Fallout 5 may have a new playable race

It is possible that Bethesda may expand the list of playable races for the upcoming Fallout 5. These thoughts were shared by the creative director of Fallout 76 in an interview with TheGamer.

Speaking to journalists at gamescom, Jon Rush talked a little about the gameplay mechanics for the ghoul race, which will appear in the multiplayer Fallout in 2025. With the update, players will be able to turn into them by completing a certain quest after level 50. Ghouls will have access to their own skills, such as radiation resistance, as well as new ways to complete this or that task.

TheGamer journalist asked whether it will be possible to play for this race in the upcoming Fallout 5. Jon Rush did not deny this possibility:

Possibly. I mean, if it's something that players love to do, then, yeah, absolutely. We make these games for the players so they have fun. [...] If the ghoul really supports that, then that would absolutely be taken into consideration.
— John Rush

By the way, Bethesda's idea to turn Fallout 76 players into ghouls was not related to the success of the Amazon series. As John Rush said, this idea occurred to the developers much earlier, and they approved it even before the premiere.

Recall that insiders recently reported Bethesda's decision to stop developing the remasters of Fallout 3 and TES 4: Oblivion.

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