Hollow Knight is an action-adventure platformer set in a surreal world filled with various bugs and other insects. It is very rare that brave knights...
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is a stealth action game with a third-person view in a historical setting. In this part of the game, you will explore...
Watch Dogs is a third-person, open-world sci-fi action-adventure game. The game takes place in the summer of 2003 in New York, whose key systems were...
Batman: Arkham Origins is a continuation of the adventure stealth action game with a third-person view in the Batman Arkham universe. The game takes...
Adventure action game from the third person with stealth elements in a historical setting and open world Assassin's Creed 3 was released in 2012 and...
LEGO Marvel's Avengers is an arcade platformer with a third-person view. The events of the game will recreate the plot of the first two parts of the...
Call of Duty: Ghosts is a first-person action game with a dash of shooter from Certain Affinity, Infinity Ward, Neversoft Entertainment, Inc., Raven...
The Amazing Spider-Man is a new chapter in the life of Spider-Man, based on the popular film of the same name. The plot of the game originates in the...
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is an old-school pixelated platformer about Shovel Knight, who must destroy his enemies to save his beloved and defeat...