The return to the post-apocalyptic world of Chernobyl. Players can finally roam through a large open seamless world containing iconic elements from... Read more
This mod allows you to quickly travel to any location in the game, even if the player has never been there. Note: It is necessary to complete the first main quest, which will allow you to use guides (the first transition to the next location); ...
A simple mod that increases the amount of money received when selling items to a merchant by 50% from the base 100%. Installation: Download the archive and extract the file from it along the path S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Cont ...
Food will no longer restore the player's health when consumed. Installation: Select only one archive and extract the file from it along the path S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Content/GameData/EffectPrototypes. Removal: Delet ...
This mod reduces the delay time and the number of grenades thrown by NPCs. Changes: Throw delay increased by 40-50 seconds. Chances are adjusted depending on the number of NPCs 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% (the more NPCs, the greater the chance of them ...
This mod is designed to improve the condition of weapons dropped by enemies. Enemies usually leave weapons in poor condition (red), despite never having them jammed themselves. With the installation of this mod, weapons will drop out in better condi ...
This mod increases movement speed in water. It will conflict with any other mod that modifies EffectPrototypes.cfg. WaterMovementVelocityChange value increased by 25%; WaterTurnRateChangePitch value increased by 25%; WaterTurnRateChangeYaw va ...
An energy booster that allows for 300 sec. carry 20 kg more weight. Installation: Go to the STALKER 2: HOC installation folder, open the folder /STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Content/Paks/. If there is no folder called "~mods", create on ...
A mod that changes the system of item statistics in the game, making it displayed in numbers (0.5/1.0/1.5). Note: Some values can be very low, so if the game shows something like: 0.0. This is not a bug, the game just rounds the numbers, it ...
A simple mod that increases the zoom when aiming a weapon. Several versions available: 10% Zoom in when aiming; 20% Zoom in when aiming; 25% Zoom in when aiming; 30% Zoom in when aiming; 40-% Zoom in when aiming. Installation: Sel ...
This mod removes the weight from all “artifacts” in the game, making it equal to zero (except for the “strange ball”). Compatibility: This mod modifies ArtifactPrototypes.cfg. Any mod that changes it will conflict. Installation: Download the a ...
This mod adds more effects to “artifacts”, changes the balance of some and their prices. Installation: Download the archive and unpack the file from it along the path S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Content/Paks/~mods (if there is ...
This mod allows the in-game detector to detect legendary artifacts. Installation: Download the archive file and unpack it along the path S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Content/Paks/~mods (if there is no ~mods folder, create it). ...
This mod allows you to slow down time around the player. This is a ue4ss lua mod, first you need to install ue4ss3.0.1 . Control keys: side mouse button 1: return to normal speed; side mouse button 2: change speed by 20% and 50%. Install ...
Tired of waiting for your stamina to replenish? This modification will become your faithful assistant. How far can I run with this mod? 25% Stamina cost reduction = Runs approximately 33% longer. 50% = Run 2 times longer. 75% = Run 4 time ...