A simulator of social and public life, a continuation of the popular game series The Sims. The character builder will open new facets of creativity... Read more
Hopeless romantic; - Picky eater; - No sense of humor; - Serial killer; - Overeating; - Black Widow. All of them are the base game. All of them are available for all ages except black widow and hopeless romantic.
This Sim wants to master the craft of woodworking and wants to create beautiful masterpieces for others to enjoy for a living! Reward Traits: Commodity (from the sims 4 reward store after completing level 3, sell your woodwork for an additional fee! ...
Have you ever wished your Sim could work more than one career or multiple part-time jobs like you can in real life? Well, look no further because with this mod you can work on as many game quests as you want! You can work two+ careers, a career and t ...
Lightning strikes that hit 30 squares of any Sim on a lot will now "roll dice" to cause a power outage. You'll know this has happened when the Sim has a tense "that was close" mood. Each throw has a 5% chance of causing a power outage. As a word of c ...
This mod adds a religion system to the game. By reading the holy book, which can be found in purchase mode, your character will be able to join one of four religions: - Cult of Proglotis Cannibalism; - Servants of the Watcher; - Followers of the occu ...
Your vampire characters who are members of vampire clubs will no longer ask permission to drink blood from other characters. They'll just do it!
New spells and curses - Spell "Nutrition Requirement"; — Spell "Steel Bladder"; — The curse of “Farting and Burping”; — Curse "Incontinence"; — Curse “Loss of vigor”; — Curse "Attack of the Vampire Bats"; — Curse "Attack of Electric Fireflies"; — Cur ...
Sim TV for adults, based on WW. Translation included from wild_guy. A new channel for adults has appeared in Simtown... Synerotica. High-quality ENT-friendly porn for your Sims. Featuring entirely in-game footage, with Simlish speech and text for c ...
S-Club ts4 WMLL SHINY Skintones - glossy skintone for your SIM cards. Changes all parts of the body - face, chest, back, arms, legs, etc. It has a slight “light reflection” effect to make the body more sexy. Installation: 1. Copy the .package file ...
You've probably noticed more than once that hospital staff are often stupid and choose one patient for themselves. I don’t know if he’s golden or something, but everyone is eager to serve him (either he pays them money under the counter). Nurses typ ...
The mod adds a new interaction "Speak About Problems" to the friendly actions menu. Now your character will be able to give an interesting answer, depending on his mood, to the interlocutor’s question “What happened?”