Games My Summer Car Files Savegames Black stock Satsuma, 500,000 marks [RentApartment]

Black stock Satsuma, 500,000 marks [RentApartment]

Author: Taigeer
Size: 11.36 MB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: September 6, 2024, 12:01 PM
Downloads: 78

The car is running, there are minor problems with the pistons. There are also some flaws in the body, there are patterns on the wings and on the bottom - this is rust painted over with paint (can be corrected by a mechanic).

Saving for RentApartment and nothing more.

Installation path:

C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

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Чёрная сток Сатсума, 500000 марок [RentApartment]

Машина на ходу, есть малые неполадки по поршням. Также есть некоторые недостатки по кузову, на крыльях и на днище присутствуют узоры — это закрашенная краской ржавчина (исправить можно у механика).

Сохранение для RentApartment и не более.

Путь установки:

C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

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