Goice is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga/adult twist from the masters at Tenshindo. The game is published by Tenshindo. There has still...
Nooch 3: Saigo no Seisen is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga/adult twist from the masters at Soft House studio Bon bee Bon Bon. The game...
Marble Cooking is a top-down action game with puzzle elements, an anime/manga game, and a game for adults. The game is published by Negative. The PC...
Animahjong X Perfect is a first-person strategy game with elements of an anime/manga game, an adult game and a card game from Studio Sogna. The game...
Psychic Detective Series Vol.4: Orgel is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist from the masters at Data West. The main publisher of the...
Princess Minerva is a top-down role-playing game with elements of an anime or manga game and a fantasy game from developers from the studio Riverhill...
Ballade For Maria is a first-person adventure with a dash of horror, anime/manga, and adult games from developers FairyTale. The game is published by...
Agalta 2 is a first-person role-playing game with an anime/manga/fantasy twist from Fenrir Studios. The game is published by Fenrir. But Agalta 2 has...