The Elder Scrolls 6 auction participants try to find a winner to memorialize a fan who passed away

Recently, Bethesda announced the start of a charity auction, the winner of which will be able to create their own NPC for The Elder Scrolls 6. The other day, the action ended with a result that slightly upset a large fan community.

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages team took part in the race — a group that has been running the largest Internet resource with information about the world of the "Elder Scrolls" since 1995. Enthusiasts planned to immortalize in the game the name of one of the UESP members, Loranna Pyrel, who recently passed away. For some time, the group was leading the auction, until an anonymous bidder outbid them, offering an amount of $ 85,450.

As a result, first place went to an unknown participant. Now the UESP team is trying to contact him to finally keep the memory of Loranna Pyrel in TES 6:

Recall that The Elder Scrolls 6 was announced back in 2018. Last November, there were a lot of interesting rumors about the province and mechanics that would be introduced in the game. The project still has no release date.

Previously, new gameplay of the fan remake of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was shown with the passage of some quests in Cheydinhal.

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