A character from Fallout 3 was discovered in the Fallout: London story mod

It turns out that the large-scale modification of Fallout: London is much more closely connected with the official games in the universe. Recently, gamers found a character that players met in Fallout 3 from Bethesda.

We are talking about Alistair Tenpenny, an entrepreneur and owner of the skyscraper of the same name in the third part. According to the lore, this Englishman came to the Capital Wasteland to organize his own hotel. At the time of the events of the game, the protagonist will need to resolve the issue between him and a group of ghouls who want to settle in Tenpenny Tower. The team of modders remembered this character and introduced players to his younger version 40 years before the events of Fallout 3.

As gamers write on Reddit, young Alistair can be found in the Westminster area, where he lives in the Tenpenny estate. The character will also have a small quest that the main character can complete.

Well played FOLON team... I knew he had to be somewhere around here.
byu/AxiosXiphos infallout4london

Let us remind you that the large-scale Fallout: London mod was released on July 25, and can be downloaded for free from GOG or from the developers' website.

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