A simulator of social and public life, a continuation of the popular game series The Sims. The character builder will open new facets of creativity... Read more
AW Base game plants recolor 1. A simple repaint of 3 main play plants - all of which will fit on small shelves. The author added more specimens to the three plants from the base game and adjusted the size so that they all fit on small shelves.
Under Counter Laundry Baskets. Laundry baskets that snap onto counters. They can be found in the same place as the original laundry baskets (Activities & Skills > Miscellaneous).
Pinwheels. Add a grid with 2 pinwheels and tons of samples. Pinwheel is a simple paper toy with 24 patterns. They spin all the time and can be found on children and other decorations.
Wintery Water. Ice water for your pools and fountains. The weather gets colder and the snow starts to fall, but the pools and fountains seem to remain warm. No ice forms and no snow settles. I want to add that finishing touch to my conservatory and l ...
Amy's Garden Plants (Separated). I never like it when we get clusters of plants as a whole, what if I only want to use this little flower pot? Now you have this opportunity.