My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
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All reviews My Summer Car
The game is excellent, but this game also has disadvantages: no Russian, bad physics
Pros: you can assemble and disassemble the car down to every detail, tuning, mods.
Игра отличнейшая но и у этой игры есть минусы : нету русского, плохая физика
Плюсы: можно собрать и разобрать машину до каждой детали, тюнинг,моды.
Cool game, but as for me at the moment the graphics are a little lame, and there are a lot of bugs. The co-op mod gives it a new life, but I don’t see the point in playing like that
Крутая игра, но как по мне на данный момент графика немного храмает, да и багов много. Кооп мод даёт ей новую жизнь, ну а так играть не вижу смысла
top game. you can assemble a car, drink stronger beer, and crash the car at a speed of 240 km/h. In general, I recommend it. BUT it does not work on Windows 10 pro 32-bit :(
топовая игра. можно собрать машину,пить пиво и покрепче,разбить машину на скорости 240 км/ч.В общем,советую. НО она не работает на Windows 10 pro 32-bit :(
the game is cool, very realistic car assembly just like in real life, very thought out to the smallest detail
игра классная, очень реалистичная сборка машины как в реальной жизни очень продумана до мелочей
the game is very cool, a lot of transport, a lot of possibilities, a large map, there are a million mods, but a big stone, the transport park of the game, namely in a muscle car, the engine there is old and drives and crashes, and also please add a taxi
игра очень класная куча транспорта куча возможностей большая карта есть милион модов но большой камень транспортный парк игры а именно в маслкар двиготель там старый а гонит и врезается а ёщё пожалоста добавти такси
assembled a satsuma from old parts - the pistons fell out
went through the engine - the piston flew out
you drive in first gear - the piston flew out
you drive in fourth - the piston flew out
cleaned the septic tank - the piston flew out
total: 3 that flew out piston out of 4
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