How to Scrap Junk, Weapons, and Armor in Fallout 4

In this guide, we will talk about scrapping items in Fallout 4. Actually, it's not as simple a process as it may seem at first glance, so we couldn't just pass by this topic.

What Workbenches are in Fallout 4

So, in Fallout 4, there are the following types of workbenches:

  • Workshop — allows you to build buildings;
  • Armor Workbench — useful for upgrading or extensively modifying power armor;
  • Weapon Workbench — for manufacturing and upgrading weapons;
  • Armor Crafting Workbench — for upgrading armor;
  • Chemistry Station — where you can craft medicines, Rad-X, and other drugs;
  • Cooking Station — in Fallout 4, you can even cook food, and you can use wildlife from the Wasteland for this, and during cooking, all the radiation from the food will be removed (actually, it's not, but who cares).

Screenshots of each of these workbenches, in the order mentioned above, for your attention:

How to Scrap Junk in Fallout 4

However, the most important thing is that all these workbenches are connected to a single storage — oddly enough, it's called the workbench menu and is brought up by pressing R (details may vary from the default option). Pay attention to the screenshots above — in addition to directly interacting with each workbench, you can call up the storage by pressing R. Here's what it looks like when you call it:

And again, we urge you to pay attention, in this menu there is a T button (Store all junk) — which will move the junk from your inventory to the storage. This is exactly the answer to the question of how to scrap junk in Fallout 4.

The resources you have are automatically tallied, compared with the resources needed for modification or construction, and are automatically scrapped when you decide to build or modify something.

However, this method won't work if you have ready-made modifications or composite resources (steel, plastic, etc.) in your inventory — you'll need to unload these manually. Of course, you could dump all the junk on the floor and start scrapping it all by hand:

But we would recommend the method described above, as it will save you a lot of time. Nonetheless, there remain items that do not directly relate to junk, such as excess armor and weapons — you can manually unload these through the interaction menu, selecting the appropriate tab on the left side.

Besides junk, the storage can hold unnecessary weapons and armor, modifications for them, raw provisions, seeds, and medicines — all of this will be automatically scrapped and used as needed.

How to Scrap Items Around the Base

That's not all you can do with the supply storage interaction menu in Fallout 4. You can scrap almost any object located within the outlined area around your base.

To do this, simply enter the workshop menu and start walking! Yes, you can walk while interacting with this station, and to choose an item to scrap, just hover over it with the cursor:

As you can see, it turns yellow. This way, for example, you can immediately get a lot of rubber and plastic, but not all items are beneficial to scrap (they are outlined in blue):

How to Scrap Weapons and Armor

Now is the perfect time to talk about how to scrap weapons and armor. To do this, you need to start interacting with the necessary station, and here is what the menu looks like in such a case:

So, select the unwanted barrel or armor, press the R button, look in the window that appears to see what components and in what quantity we will receive, and confirm the scrapping. Be careful not to scrap something you need.

It would be logical if favored items (this can be set in the Pip-Boy menu, for example) were scrapped with confirmation, and all others without, however, in Fallout 4 everything is scrapped with confirmation, and during this monotonous task, you might accidentally scrap an important item. You've been warned.

By the way, do you know…

How to Add Weapons to the Quick Access Menu?

Launch the Pip-Boy, open the Items tab, the Weapons submenu, select the desired gun, gadget, or item:

Now press Q (it may differ from the default setting, although it seems not), and this menu appears:

Assign a slot. That's it, now by pressing the weapon selection button, this menu will open, and you can use the same arrows that control your character to find the necessary gun or item. Press LMB or Enter to confirm your choice. Keep in mind that the character will freeze in place, so hide beforehand.

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