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Horror, Cooperative (co-op), Survival, Adventure, Demons, Puzzle, First-person view, Detective, Online
Game in development: PC → 2025
Ghost Watchers is a co-op survival horror game with puzzles and demons. Many abandoned houses are haunted. These could be the souls of suicides or demons. This...

Adventure, Indie, Shooter, Puzzle, First-person view, Cyberpunk, Adult game, Futurism (Future), Role-playing game
Game in development: PC → 2025
Anticipation Rating:
Detective adventure action in a cyberpunk setting. Players find themselves in the shoes of a private detective who survives in a gloomy metropolis of the future. In...

Comedy, Action, Cooperative (co-op), Online, Third-person view, Sandbox, Adventure, Casual game, Platformer, Puzzle
Game in development: PC → 2026
Anticipation Rating:
A cooperative puzzle platformer about funny people. The sequel features all-new levels, customizable characters, and even more incredible physics-based puzzles. All...

Game in development: PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch → 14 November 2023
A cooperative rhythmic action game with puzzles in which you need to break the castle's defenses together with your friends. Players find themselves in a mysterious...
Жанр игр, который основывается на классических настольных логических играх, задачах и т.п. Для прохождения уровней от игрока требуется «пошевелить извилинами». Кроме того, часто нужно проявлять скорость, точность и хорошую реакцию. К таким играм относятся как классические пазлы, так и более сложные в геймплейном плане проекты (mind-breaker games).