and various element Hypostases.
Crimson Witch of Flames
- 2 pieces: increases Pyro DMG by 15%;
- 4 pieces: increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40%, and Melt and Vaporize DMG by 15%. Triggering one of these reactions increases Pyro DMG by an additional 7.5% for 10s. Can stack up to 3 times.
This option is suitable only if you heavily rely on elemental reactions. It boosts the damage from those reactions and further enhances your basic Pyro attacks. The Crimson Witch of Flames can be found in the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula domain.
Primary artifact stats:
- Health;
- Attack;
- Pyro DMG Bonus;
- Critical Rate or Critical Damage.
Secondary artifact stats:
- Energy Recharge;
- Critical Damage.
Pros and Cons of Arlecchino
- Deals high damage with basic attacks, which are enhanced by Pyro infusion;
- Ascensions increase critical hit damage, significantly boosting damage output;
- Mastery of Pyro allows for reactions with all existing elements, with Hydro and Electro being the most effective;
- Can deal physical damage, which is useful in certain situations;
- Effective against both single targets and multiple enemies. This makes Arlecchino a versatile attacking character, capable of handling crowds of weak mobs as well as strong bosses;
- Bonus to attacks in the form of Life Debt does not disappear over time and remains even if the character leaves the battlefield;
- Low cost of elemental burst;
- Recovers health and increases resistance to damage through her own abilities;
- Moves quickly and can fly over ground or water surfaces.
- Complex to master. You will need to keep an eye on the Life Debt value and skillfully manage the Blood Oath status that the character imposes on enemies;
- Reaches full potential only with her signature spear. Other types of weapons poorly complement Arlecchino's abilities;
- Due to the first passive skill, you cannot heal the character with allies' abilities or special dishes;
- It will be difficult to manage without a good shielder, who would allow increasing resistance to enemy damage;
- Without the first constellation, there is no protection from interrupting attacks. And it is necessary for dealing damage with basic attacks. You will have to dodge in time or rely on a shield.
How to play Arlecchino. Which heroes combine well with her in a team
The peculiarity of Arlecchino is that she doesn't need a healer, as the healing abilities won't be able to restore the lost health. A shielder should take this position. Choose other characters depending on your tactics. These can be representatives of other elements or heroes who wield fire.
The optimal battle tactic for Arlecchino looks like this. At the beginning of the battle, you use the elemental skill. Then switch to other characters to apply a buff on the heroine, create a shield, summon a non-playable ally, or lay the groundwork for future reactions with fire. You have about 5 seconds for this. After that, switch to Arlecchino and use the charged attack. Hit the enemies with normal attacks while you have Life Debt. As soon as it ends, use the elemental skill again.
Then, act according to the situation. If the character has enough health, use the abilities of other characters or immediately start hitting enemies with spear attacks. If you need healing — use the elemental burst. We do not recommend using it just like that — it's better to wait until Arlecchino has less than half of her life force. Remember, you have no other way to restore her health.
Pure Pyro-damage team:
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- Secondary Pyro character: Xiangling, Dehya, Yoimiya, Shavrez, or Amber;
- Anemo hero for Swirl reaction: Kazuha, Venti, Wanderer, or Faruzan;
- Shielder: Xinyan or Thoma.
With this approach, you will rely on Pyro resonance. And area attacks will be more effective thanks to the abilities of Anemo characters.
Vaporize Reaction Team (Pyro + Hydro)
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- Hydro character for elemental reactions: Yelan, Ayato, Mona, or Neville;
- Anemo hero for Swirl reaction: Wanderer, Kazuha, Venti, or Faruzan;
- Shielder: Zhongli, Diona, Xinyan, Kirara, or Thoma.
Use the Hydro characters' abilities to apply the Wet status to opponents, then use Arlecchino's fire abilities. This way, you will deal additional damage. The effect can be dispersed through your allies' Anemo abilities.
Team Relying on Overload (Pyro + Electro)
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- Electro character for elemental reactions: Keqing, Fischl, or Yae Miko;
- Anemo hero for Swirl reaction: Kazuha, Wanderer, Venti, or Faruzan;
- Shielder: Xinyan, Zhongli, Diona, Kirara, or Thoma.
Arlecchino's fire, applied over electricity, will cause a powerful explosion. Its effectiveness can be increased through Dispersion created by Anemo characters.
Team Focused on Burning (Pyro + Dendro) and Bloom (Dendro + Hydro + Pyro) Reactions
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- Dendro character for elemental reactions: Tighnari, Nahida, Traveler (Dendro), Kirara, Collei, or Al-Haitham;
- Hydro character for elemental reactions: Yelan, Ayato, Mona, or Neville;
- Shielder: Xinyan, Zhongli, Diona, or Thoma.
With this approach, you will be able to constantly deal Pyro damage through the combination of fire with the Dendro element or create cores (Dendro + Hydro) that will detonate upon contact with Arlecchino's fire abilities.
Team with Pure and Continuous Pyro Damage
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- Dendro character for elemental reactions: Nahida, Tighnari, Kirara, Collei, Al-Haitham, or Traveler (Dendro);
- Secondary Pyro character:[/yellow] Dehya, Amber, Xiangling, Yoimiya, or Shavrez;
- Shielder: Zhongli, Xinyan, Thoma, or Diona.
A variation of the previous team, where explosive cores are replaced with increased Pyro damage. Due to the reaction with the Dendro element, it will be constant and continuous.
Squad Relying on Melt Reaction (Pyro + Cryo)
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- Cryo character for elemental reactions: Ganyu, Ayaka, Rosaria, or Shenhe;
- Anemo hero for Swirl reaction: Kazuha, Wanderer, Venti, or Faruzan;
- Shielder: Xinyan, Zhongli, Diona, Kirara, or Thoma.
The combination of ice and fire leads to Melt, which significantly increases your damage.
Team Focused on Geo Resonance (Strong Shield).
- Main attacking heroine: Arlecchino;
- [yellow]Secondary Pyro character: Amber, Xiangling, Dehya, Yoimiya, or Shavrez;
- [blue]Geo character for elemental resonance:[/span] Albedo, Itto, Tighnari, Noelle, Ningguang, or Yun Jin;
- Geo shielder: Zhongli.
With this approach, your task is to apply Geo abilities from two different heroes on each other to trigger resonance. In this case, shield strength and the damage of the active character, namely Arlecchino, will increase by 15%. Otherwise, the tactic remains the same: combine the Harbinger's skills with the abilities of the second Pyro hero, attack enemies, and use elemental explosions in time to heal. However, for this team to be effective, you will need Zhongli.
How to obtain Arlecchino? When will her banner appear in the game?
The prayer for Arlecchino became available on April 24, 2024. She appeared along with the 2.6 update.
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