Where to find all Order of the Ancients cultists in Assassin's Creed Valhalla: location maps

In the world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, you can track down 45 members of the Order of the Ancients. Eliminating all members of the order will unlock the achievement The Last Days of the Order of the Ancients and complete the questline Breaking the Order. In this guide, we will tell you where to find them and how to eliminate them.
In the game menu, under the Order tab, you can track the number of cultists you have killed. Thirteen characters will be killed as part of the main storyline quests. The rest you will have to find on your own.
You can get hints about the whereabouts of the order leaders by killing well-trained fanatics (zealots) who roam freely in the game world. Your character should be highly leveled and well-armed, so it is advisable to start hunting the Order of the Ancients members after completing the main storyline campaign. You can find a zealot by the knight helmet icon on the map or navigator.
How to simplify the search for zealots on the map
At the beginning of the game, in the storyline quest Heavy Is the Head, after the boss battle, you can choose to kill Leofrith or not. If you kill him, members of the Order of the Ancients will hunt you throughout the game. This is an excellent way to reduce the time spent searching for zealots. Now you won't need to look for them in locations; they will come to you, and you just have to kill them.
If you spare Leofrith, he will tell you about a scroll with your name on it, which you need to burn. After completing this task, the zealots will stop hunting you, and you will have to search for them yourself in the game world.
Where to find zealots
Zealots patrol certain areas, so their exact locations cannot be pinpointed. We have marked the routes they travel on the maps. Upon arriving at the location, scan the area with Odin's Sight. At some point, a helmet icon will appear on the map. Move towards the marker to find the cultist.
Kent region.
Essex region.
Hamtunscire region.
Sussex region.
Oxenefordscire region.
Oxenefordscire region.
Lincolnscire region.
Grantebridgescire region.
Glowecestrescire region.
Sciropescire region.
Lincolnscire region.
Jorvik region.
Grantebridgescire region.
Ledecestrescire region.
East Anglia region.
Key Cultists of the Order of the Ancients
To find and kill the key cultists, you will need to gather all the clues leading to the target.
Johannes Lukas (The Oil)
1. The first clue can be picked up from the corpse of the zealot Hrothgar.
2. The second clue can be taken in Hamtunscire, near the drinking table.
3. The third clue is located in Hamtunscire, at Readingum Abbey. Find the boarded-up well. Break the cover and go down.
Johannes can be found in the stable of Hamtunscire.
Heika of Friesland (The Scythe)
1. The first clue can be obtained from the corpse of Woden.
2. The second clue is located in Essexe, in the camp near Maldun Saltworks. To get into the necessary shed, you need to shoot the door latch with a bow.
Heika can be found in the town of Colcestre in the Essexe region.
Beneseck of Bath (The Bell)
1. The first clue can be picked up from the body of Beorhtsige.
2. The second clue is located in the Embert Blockade in the Suthsexe region. In one of the buildings, there is a door with a latch. Go up to the second floor and shoot the latch with a bow. Take the clue.
Beneseck can be found in Brimclif Monastery. Kill him with a bow to remain unnoticed.
Havelok (The Halberd)
1. The first clue can be picked up from the body of Eanbert.
2. The second clue is found in the village of Elgfgarstun in the Lincolnscire region. The clue is located in one of the houses.
You can find Havelok in the town of Lincoln in the Lincolnscire region.
Patrick (The Anvil)
1. The first clue is found on the body of the slain Leofgifu.
2. The second clue can be picked up from the table next to the Temple in Oxenford.
You can find Patrick in the Oxenford forge.
Mucel (The Chisel)
1. The first clue is picked up from the body of Horza.
2. The second clue you need to win in a gambling game in Buckingham.
3. The third clue is picked up in a village west of Oxenford. Find the cave and blow it up with a jar. Inside, you will find the clue.
You can find Mucel near the Buckingham dock.
Gifle (The Spear)
1. The first clue is picked up from the body of Wuffa.
2. The second clue lies in the ruins of the East Anglia tower.
3. The third clue is located in the military camp of East Anglia. Its location is marked on the map.
You can find Gifle in the Thetford Forest of East Anglia.
Eanbert (The Parchment)
Located in a barricaded house in the town of Gloucester in the Gloucestershire region.
Tata (The Sting)
1. The first clue is taken from the body of Eanbert.
2. The second clue is taken from the ruined tower in eastern Sciropescire.
You can find Tata in the stables of Quatford, located in eastern Sciropescire.
Gunilla (The Adze)
1. The first clue is taken from the body of Cola.
2. The second clue you must win in a drinking competition in Ledecestrescire.
3. The third clue is located in a house on the lands of Ledecestrescire.
You can find Gunilla at the dock in Repton.
Storyline Assassinations of Order Members
Hilda (The Feather)
Killed in the quest Plucking the Feather.
Selwyn (The Noose)
Killed in the quest Strangle the Noose.
Ealferth (The Sickle)
Killed in the quest Pierce the Sickle.
Killed in the quest The Island of Ely.
Bishop Herefrith (The Crozier)
Killed in the Lincolnshire story arc.
Abbess Ingeborg (The Firebrand)
Killed in the quest Burn the Firebrand.
Grigorii (The Needle)
Killed in the quest Pierce the Needle.
Audun (The Vault)
Killed in the quest Close the Vault.
Kjotve the Cruel
Killed during the story part in Norway.
Sister Frideswid (The Leech)
Killed in the quest Blood the Leech.
Avgos Spearhand (The Arrow)
Killed in the quest Shadows on the Walls.
Vicelin (The Compass)
Killed in the quest Smash the Compass.
Fulke (The Instrument)
Killed in the quest The Siege.
Finding Order Members via the Hidden Ones Bureau
Build the Hidden Ones Bureau in your camp to reveal the location of the Order member.
You can find the target by the river in the Grantebridgescire area.
Hunta, Son of Hunta
Build the Hidden Ones Bureau in your camp to reveal the location of the Order member.
You can find the target at the market in Ledecestre.
Heads of the Order of the Ancients
Sister Blaedswith (The Rake)
Appears in the order menu after killing six Order members: The Oil, The Sickle, The Bell, The Quill, The Noose, The Sear.
She can be found in Canterbury, Kent.
Tatfrid (The Lyre)
Appears in the order menu after killing six Order members of the left branch.
He can be found in Grantebridge.
Reeve Derby (The Vice)
Appears in the order menu after killing six Order members of the right branch.
He can be found in Picheringa.
Gorm Kjotvesson (The Keel)
After killing six Order members: Kjotve, Leofgifu, Hunta, Sister Frideswid, Avgos, Wincelin, you will receive the quest In a Strange Land. Complete it to travel to Vinland, where you will need to complete two more quests: Hunting Grounds and Hunter of Beasts. After completing them, you will be able to kill Gorm. He can be found in Narfljot Camp, which is located in Vinland.
The Father
He will appear after killing all 44 members of the Order of the Ancients.
How to Get Thor's Cloak
For each killed Order of the Ancients cultist, you will receive a medallion. Turn them in to Hytham to receive rewards.
- Skills: Poisonous Shot, Poisonous Strike, Incendiary Shot, Incendiary Strike.
- Skill upgrades: Poisonous Shot, Poisonous Strike, Incendiary Shot, Incendiary Strike.
- For all collected medallions, Hytham will give you Thor's Cloak.
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