How to get Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact, to upgrade your characters and their weapons, you will need various resources that can be found in the game world. For the ascension of certain heroes and the creation of some items, you will need to collect Dandelion Seeds. In this guide, we will tell you where to find them.
First, you need to find the place where the dandelions grow. They are most commonly found near Mondstadt. Look around the city gates and by the lake. There is a particularly large cluster of dandelions southwest of Teyvat's capital.
You can find the exact location of the dandelions using the interactive map. To do this, follow the link and click on the Dandelion Seeds icon in the Plants menu.
When you find dandelions, use Anemo magic on them. This element is possessed by both the main character and other characters like Venti, Sucrose, Xiao, and Jean. After using the spell, the seeds you need will drop from the flowers. Dandelions grow in groups, so there should be no problem finding them.
Dandelion Seeds are used for the ascension of Jean and the creation of various items. Among them are Gushing Essential Oil, which increases Anemo damage, Windbarrier Potion, which increases Anemo resistance, and Anemoculus Resonance Stone, which makes it much easier to find this resource.
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