Map of All Anemoculus Locations in Genshin Impact

In most role-playing games, you can find many types of resources, materials, items, and currencies to deal with. Genshin Impact is no exception. One way to earn Anemoculi is to find and worship the Statues of the Seven. This guide will help you find all Anemoculus locations in Genshin Impact.

What are Anemoculi

Anemoculus is an item that can be found in the world of Genshin Impact. They can be offered to any of the Seven Archons Statues in Mondstadt. Anemoculi can only be found in the overworld; they do not appear in chests. Anemoculi are also limited and do not respawn.

When the item is in close proximity to the player, an icon will appear on the minimap accompanied by a sound effect. Players can also use the consumable item Anemoculus Resonance Stone to search for this item. The blueprint will unlock after reaching reputation level two in Mondstadt.

There are 65 such locations in Genshin Impact. You can also use the interactive map. You can start searching almost immediately after you start the game. However, you will be able to access each location only after reaching the third part of the prologue.

Anemoculi look like small blue bottles, and they will be automatically collected when you get close to them.

Where to Find Anemoculi

1. If you are coming from Mondstadt, you will see two trees on your right. The Anemoculus is floating in the air between the trees. Jump off the nearby cliff using your glider to reach it.

2. If you are following the road from Mondstadt, you will see ruins and a giant tree on your right (at a decent distance). Head towards the giant tree until you see a small line of trees at a lower level. Go around the leftmost tree, and you will find the Anemoculus hidden among its leaves.

3. Turn your back to the giant tree and the Statue of the Seven, and you will see the Anemoculus directly in front of you, on the opposite side of the road.

4. Approach the giant tree and look up. You will see the Anemoculus on one of its branches. Climb up to get it.

5. Notice the large column with a chest on top. The Anemoculus is on the edge of the cliff right next to it.

6. Head to the windmill and houses; you will find the Anemoculus on the roof of the second house on the left. You can reach it by jumping off the cliff behind it.

7. Approach the edge of the cliff, and you will easily spot the floating Anemoculus in the air. Use an Anemo skill on one of the small shiny creatures in the grass to create an updraft. You will be able to fly up and grab the Anemoculus.

8. The Anemoculus is floating high above the grass to your left. Use an Anemograna to grab it.

9. You will find the Anemoculus on the south side, high above the riverbed. Climb the nearest pillar to glide down and get it.

10. Make sure you have activated the Statue of the Seven near the giant tree. You will see a large wind circle. Use it to fly up; the Anemoculus is at the top.

11. Climb the rock near the enemy camp; you will find the Anemoculus at the top.

12. If you are coming from Mondstadt, the Anemoculus will be just below the edge of the cliff on the right side.

13. The Anemoculus is floating high above the grass in the open field. Use an Anemograna to fly up and catch it.

14. Approaching the entrance to the temple, you will easily spot the Anemoculus on the right, floating between the trees.

15. Climb the rock; the Anemoculus is near it.

16. Following the road south, you will see the Anemoculus to your right, above the cliff. Use an Anemograna to fly up and grab it.

17. The Anemoculus is floating high above the road between the lake and the wooden arena. You will need to climb the rock (any side will do) to glide down and take the item.

18. The Anemoculus is placed on the trees and is above the lake, but there is a barrier preventing you from reaching it. You can either complete the quest in this area or pass through the barrier by gliding to it from the nearest cliff.

19. Climb the stairs to the largest hut. You will find the Anemoculus inside.

20. You will see the Anemoculus at the top of large ruins. You cannot climb them, so reach the top of the cliff to the southeast and glide down.

21. This Anemoculus is easy to miss as the assist symbol will not appear while you are on the rocks. The Anemoculus is on a small patch of grass near the ocean.

22. You can only reach the island if you have very high stamina. If not, you can use Kaeya's skill to freeze the water and walk on it. The Anemoculus is at the top of the portal. You can easily reach it by gliding from the nearest tree.

23. The Anemoculus is easily noticeable on a small pile of rocks.

24. The Anemoculus is at the top of ancient ruins. Use climbing abilities to get there.

25. The Anemoculus is at the top of large ruins near the ocean. You can climb up to get it.

26. There are many rocks in this area. Go to the base of the tallest one (on the west side) and find a pile of rocks. They will look slightly different from the usual ones. The Anemoculus is hidden under them. All you need to do is hit the rocks (a regular attack will do) until they break.

27. Go to the beach, and in the distance, you will see a small island. If you don't have high stamina, you won't be able to reach it. Instead, use Kaeya's skill to freeze the water. Once on the island, head to the ruins to the east and use an Anemograna to get the Anemoculus.

28. The Anemoculus is right next to the old tower.

29. Jump off the edge of the cliff and immediately turn around. The Anemoculus is right under the edge of the cliff.

30. The Anemoculus is near the enemy watchtower. You can reach it by descending from the watchtower or using the nearby Anemograna.

31. Go to the lower platforms located by the water, west of the large cliff.

32. You can easily reach the island by descending from the nearby Mondstadt tower. There you will need to activate the wind monument, which will allow you to fly up and grab the Anemoculus.

33. You can easily reach the island from the cliffs or Mondstadt. Activate the wind monument to fly up and grab the Anemoculus.

34. Find the aerodynamic tube on the rock by the water. The Anemoculus is inside. Use an attack to reach it from above.

35. Upon reaching the ruins, look for a wide staircase with a pile of rocks next to it. Break the rocks (a regular attack will do) to find a hidden area with the Anemoculus below.

36. You will see a section between two rocks. Climb the cliff, glide down, and grab the item.

37. Find a pile of rocks near a tall cliff. This location is close to the water. Break it to find the Anemoculus.

38. On the way south, you can see a low rock with a large tree. The Anemoculus is hidden among its leaves.

39. Approach the edge of the high cliff. The Anemoculus is right in front of you.

40. Between the rocks, you will see an enemy camp. At the end, you will find a pile of rocks. Destroy them (a regular attack will do) to find the Anemoculus underneath.

41. The Anemoculus is near the large blue slime.

42. Use the wind monument to fly up and take the item.

43. The Anemoculus is inside the ruins. You can get inside by gliding from the nearest cliff.

44. Look for the tallest ruins. The Anemoculus is under its roof. Use wind currents to fly up and get it.

45. Find the Anemoculus near the large rock in the water. You can climb the rock and jump down.

46. Pay attention to the round ruins. Climb them to find the Anemoculus at the top.

47. Look at the large rock with ruins on top. You will see a curved column. The Anemoculus can be found right behind it.

48. You will see several low platforms with ruins and a chest on them. Look for a cave-like entrance on the right. The Anemoculus is inside.

49. The Anemoculus is floating in the sky above the guard. You can glide from the nearest ledge to grab it while avoiding the guard.

50. Use wind currents to fly to the top of the ruins and get the Anemoculus.

51. You can jump from the temple ruins or activate the nearby wind.

52. Pay attention to the large tree near the wooden bridge. The Anemoculus is on one of its branches.

53. Look for a pillar; you can find the Anemoculus on it. Either climb up or glide down from the nearby cliff.

54. The Anemoculus is high above the road leading to Stormterror's Lair. You can easily reach it by jumping from the cliff on the eastern side.

55. Climb the rocks located west of the road. Look down to see the Anemoculus at the edge of one of the highest rocks.

56. You will find an Anemograna near the trees. Use it to create a wind current and reach the place where the Anemoculus is located.

57. Go to the rocks west of the road. You will see several trees. One of the trees closest to the water hides the Anemoculus.

58. The Anemoculus is above a circle of small pillars, near a tall cliff. Jump from the cliff to reach it.

59. There are three pillars. The Anemoculus is on top of the middle one. Use fire arrows to reach it.

60. Glide from the highest point of the cliff, quickly turn around, and you will see the Anemoculus under the rock.

61. The Anemoculus is above the water by the shore. You can use the nearby rock to glide down and grab it.

62. Go to the edge of the cliff opposite Mondstadt. You can use an Anemograna to create an air current and get the Anemoculus.

63. Climb the large house in front; the Anemoculus is on the roof.

64. The hint will not appear on the map if you are at a low level. Climb to the top of the cliff and activate the wind monument. Then you will be able to create an air current that will lead you to the place where the Anemoculus is located.

65. Pay attention to the small island. The Anemoculus is on the eastern side, hovering over the water. Jump from a high cliff or use Kaeya's skill to freeze the water.

Where to Find the Statues of The Seven

The Statues of The Seven are located all over the world, and there are a total of 10 of them. To make it easier to find them, you can use the interactive world map.

What Rewards Can You Get

To give you an idea of the rewards you will get for offering to the statue, take a look at the image below. An offering to the statue, which required 2 Anemoculi.

This is all the information you need to know about all the locations of the Anemoculi in Genshin Impact.

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