A simulator of social and public life, a continuation of the popular game series The Sims. The character builder will open new facets of creativity... Read more
The new career interaction "Take a Long Vacation" will be very useful both for schoolchildren who can take a summer vacation, and for role-playing interesting plot twists in which your characters do not have to go to work every day. The mod is notabl ...
This mod will add to your game even more opportunities to reveal the character of your kids, which the developers quite undeservedly deprived them of. Agree, moodlets from teething or interactions with toys will greatly diversify the childhood experi ...
- This is a cheat code that allows you to assign more traits to your Sims through actions in the game. - Unlocks all hidden character traits (absolutely all the traits you have) - Change the line (without going to CAS) - Remove line
This mod will allow you to master the powers of a ghost. To get what they want, the characters must dare to ask Death for it. Once your character gains his new abilities, he will be able to access the various interactions that ghosts have, such as sc ...
This pack brings you a set of character traits with 100 basic game compatible traits. Each trait has its own distinctive buffs and affects relationship building and emotions. The first part focused on making sure Sims had their own stimulation and ...
Is your historical preservation lacking realistic diseases? With this mod you are guaranteed! 4 new deadly diseases such as: typhoid, tuberculosis, scarlet fever and cholera will be added to your game and if left untreated, everything will end badly. ...
Do you want to summon a ghost with your friends and chat with him? Buy a seance table, gather your friends around it and summon a ghost! - New item - Ouija table
Are you good at writing or photography? If so, that's great because our team is looking for volunteers! If you want to develop your passion, don't hesitate to apply. If you are talented enough, you have a chance to join the internship program. 2 bra ...
Scarlett Johansson. In my opinion, she is one of the most beautiful and talented actresses in Hollywood. Of course, she is the Marilyn Monroe of our time. The default installation directory for files should be: C:/documents/electronic arts/thesims4/t ...
This mod will allow your characters to receive social benefits of various types from the state. There are three types of social benefits: unemployment benefits, child support benefits (from toddlers to teenagers) and social pension payments. Payments ...
Sims will have their first kiss autonomously. Influencing factors: character traits, mood, level of relationships, degree of conversation. A Sim who is single or in a relationship with another may not take this step. An NPC will do this instead of th ...
Do you feel like The Sims 4's parenting system is a bit limited, with parent Sims having very little involvement in the lives of their newborn children? This trait will give your Sims a better experience with babies. You can purchase the trait from t ...
Streaming mod for The Sims 4 “Welcome to Switch Gaming! We are a welcoming community for all types of content creators! Our platform is a safe and convenient environment for everyone.” Requires: Get famous and City Living Note: This mod is an exte ...
This mod will bring new activities to your game with babies and toddlers, as well as other parents. If your character already has a child, then you can click on another adult to select the interaction called "Talk about Babies" in the "Love Babies an ...