How to Quickly Farm Super Credits and Medals in Helldivers 2

Developers of Helldivers 2 recently announced a new battle pass, featuring new guns, support upgrades, capes, and cool armor sets. Some items will be given out for free, while others, more useful and efficient, will cost 1000 super credits. Fortunately, developers have left the option to earn the in-game currency. In this guide, we'll tell you how to quickly farm super credits and snatch up elite items from battle passes without any real-money investments.

How the Battle Pass in Helldivers 2 Works and Whether You Should Buy It

In most service games, the battle pass is often a content dump that usually doesn't affect the core gameplay. Yes, occasionally developers make mistakes and release skins that give an advantage in multiplayer battles. But that's where the direct influence of skins on mechanics ends. Helldivers 2 is a different story. Its battle pass is part of the progression, without which it's impossible to succeed at higher difficulties.

The first battle pass (referred to as Merit) is divided into two parts: free and Steeled Veterans. The former offers a basic set of items that make it easier to spread democracy on occupied planets. The latter provides more advanced gear for efficiently eliminating enemies at higher difficulties.

The battle pass is divided into pages. Each page contains a standard set: one armor set, one gun, a bunch of super credits, an emote, a banner, and a nice bonus in the form of additional weaponry or an upgrade. To reiterate: not skins, but fully functional equipment items. Meaning, without the battle pass, you won't get: a shotgun, a scoped rifle, engineer armor, upgrades for the drop pod, and much more. Nothing will be given out for free. This presents a unique type of progression that cannot be ignored.

Items in the battle pass are unlocked with medals, which players earn by successfully completing missions, as well as rewards for global tasks. You won't be able to selectively purchase items, for example, buying all the weapons and ignoring the armor and additional ammunition. Each page of the battle pass has a specific limit that needs to be overcome to unlock more advanced weaponry. Therefore, it's crucial to unlock all the pages as quickly as possible and claim the gear items before the arrival of the new battle pass. Fortunately, players have the opportunity to collect additional medals from caches found while exploring the planet. Farming super credits is closely linked with farming medals, making this guide quite universal.

Weapons and armor in the premium battle pass Steeled Veterans come with additional modifiers and offer special advantages in combat against enemies. Players can unlock the revolver P-4 Senator with 150 damage points, high rate of fire, and armor-piercing enhancement. For fighting automatons, the upgraded assault rifle AR-23E Explosive Liberator is suitable. Unlike the standard version, the premium one has armor-piercing properties and explosive rounds, which are excellent at blasting through the defenses of even the largest robots.

For battling bugs, the rapid-fire shotgun SG-2251E Incendiary Crusher will come in handy. This gun easily penetrates thick armor and ignites everything in its path. With such a device, legions of cockroaches are not scary. The standard shotgun from the standard battle pass is no match for the mini-flamethrower from Steeled Veterans.

You will also receive the ultimate large-caliber rifle JAR-5 Oppressor with explosive ammunition, which has no counterpart in the standard battle pass. Plus, an anti-bug healing grenade and the flexible reinforcements budget booster, capable of reducing the time to call allies after depleting limits (a valuable thing).

What do we have in the end? The Steeled Veterans battle pass is extremely useful for battles on the highest difficulties. Weapon modifiers are effective against specific enemies, and the unique pistol, grenade, and modifier provide a significant advantage. If you want to slightly simplify your character's life and get the best guns in the first season, we'll tell you next how to quickly earn super credits for the premium battle pass.

How to Quickly Farm Super Credits and Medals in Helldivers 2

You will get your first super credits from the standard battle pass. Cells with premium coins are unlocked with standard medals. The further down the pages of the battle pass you go, the more medals will be required to unlock the premium currency. In total, you can earn 750 super credits from the battle pass. This amount is not enough to buy the battle pass, as we need 1000. Moreover, farming currency through the free battle pass is a long and tedious process. After the fifth page, the progress of unlocking items significantly slows down. Fun progression turns into a tedious grind for medals. And you will still need them for the premium battle pass.

It's much easier to earn premium currency and medals through gameplay. This method is much faster and more efficient than unlocking cells in the free battle pass. In addition, you can farm not only with friends but also solo.

Important Note: Many players in Helldivers 2 mistakenly believe that items and currency found on the location are credited only to the one who picked them up. Because of this, situations often arise where allies start killing each other in front of caches in the hope of snatching some super credits for their account. We hasten to reassure you! Resources, medals, and in-game currency are credited to all players in the party, regardless of who picked them up. And no, their amount is not divided among the lobby members. If there were 4 medals of merit in the cache, then the same amount is credited to each player.

What is needed for comfortable medal farming?

First thing you need to do is get light armor from the standard battle pass. It will help us move quickly across the map and significantly save time on farming. On the first page, you can unlock SC-34 Scout with 530 speed points and 115 stamina recovery. This is quite enough for fast farming. If you have already spent some time in Helldivers 2, we recommend unlocking the SC-30 Pathfinder armor with its 550 speed points and 125 stamina.

To increase your movement speed across the map, we recommend purchasing a jetpack. With it, you can overcome obstacles and avoid enemy patrols. Under no circumstances should you equip a drone backpack. It greatly reduces the movement speed and stamina of the main character.

On the seventh page of the standard battle pass, you can unlock the Stamina Boost booster to make your character even faster and more agile. This will allow you to clear the map of caches faster and save personal time.

In which battles to participate?

Open the galactic map and select the lowest difficulty. Then move the cursor to the right side and highlight the part of the galaxy where confrontations with bugs are happening. Choose a planet where players are currently trying to push back the enemy's onslaught. We recommend choosing planets with low vegetation levels such as Erata-prime and Fenrir III. This way, it will be easier for you to find caches and spot signal flares from supply capsules.

Try to take missions with a large map, where there are no water obstacles and huge mountain ranges. The larger the territory of your mission, the more resources you will receive. Choose planets without climatic conditions and special modifiers. In heat or cold, your hero will move slower on special zones and also lose stamina faster. Land closer to the evacuation point. This way, it will be easier for you to navigate the space and bypass all the caches on the location.

How to Find Caches?

Caches often spawn around the main objective. We recommend running around the territory in a circle. To do this, detach the map on the mini radar and follow the borders of the combat zone. Do not get distracted by patrols and loners. Your goal is farming, not completing objectives. Approaching a cache, your character will mark it on the map.

First and foremost, pay attention to elevations with canyons. Containers often spawn there. In blue ones, super credits are most often found, while red ones contain revision data and medals. Blow them up with grenades and empty the contents. Sometimes you will come across large bunkers with shutters. Unfortunately, they cannot be opened if you are farming solo.

Next, visit absolutely all places where there are civilian buildings. They are painted blue, so it's very hard to miss them. If the building is on an elevation, then the cache will be hidden in a small cliff. Nearby, there is often a fallen paratrooper with a shotgun. Sometimes you will come across farms and science centers, where containers also spawn. Always carry 4 grenades with you to open caches on site.

Pay attention to the yellow signal flares blinking on the mission territory. These are crashed supply capsules. The loot in them is absolutely random. At low difficulties: super credits, medals, weapons, and requisition. At high difficulties, rare resources for upgrading the ship can spawn.

If you decide to farm with friends, then we advise increasing the difficulty. Then information towers will appear on the map, hacking which, you will reveal all caches on the mini-map. After that, all you need to do is clear the areas.

Once you clear the location of all caches, simply return to the ship without completing the main objective. All collected medals, super credits, and requisition will be credited to your account. This way, you will save a lot of time. If, in addition to the mentioned resources, you need samples for upgrading the ship, then you will have to finish the mission to the end.

How Much Time Does It Take to Farm Super Credits?

Super credits often spawn in batches of 10 per cache. There are rare exceptions. We've encountered containers with 100 and 200 super credits. The chance of finding them is extremely low, but it exists.

Often, containers hold two resources. The game has an annoying bug where after picking up one item, the other becomes inaccessible. Always examine the items before taking them. Prioritize taking super credits first, and then the second resource.

Super credits spawn variably. It's impossible to predict exactly how many will appear on a given raid. We managed to extract 50-70 pieces per mission. There were also quite disappointing moments when we barely found even one stack of super coins. Instead, we received medals, which were very useful for unlocking premium items in the battle pass.

Playing solo without boosts and our recommended character build, you can easily gather 200-250 super credits in one hour of real time. It will take you 5-6 hours (possibly less) to accumulate 1000 coins to purchase the premium battle pass.

With improved stamina and properly selected armor, you can farm 270-320 super credits. It took us 4 hours of real time to gather enough to buy the battle pass.

Farming in co-op mode yields an average of 300-400 super credits. In just three hours, you can realistically gather 1000 coins and buy the battle pass. By farming a bit more, you can save up for all the premium items from the special store.

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