How to Get into the Jade Chamber in Genshin Impact

The Jade Chamber in Genshin Impact is a floating castle that you need to access as part of the quest The Floating Palace in the third chapter of the first act. You are invited to the palace by a stranger named Ganyu, an emissary of Ningguang, but she doesn't tell you how to get there. Together with Paimon, you'll need to figure it out.
How to Get into the Jade Chamber
- Head to Mount Tianheng, located between the Sea of Clouds and Lisha Outskirts, and climb it. From there, you'll have a view of the Floating Palace. Paimon doesn't know the way there and suggests looking around. Climb a bit higher and approach the clover-shaped mechanism. Activate it with Anemo damage. Then you need to take off and fly through two glowing rings, which will give you a speed boost to reach the floating island.
- On the island, it becomes clear that you need help, and you must go to the ballista operated by Gui Zhong. Descend from the island and head towards her; on the way, you will encounter Millelith soldiers who will try to stop and arrest you. You will need to defeat three waves of attacking Millelith soldiers.
- After the fight, Keqing will appear and explain why you were invited to the Jade Chamber and how to get there. The way there will be shown by a guide at the Moonsea Pavilion in the city.
- After talking with Keqing, the The Floating Palace quest will be completed, but you still haven't entered inside.
- Paimon wants to prepare a gift for Ningguang, so you need to find the necessary ingredients for it. To complete this task, follow the direction indicators under the mini-map.
- After that, you will have to rescue a person from a cage, and as a reward for your help, he will allow you to choose a gift box for the delicacies. You and Paimon will then go to the Mingxing Jewelry to talk with the head of the jewelry house and take everything needed for the gift. After that, you can go in search of the guide to the palace.
- Following the indicators under the mini-map, reach the guide named Bu Yun and talk to him. Paimon will say the password, and you will find yourself in the Jade Chamber.
Inside the Jade Chamber, Ningguang will greet you, tell you about the palace and the Archon War, and then invite you inside. In the palace, you can look around, take the scroll Li Yue Tradition: Meeting the God from the table behind Ningguang, talk to the Jade Chamber's secretary Bai Shi to receive the Diligence directive reward. But there's something even more interesting: while the quest is not yet completed, approach the cabinet with scrolls to the right of the wall with papers that Paimon noticed. There, you can take a Strange Notebook with a cipher that needs to be deciphered. It's simple, the cipher is recorded as follows: paragraph: word: letter | letter, and you need to look in the scroll Li Yue Tradition: Meeting the God that you took earlier. The decryption of the note in the notebook:
The Fatui will attack the Golden House
Once you take the paper with the map from the wall, the quest will be completed, the notebook will become unavailable, and the Equilibrium quest will be accomplished.
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