StarUI interface

Provides full control over most HUD widgets and provides an updated loot list and improved item maps with DPS and V/W. You can resize, move, recolor, or disable most HUD widgets. The loot list can display additional columns such as V/W (sortable) an ...
Disable low health visual effects

Disables visual effects (red pulsating depth distortion effect) when you are at low/critical health. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield.
Immersive Combat HUD

Removed elements that provide combat hints from the interface for greater immersion. Deletes: enemy compass indicator; hit indicator; stealth indicator; enemy health indicator; enemy level; sight (update 1.2). How to run: unpack ...
Compact interface in the construction menu

The modification improves the user interface in the outpost construction menu. The file modifies items so that more items can be seen at once. Increases the number of visible items by 45%. How to run: Create a file called StarfieldCustom.ini in ...
Star Map Improvements

Removed pointless waiting time; Removed the long delay when opening or closing the planet/moon resource map; The delay of the tooltip indicating which core is under the cursor has been removed; transitions to the map of solar systems/galaxie ...
Disabling the interface

doors and inventory are still displayed; grenades and mines still appear. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Recycling the scanner

The scanner has been redesigned with smaller icons and a cleaner appearance. How to run: add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Blank black main menu

A simple black background for the main menu. It's convenient that you can leave the game on while you sleep. How to run: unpack to Data; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Delete scanner circle

This mod will remove the large circle visible on the HUD when using the scanner. How to run: unpack to this path Steam/Steamapps/Common/Starfield/Data; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFi ...
Convenient mission menu

This mod improves the mission screen by clearly indicating which quests are completed and which are still active, making it easier to track progress. With this enhancement, you can more effectively manage your goals and focus on exploring the game's ...
StarUI Inventory

Improves all inventory screens for use on PC. Compact display style. More detailed information in the sortable columns. Product category icons. Category on the left sidebar. Lots of quality of life features. The overview of the list of categori ...
Compact mission user interface

Changes the mission menu to allow more items to be seen at once. Increases item visibility by 50%. Reduces the opacity of completed elements.
Inventory Prefixes

Adds prefixes to items in your inventory. Inspired by prefixes from Fallout 76. [AID] for medical items classified as aid; [AMMO] for ammunition (optional version, excluding AMMO); [BOOK] for various novels and books that you can take and ...
Improved gain panel

This mod changes the color of the player's boost bar to blue and flashes blue when fully recharged. How to run: unpack to this path steamapps/common/Starfield/Data.
Immersive Tactical HUD

The mod aims to improve combat operations by eliminating or simplifying visual clutter. missing enemy health bar + names; no crosshair for hip shooting; smaller crosshair; improved hit markers; improved crit banner; moved XP panel; ...