A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of... Read more
The car is running, there are minor problems with the pistons. There are also some flaws in the body, there are patterns on the wings and on the bottom - this is rust painted over with paint (can be corrected by a mechanic).
Saving for RentApartment and nothing more.
Installation path:
C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
Машина на ходу, есть малые неполадки по поршням. Также есть некоторые недостатки по кузову, на крыльях и на днище присутствуют узоры — это закрашенная краской ржавчина (исправить можно у механика).
Сохранение для RentApartment и не более.
Путь установки:
C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
Useful links: