All Pyroculi in Genshin Impact: Where to Find All Oculus in Natlan

Pyroculi are special elemental spheres in Genshin Impact, scattered throughout Natlan. By collecting a certain number of oculi, you can elevate the Statue of the Archon in the Pyro region and receive valuable rewards, including Primogems. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all the Pyroculi on the map, how to collect them, and indicate their locations on the map.
All Pyroculi in Tekwemekan Valley: Map and Routes
A total of 37 Pyroculi can be found in Tekwemekan Valley. All of them are marked on the map with the corresponding number. Some of them are underground, and some are located in areas that open during quests. Next, we will tell you how to find each of the oculi and outline the route to search for them.
Pyroculus No. 1
The first Pyro sphere can be found at the border of Natlan with the Sumeru desert. To do this, use the nearby teleport and run along the path ahead. Soon you will see a rock with purple graffiti. Under it, you can find the Pyroculus hovering above the passage higher up the gorge. To collect it, just jump or climb the rock and glide to the item.
Pyroculus No. 2
From the first Pyroculus, turn right and cross the gorge, then climb the rock. After that, run forward until you see a large animal skeleton. The second sphere will be hovering above it. However, enemies nearby may interfere with taking the oculus, so deal with them first.
Pyroculus No. 3
The third Pyro sphere can be found near the second one. Run along the skeleton, bypassing the second enemy camp, keeping to the foot of the mountain. Once at the indicated point on the map, climb up the slope. To save stamina, use Kachina or Tepetlizard for climbing.
Pyroculus No. 4
Use the underground teleportation point in the Echo Children tribe area and head to the indicated point on the map, moving deeper into the settlement. Cross the first bridge to the other side, and near the second bridge, right next to the tip of the drill, the Pyroculus will be hovering. Climb the rock opposite the sphere and glide from it to collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 5
Teleport to the Statue of the Archon near the Echo Children settlement and climb the rock opposite. Once at the top, you will see a tall stone pillar with boxes hanging from it. Climb the pillar and collect the Pyro sphere.
Pyroculus No. 6
From the previous Pyroculus, move to the indicated point on the map: glide from the rock and fly forward, keeping to the east. A small watchtower will be a recognizable landmark on your right. Upon seeing the structure, descend and land on the rock ledge just below the tower — the Pyroculus will be visible ahead.
Pyroculus No. 7
From the same mountain slope, fly to the seventh Pyroculus marked on the map. Orient yourself by the skeleton of an unknown animal, as the seventh Pyroculus, just like the second one, hovers above the bones. However, be cautious: it, along with a precious chest nearby, is guarded by an enemy. To avoid interference while collecting the sphere, it's better to eliminate the enemy in advance.
Pyroculus No. 8
You can reach the eighth Pyro sphere from the previous Oculus. Simply run forward from the skeleton. Reach four tall trees with gray trunks. Next to them, in a Tepetlizard nest, the Pyroculus is hiding under a fallen log.
Pyroculus No. 9
The ninth Pyroculus can be found right at the teleportation point in the northeast of Tekwemekan Valley. Move to the indicated place and climb a small slope opposite the teleport. There you will find another sphere.
Pyroculus No. 10
Glide down from the previous Pyroculus and run forward until you see a small treasure hoarder camp. Fight the enemies and look into the log on wheels nearby. To open the cart, you need a key, which can be found nearby. A little to the east, there will be a similar structure, but already broken. Defeat the lone mob nearby and pick up the key.
Return to the cart, approach the door, and press place, after which it will open. Inside, there will be a Zavrian hatchling and a Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 11
This and several other Pyroculi can be found underground in the Sulfur Veins. Teleport to the indicated place on the map and run forward to the marked point. A bridge made of large amber blocks will be the landmark. Just cross it and you will see the eleventh Pyroculus hovering at the edge of this bridge.
Pyroculus No. 12
From the previous Pyroculus, walk forward along the path. You can find the Pyro sphere at another skeleton of an unknown animal, next to a mob and Zavrian camp. Climb higher and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 13
Run forward to the canyon from the previous Pyro sphere. The thirteenth Oculus can be seen below, hovering over a pointed rock near a body of water. Jump down there and collect the collectible item.
Pyroculus No. 14
Climb to the other side of the canyon and run forward, then turn left towards the monument with Phlogiston. On the rock next to it, you can see the fourteenth Pyroculus, but it is not so easy to get to it.
Find a Tepetlizard nearby and possess it, then return to the monument and use the Zavrian skill (the E key on PC) to climb the rock. Upon seeing yellow circles, attack them with a dash and collect the Pyroculus. Then enter the nearby crack — it will allow you to climb up.
Pyroculus No. 15
Exit the Zavrian and walk a little forward to the broken bridge. The fifteenth Pyroculus will be hanging there. However, it won't be easy to get it. For this, possess the Tepetlizard again and fill the monument near the bridge with Phlogiston, then cross the newly formed path using the animal's skill to collect the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 16
Use the ground teleport in the Sulfur Veins and run to the indicated point on the map. The Pyroculus can be found inside a special device called a needle. It looks like a formation of square ore with an amber crystal stuck in the ground. Glide from the rock and land in the center of the device — there will be another sphere.
Pyroculus No. 17
Return to the previous teleport and run towards the previous Oculus, but this time jump to the base of the rock. There you can find the seventeenth Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 18
Return to the teleport again, but now run to the other edge of the rock and move to the adjacent slope. Jump to the base and slowly descend on the glider to the ground until you see two glowing crystals with a Pyroculus between them. Collect the sphere and calmly descend.
Pyroculus No. 19
Use the underground teleport in the Sulfur Veins and run towards the indicated point. On the way, you will encounter a wooden bridge under which the Pyro sphere is hidden.
Pyroculus No. 20
The twentieth Pyroculus can be found right next to the underground teleport point in the Sulfur Veins. Use this teleport and run to the indicated point on the map along the path. The sphere can be found next to a crystal of unknown ore growing from the ground.
Pyroculus No. 21
To access Pyroculi 21, 23, and 24, you need to complete the Revelations of the Past quest to unlock the underground location near the Sulfur Veins.
The twenty-first Oculus can be found by using the teleport in the Vestibule of the Trial of the Sacred Path location. Upon entering the ruins, jump into the hole ahead. Then enter the large arch. In the ruined hall with platforms, turn left towards the balcony. There, surrounded by four lamps, the Pyroculus will be hovering.
Pyroculus No. 22
Use the teleport north of the Tepeacac Slope and climb the rock opposite. Once at the top, go to the large Zavrian. The Pyroculus will be under the lizard's belly.
Pyroculus No. 23
Teleport to the Hall of Farewell Vows and enter the gilded arch on the left. Jump down, avoiding the liquid Phlogiston. According to the quest plot, you need to make a hole in the wall by adjusting the lava level with beams. Then you need to climb the stairs and collect the Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 24
During the Trial of the Sacred Path quest, when the Traveler controls the Zavrian, another Pyroculus can be collected. To do this, you need to solve the platform puzzle. But if you did not collect the Oculus, use the previous teleport and enter the golden arch on the right, then descend the stairs to the water body. There will be the twenty-fourth sphere.
Pyroculus No. 25
Use the teleport north of the Tepeacac Slope and climb the rock with graffiti behind the teleport. The Pyroculus can be found at the top. It will be hovering in the air, and next to it is a seal of folded grass. To collect the sphere, you need to find a Yumkasaur nearby and use its skill to grab onto the symbol.
Pyroculus No. 26
From the previous Pyroculus, run past the water body to the river below. Another sphere can be found on a rock near the waterfall.
Pyroculus No. 27
Run from the previous point to the tall Zavrian. As with the 25th Oculus, the sphere will be hiding under the lizard's feet.
Pyroculus No. 28
From the twenty-seventh Oculus, move east along the river until you reach a multi-story camp. The location of the Pyroculus will be indicated by a large purple graffiti arrow. Climb the rock and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 29
Use the teleport north of the Tepeacac Slope and jump onto the pointed rock below. There will be another Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 30
From the 28th Oculus, run a little north to the wooden structures on the rock. Possess the nearby Zavrian and climb the tall tree with the gray trunk nearby, then jump from it onto the bridge with the Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 31
From the previous sphere, head down to the waterfall and deep gorge. The Pyroculus will be near a graffiti arrow on the rock. Jump down and fly closer to it to collect.
Pyroculus No. 32
Use the nearby teleport and run west. Soon you will see a large tree with light bark and a blue crown. A Pyroculus will be a few meters above the ground, and next to it is a seal of folded grass. As with the 25th Oculus, possess the nearby Yumkasaur and use the Zavrian's skill to grab the symbol.
Pyroculus No. 33
While on the same platform, use your tongue to grab the next symbol and jump into the nearby gorge. There will be another Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 34
Teleport to the previous teleport and run east. The Pyroculus will be near a Phlogiston monument to the right of the path.
Pyroculus No. 35
Obtaining the Pyroculus can be done through the same quest with shadow needles, which reveals an impressive underground location in the Sulfur Veins. This sphere can be found in a wall crevice if you go to the very edge of the flooded ruins. Use the teleport in the Basin of Countless Fires and run down to those ruins.
Pyroculus No. 36
The penultimate Pyroculus in the Tekwemekan Valley can be found by teleporting to the Fiery Ruins dungeon south of the Tepeacac Slope and climbing the nearby rock. The sphere will be floating above a separate rectangular stone. Use the Zavrians or Natlans to climb it faster and collect the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 37
The last Pyroculus can be found nearby — the sphere will be floating opposite a stone in the tree canopies.
All Pyroculi in the Basin of Countless Fires: Map and Routes
A total of 13 Pyroculi can be found in the Basin of Countless Fires. All of them can be found on the map below under the corresponding number. Next, we will tell you more about each Oculus and how to find them.
Pyroculus No. 1
Use the underground teleport in the Sulfur Veins and run to the indicated point until you see a passage blocked by rocks. Clear the passage using the nearby explosive barrels. The Pyroculus will be floating above a rope, and next to it is another teleport.
Pyroculus No. 2
Use the teleport northeast of Witzli Hill and move west to the indicated point on the map. On the slope of a rectangular rock, there will be a flying squirrel, and next to it — a Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 3
From the previous Pyroculus, run west to the large water body. Soon you will find yourself in a small settlement surrounded by huge barrel trees. Run to the far tree with a house, climb it, and in the hollow at the top, you will find the floating sphere.
Pyroculus No. 4
Teleport to Witzli Hill using the ground teleport point and head west to the very edge of the map. The Pyroculus will be floating near a water body, but be careful: around are the Fatui Three Polychrome Stars, who are elite enemies with a lot of HP and damage. Therefore, it is better to avoid fighting them without proper preparation. The sphere itself can be found at the top of a rock with a yellow drawing.
Pyroculus No. 5
Move south of Witzli Hill and run a bit northeast to a small lake with the skeleton of an unknown animal. Next to it will be a small waterfall and a pile of rocks with arrows drawn nearby. Break the ore and take the Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 6
The sixth Pyroculus is located near the previous teleport to the south of Witzli Hill. Use it and run just a few meters west. The sphere will be floating above a high mountain slope with an arrow drawn. Climb up using Natlan or Zavrian characters to collect the Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 7
From the previous Oculus, go slightly south to the Sacred Flame Stadium. The sphere will be floating above a mountain slope, and next to it sits a Yumkazaur. Carefully glide to the Oculus from above or, by possessing a Zavrian, use the dragon skill to collect the item.
Pyroculus No. 8
Teleport south of the Sacred Flame Stadium and continue south across the bridge to the indicated point. Then jump down and carefully glide to the Pyroculus floating above a high rock using a glider.
Pyroculus No. 9
From the previous Pyroculus, move southeast to the waterfalls. The sphere will be floating at the highest waterfall. To get it, climb to the top of the rock and glide down, or possess a Yumkazaur and use its skills to reach the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 10
Use the teleport just south of the Archons' Statue in the Basin of Countless Fires. Right at the teleport point, the Pyroculus will be floating, just jump to the adjacent rock to collect it.
Pyroculus No. 11
From the previous Oculus, run along the path a bit west. The sphere will be floating above a small wooden bridge between two rocks.
Pyroculus No. 12
Teleport to the Archon Statue in the Basin of Countless Fires. The Pyroculus will be floating above one of the rocks surrounding the monument. Climb it and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 13
Teleport to the teleport point west of Sulfur Veins and head south until you see a tall rock with a ribbon. The last Pyroculus in the Basin of Countless Fires will be floating above it. Climb the monument and collect the sphere.
All Pyroculi in Toyek Streams: Map and Routes
There are a total of 26 Pyroculi in the territory of the People of the Springs tribe, some of which are underground. Below we will tell you how to find each sphere and help you create a route.
Pyroculus No. 1
Teleport north of Ameyalko Water and run to the waterfalls. At the foot of one of them, you will see a bandit camp, and next to them — Tepetlizards and a monument. Fill the monument with Phlogiston, after which a door will open in the rock, but the floor will be littered with piles of stones. Possess a Zavrian and dash through several layers of boulders, after which you will find yourself in an underground location. Run to the center of the inner water body: there, above a tall rock, the Pyroculus will be floating.
Pyroculus No. 2
From the same teleport, head southwest to the small water sources. The Pyroculus will be hanging above a funnel. Possess a Kolohosaur nearby and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 3
From the previous Pyroculus, cross the rock and you will find yourself near a water body with wooden boxes. Break all the crates by possessing a Kolohosaur and collect the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 4
Teleport to the point east of the previous Pyroculus. Climb to the very top of the rock — the Oculus will be there.
Pyroculus No. 5
Move east of the Archon Statue in Toyek Streams and run south to the mountain slope via the wooden bridge. But before that, possess a Yumkazaur: thanks to its skill, you can jump into the air and collect the high-hanging sphere.
Pyroculus No. 6
From the previous Pyroculus, head west, passing the narrow strait separating the islands. The Pyroculus will be hanging near a large branch. You can use the skill of the same Yumkazaur, or glide from the tall pole opposite and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 7
Move to the Archon Statue and climb the branch of the tree opposite. The Pyroculus will be hanging above it.
Pyroculus No. 8
This and some other Pyroculi can be obtained after completing the quest Tale of Dreams Torn from Fire. The eighth Oculus is located on one of the islands floating above the Toyek Streams. Head to the center of the Upper Worlds after completing the final challenge of the mission. The sphere will be floating at the edge of the island.
Pyroculus No. 9
The ninth Pyroculus can be obtained in a semi-underground location, which also opens through the quest Tale of Dreams Torn from Fire. Use the teleport in the location and climb higher, following the line of spiritual paths. For convenience, possess a Kolohosaur and swim to the left of the stone ahead. The Pyroculus will be hanging nearby.
Pyroculus No. 10
From the previous Oculus, run to the exit of the location. Climb up to the Pyro Slimes. In a small passage, you will see a floating sphere, and nearby — Corundum and Kolohosaur cubs.
Pyroculus No. 11
From the previous teleport, run to the other edge of the rock. A Manitu will be flying above. Possess a Kolohosaur, jump into the funnel, and the creature will enter the nearby graffiti, transforming it into a Phlogiston monument. Fill it with energy, and a new passage will form, hiding the Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 12
From Pyroculus 11, turn left. The sphere will be floating above the ground near the cave wall. Carefully climb the ledge with liquid Phlogiston and collect the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 13
Teleport to the Upper Worlds (islands in the sky) and run towards the indicated point, then jump down. The Pyroculus will be floating near one of the island's spikes. Carefully fly up to it and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 14
Return to the previous teleport and repeat the actions as with Pyroculus No. 13, but this time fly a bit further. The sphere will be floating on a high ledge.
Pyroculus No. 15
Move to the indicated island in the Upper Worlds, possess a Kolohosaur, and jump onto the spiritual paths. The Pyroculus will be collected during the movement.
Pyroculus No. 16
Teleport to the more southern island of the Upper Worlds and jump down. Fly to the high spike opposite. The Pyroculus will be floating at the very top.
Pyroculus No. 17
Teleport to the south of Ameyalko Waters and run a bit forward. The Pyroculus will be floating above the water near the lifebuoys. Possess a Kolohosaur nearby and collect the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 18
This Pyroculus can be collected during the quest Tale of Dreams Torn from Fire when you are ascending to the islands in the sky along the spiritual paths.
Pyroculus No. 19
Teleport back to the underground location. The Pyroculus will be floating directly opposite the teleport, near a stalactite.
Pyroculus No. 20
Move to the teleport near the Spring People and run to the settlement to the indicated point. There will be a huge pole with ribbons, which is the easiest to climb. Use Mualani, Kachina, or other convenient exploration characters to climb up.
Pyroculus No. 21
Return to the teleport and run a bit forward along the path. The Pyroculus is floating above a stone stele.
Pyroculus No. 22
From the previous Pyroculus, climb the rock opposite, to the highest spike. You can glide from a sky island or use Kachina for an easier ascent.
Pyroculus No. 23
Move to the dungeon Sanctuary of Myriad Spirits and head slightly south to the indicated point. Pass under the rock and you will see a bandit camp, and nearby — a grate with a mechanism. Deal with the enemies and find two keys to open the mechanism — one lies at the bottom of the cage, and the other hangs on a rope near the grate. Take them and open the barrier, but be careful — a strong enemy, the Pyro Agent of the Fatui, awaits inside. If you are not confident in your abilities, carefully take the sphere and leave.
Pyroculus No. 24
Return the same way to the space under the rock where the bandit camp and keys were. Another Pyroculus will be floating in the mountain crevice. Take it from the same place or glide from above.
Pyroculus No. 25
Return to the location where the very first Pyroculus in the Toyek Streams was, but now go to the very end of the cave. A sphere will be floating above the ground.
Pyroculus No. 26
The last Oculus can be found near the Mysterious Island. Swim to the island on a Kolohosaur and you will see the Pyroculus near the shore.
All Pyroculi on Mount Koatepec: map and routes
In total, 25 Pyroculi can be found in the territory of the Descendants of the Crown tribe, some of which are underground. Below, we will tell you how to find each sphere and help you plan a route.
Pyroculus No. 1
Use the teleport in the Descendants of the Crown tribe and run down the wooden path. Then jump even lower to the cave closed by a portal. A Pyroculus will be floating near it.
Pyroculus No. 2
Use the underground teleport on Tetikpak Peak and run down the wooden paths. From the monument with the challenge, turn right into a small gorge filled with rocks. Turn right again — there will be a Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 3
Teleport again to the Descendants of the Crown and run towards the settlement. Possess the Yumkazaura nearby — it will help you quickly climb the rock and take the Pyroculus. Using the rolled grass seals, fly to the waterfall — the third Pyroculus will be floating near it.
Pyroculus No. 4
From the previous Pyroculus, use the seals to move higher to the main structure of the tribe. The fourth Pyroculus will be at the very top of it.
Pyroculus No. 5
Teleport to the top of Tetikpak Peak and run to the wooden structure that resembles a windmill. Nearby, there is a lever that activates the mechanism. Press it and align the real windmill blades with the drawn ones so that it visually appears whole. If everything is done correctly, a common chest will appear along with an air stream that will allow you to fly up and take the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 6
The sixth Pyroculus is located in the underground area of Tetikpak Peak, which opens after collecting six shattered stones with graffiti (they can be found during your journey through Natlan). After giving these items, a hidden cave with chests and an Oculus will open, which is located on the highest stone.
Pyroculus No. 7
Teleport east on Tetikpak Peak and run to the wooden canopy ahead. Next to it, another Pyroculus will be hanging.
Pyroculus No. 8
From the previous Pyroculus, run to the gorge on the left. Near the wooden bridge on the rock will be a sphere. To take it — possess the Yumkazaura nearby and pull yourself to the rolled grass seal, then use the Zaurian skill to catch the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 9
Use the teleport to the north of the Temple of Ancestors and first climb to the higher ledge, then jump onto the wooden bridge with the Zaurians. The Pyroculus will be behind the portal in the cave, the entrance to which is to the right of the portal. Enter the ruins and possess the Yumkazaura. Then, climb to the upper floor using the rolled grass seal and press the mechanism that opens the door. Climb up the stairs and approach the portal to take the Pyroculus using the Zaurian skill.
Pyroculus No. 10
From the previous Pyroculus, run south to the Temple of Ancestors. Staying in the form of Yumkazaura, latch onto the seal, moving to the other canopy. Opposite the structure will be the Pyroculus. Using the Zaurian skill, you can easily take it.
Pyroculus No. 11
From the previous Oculus in the body of Yumkazaura, climb the rock opposite. Near the Hilichurl cauldron, the Pyroculus will be floating. After defeating the slimes that appear, an air stream will appear. Flying on it, you can quickly reach the next sphere.
Pyroculus No. 12
Fly on the air stream at the location of the 11th Pyroculus and head northeast towards the ruins. On the platform with the transmission sphere and the converter, the Oculus will be floating near the rock.
Pyroculus No. 13
This Pyroculus is unlocked by the quest Return of the Night to Night. Collect the stone figurines, talk to Legba, and open the underground ruins. Right next to the portal, the Pyroculus will be floating. The location is directly opposite the central teleport in the area.
Pyroculus No. 14
Just like Pyroculus No. 13, this sphere is unlocked by a quest. Enter the underground ruins and possess the Yumkazaura for easier movement. The Oculus will be floating in the air to the right of the central mechanism.
Pyroculus No. 15
From the previous Pyroculus (remaining in the center of Yumkazaura), climb up using the Zaurian skill. The sphere will be floating near a small stone ledge.
Pyroculus No. 16
Teleport to the south of the Temple of Ancestors and swim to a small island further south. For convenience, run along the shore and find the Koholozaur: the Zaurian will help you not to waste stamina and swim to the island. The Pyroculus will be on the sand, not far from the warriors' camp.
Pyroculus No. 17
This Pyroculus can be obtained by solving all the puzzles in the Phlogiston Research Center and activating the spiritual paths. Go to the very end of the underground location, possess the Koholozaur, and take the Oculus.
Pyroculus No. 18
Teleport to the southeast of the Temple of Ancestors and glide to a small island with an animal skeleton below. Near a small family of Zaurians, the Pyroculus will be in the vertebrae of the skeleton.
Pyroculus No. 19
In the location where Pyroculus No. 17 was, there is another Oculus, which is in one of the cages hanging from the ceiling of the cave. Use the Yumkazaura skill to climb up.
Pyroculus No. 20
This Pyroculus can be taken in the same Phlogiston Research Center. If you go to the location from the Fire Ruins dungeon, you can see the Pyroculus on the descent, and nearby will be Fatui guarding a chest. Carefully descend and take the sphere.
Pyroculus No. 21
In the Center, go to the far part of the cave, not protected by a grid. Besides the puzzle with the sphere and the hook, there will be a Pyroculus.
Pyroculus No. 22
Teleport to the northeast of the Temple of Ancestors and run further east, to the edge of the map, until you see a standalone peak. Use Kachina or Anemo characters to easily climb the mountain and take the Pyroculus — it will be floating above the rock.
Pyroculus No. 23
This Pyroculus can be found in the underground location with Flameranates, which is unlocked by the quest Preparedness for Trouble. Teleport to the cave and run to the water body below. Use the Zaurian skill and with the help of the rolled grass seals, move to the middle of the lake.
Pyroculus No. 24
Teleport to the northeast of the Temple of Ancestors and fly towards the ruins. In the gorge below, between the wooden structures, the Pyroculus will be floating.
Pyroculus No. 25
From the Ancient Watchpoint dungeon, run along the path to the south. Climb the slope and run to the watchtower, above which the Oculus is hanging. For convenience, possess the Yumkazaura and use the Zaurian skill to rise into the air, then take the sphere.
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