Blazing Ode of Resurrection: Volume 5, Chapter 5 — Genshin Impact Walkthrough

In the final chapter of the Natlan storyline in Genshin Impact, the Traveler must face the Abyss's embodiment — the terrifying dragon Gosoytoto, who has been destroying not only the Pyro region but also the underground Kingdom of Night for centuries. Together, the Archon and the Traveler must infiltrate Gosoytoto's lair and defeat him once and for all. In this guide, we provide a complete walkthrough of the fifth chapter and offer tips for battling the Abyss's embodiment.
Underground Ruins
The greatest battle with the forces of the Abyss is about to occur, and the Pyro Archon is making the final preparations for the fight. The Traveler decides to rest before the upcoming battle and get a good night's sleep at the Abode of Fatigue. But even in sleep, the hero is haunted by troubling visions and ends up in the Kingdom of Night.
Return to the Abode of Fatigue and Rest
Fast forward time by two days and head to the familiar hotel Abode of Fatigue. Enter your room and lie on the bed to fall asleep. You will then be immediately transported to a dream space reminiscent of the Kingdom of Night.
Continue the Search
Having arrived in a strange place in the dream, continue moving forward toward the foggy passage. Keep going until you see a barrier with souls near it. Approach the spirits closely to trigger a cutscene. The Traveler will see Capitano and an unfamiliar man from Khaenri'ah observing the spirits. After this scene, the main character will automatically find themselves in their room. Discuss the dream with Paimon and head to Mavuika.
- Adventure Experience (700)
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- Mystic Enhancement Ore (6)
- Hero's Wit (3)
Like Sunset and Sunrise
After the strange dream, the Traveler decides to go to Mavuika to find out how the preparations for the battle are going. But it turns out he is not the only one who decided to visit the Pyro Archon — the hero meets Kachina and Mualani, who suggest attending their feast to rest well before the battle with the Abyss. Together with Mavuika, attend the celebration and talk with friends.
Go to the Chamber of Advisors and Find Mavuika
After a difficult awakening, head to the Pyro Archon. To do this, teleport to the Chamber of Advisors at the Stadium of Sacred Flame and enter the building. There you will meet not only Mavuika but also Citlali and Shilonen. The girls will discuss an ancient name for the Traveler: it's time for its forging. Give Shilonen the Pilgrim's Chronicle and learn from the Archon the details of the upcoming battle. Before leaving, talk to Mualani and Kachina. The girls will invite the Traveler and Mavuika to a feast. Go to the celebration with them.
Head to the Springfolk Tribe
Use the teleport to the east of the Springfolk settlement and run to the specified point on the map. Talk to Kinich and the tribe leader Amina. Upon learning that they are struggling a bit with organizing the celebration, Mavuika will help them. The Traveler decides to take a walk before the feast begins.
Go to the celebration site and wait for the feast to begin
Before the feast begins, you can talk to your friends, whose locations are marked with corresponding icons on the map:
Iansan can be found in the very center of the Springfolk tribe settlement. She will be distributing the last clarity elixirs given to her by Capitano. The elixirs help dispel the Abyss's influence on the mind.
Chaska can be found slightly to the east. She is trying to fish, but there's not much catch, so she just admires the scenery and thinks about Kuichi — her sister who died after a recent encounter with the Abyss.
Kinich can be found literally opposite Chaska. He will talk about a special assignment from Mavuika to find information about people who died during the battle.
Ororon is located to the northeast of Kinich. He will tell about a certain spirit scroll that needs to be woven for the Traveler.
Kachina and Mualani can be found slightly south of Ororon. The girls are in charge of cooking dishes for the feast and are trying to deal with the pesky Ahav, who occasionally bothers them.
After you have talked to Iansan, Chaska, and Kinich, you can either head to the feast or chat with Ororon, Kachina, and Mualani. In any case, after the dialogues, head to the center of the Springfolk settlement. At the feast, talk to your friends about the strange dreams and mention the recent dream with Capitano.
Follow Ororon and participate in the ritual
Intrigued by the Traveler's dream, Ororon will suggest conducting a special ritual to understand the meaning of this vision. Together with the young man and Mavuika, head to the northwest of the Springfolk tribe. After the ritual, it turns out that the unknown man from Khaenri'ah, who stood next to Capitano in the dream, is the military doctor Gutfrid. Previously, he tried to take over Ororon's soul before the Lord of the Night awakened. Mavuika will also reveal the true name of the Fatui Harbinger — Train, a hero who protected Natlan for many years. After the conversation, return to the feast the same way, and when everyone starts heading home, offer to escort Kachina to her tribe.
Escort Kachina home
Before heading to the Echo Children's tribe, first teleport to the east of the Stadium of Sacred Flame. Recall the first meeting, then move on.
The next stop will be at the river just south of the Sulfur Veins. There, the Traveler and Kachina first met the zavrian Toto, who took them to the stadium. He was severely injured during the last Abyss attack, but fortunately, he was saved in time.
After this, move to a place slightly east of the Echo Children's settlement. Stopping, Kachina and the Traveler will meet the tepitzasaur Hanvi. Seeing the zavrian's concern, follow her. She will lead to her child Ayo, who is mourning the loss of his grandparents and is quite infected with Abyss energy. Give him the Elixir of Clarity to relieve the symptoms. Then head to Shilonen's workshop.
Check on the progress of the ancient name
Teleport to the Archon's Statue in the Echo Children's tribe. Say goodbye to Kachina and head to Shilonen to check on the progress of the ancient name.
Descend down the gorge and you will see a small structure without walls, and there is the girl herself along with Citlali. Talk to them and receive your long-awaited name — Tumaini, which means hope. After the dialogue, an obsidian stone will appear in the inventory, along with the Pilgrim's Chronicle, which the artisans will return to the Traveler.
Leave the camp to test the ancient name
After dinner, go to test the ancient name and conduct a test to understand how it reacts to the Traveler. Teleport to the Sulfur Veins and jump down under the rocks. Talk to Shilonen and Citlali, then start the experiments. Activate the ancient name and perform the ritual, but the procedure will have to be stopped due to the large number of souls attracted by the power of the name. Together with Citlali, help several spirits, including Wichama and Ayo's grandparents. The latter will not want to leave for the Realm of Night, deciding to stay with their grandson.
- Primogems (30)
- Adventure Experience (1,425)
- Mora (62,225)
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (11)
- Hero's Wit (6)
Journey of Stars and Flames
Having attended the farewell feast before the battle and finally receiving the ancient name, the Traveler becomes fully ready for the decisive battle with the Abyss embodiment Gosoytot. Together with the Pyro Archon, they head into the enemy's lair to defeat the dark forces once and for all.
Head to the Stadium of Sacred Flame
After waiting another two days (or rewinding time on the clock), head straight to the Stadium of Sacred Flame using the teleport in front of the bridge. Approach the blue crevice and press the Prepare button. This will open the entrance to the dungeon On the Warpath. Don't forget to prepare your squad. Be sure to take a healer, as Rift Hounds and Dusky Mimiflores, which actively drain HP from characters, will be encountered along the way. Also, be prepared for the dungeon to take about an hour, and if you leave it, you'll have to complete the quest again. After confirming the squad, the main character will switch to the Traveler. Move forward, listen to the Pyro Archon's speech, and head into battle.
Go to the Realm of Night
Along the way, the Traveler and Mavuika will stop to say goodbye to friends. In this location, you can still leave the dungeon or lower the difficulty. Additionally, near the Vaobov tribes, you can talk to your friends: playable characters and chiefs, and if you've completed all the tribe quests, also with the Mountain King, the kukuzavro Koya, Uncle Nuu, and the girl Nepeka. After the conversations, go to the center and talk to Mavuika.
Defeat the enemies and continue the search
After you move forward, the active character will switch to Mavuika. Move ahead and defeat two mimiflors. Use the heroine's skill to defeat the enemies faster. Moving further, jump onto the spiritual path (activating the flame cycle beforehand). Defeat the Cryo Abyss Mage and continue on. Mavuika will talk to her sister Hini and move on. Then the action will switch to the Traveler.
Keep moving forward
Descend to the lower arena and defeat all the enemies, including Rift Hounds. Warrior souls will come to your aid, also dealing damage to the opponents. After that, destroy the Abyss Gates and talk to the warriors. Then, take the rich chest and open the gates ahead.
Continue moving and you will enter a fog that starts depleting your HP. Run forward as quickly as possible and encounter the familiar Wichama and Malco. They will guide you further. First, fight the dusky mimiflors in the form of zavrians, then with the automaton. The familiar Gutfrith will come to help. Take the rich chest and bid farewell to the souls.
Move further
Next, you will meet Chaski's sister — Kuichi and the souls of the zavrians. With their help, you will overcome other obstacles. Possess the iktomizaur. Using the elemental sense, move forward on the invisible platforms. Once at the statues with dragons, use the elemental sense again. Then, use the zavrian's skill on the red symbol to reveal a passage.
Possess the kukuzavr and, rising on the phlogiston stream, fly forward through the rings. Dodging Abyss attacks, you will find yourself before another set of gates. Activate the switch and enter inside.
Try to continue the path
Five heroes of the past will help the Traveler open the passage further. Move forward and the fairies of the Night Lord will illuminate the path, after which you will find yourself on the home stretch before Gosoytot.
- Adventure Experience (1,425)
- Mora (62,225)
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (11)
- Hero's Wit (6)
Universal Hope
In the Realm of Night, Mavuika and the Traveler make their way to the lair of Gosoytot — the embodiment of the Abyss in the form of a great dragon lord of antiquity. On their path, the souls of familiar war casualties assist the heroes, allowing them to progress step by step through the taint's pollution. The decisive battle has arrived, determining the fate of Natlan.
Go to Gosoytot
Passing through the last barrier, opened by the five heroes of antiquity, head to the dragon's lair. In the form of a tepitzaur, avoid bombs, whose explosion radius can be determined by the circles on the ground. In the form of a yumkazaur, move using the seals of rolled grass, and in the form of a koholozavr, avoid rays either by dodging them or jumping over them. Eventually, you will reach Gosoytot. After the cutscene, obtaining Pyro powers, you can fight him.
Defeat Gosoytot
In this phase of the battle, you won't be able to take down too much health from the enemy, considering that you'll have to fight using only the Pyro Traveler. To deal maximum damage, use the character's elemental skill with a long press to break the boss's shield. Also, stay as close to him as possible to avoid strong attacks.
Holding out until a certain phase, the action will switch back to Mavuika. Cross the bridges forward to the tower. Then climb the stairs and meet the Traveler. Take the weapon that will allow you to defeat Gosoytot, then continue the battle again, but now with both the main character and the Pyro Archon at your disposal.
- Primogems (30)
- Adventure Experience (1000)
- Mora (44,000)
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (8)
- Hero's Wit (4)
When Every Deed is Engraved in Stone
After defeating the Abyss, a whole ceremony was held for the Traveler in honor of his feats and a great feast was thrown. However, the celebration was overshadowed by a deal with Ronova, the mistress of death, who predicted death for Mavuika if she carried out her plan. However, the fate of the Pyro Archon took an unexpected turn.
Proceed further along the road of blessings
At the celebration, walk around the stadium, try on a feather headdress, walk along the road of blessings, and chat with the locals: take photos with some, give autographs to others, by spraying paint with the left mouse button. Then dance. During the action, watch the symbols on the screen and press the corresponding key to perform the move. Talk to the worried Sitlali and learn that the prophecy is unchanging and Mavuika is doomed to die. To stop the Pyro Archon, head to Ochkanatlan.
Find Mavuika
Realizing that Mavuika went to meet the Mistress of Death Ronova, go with Sitlali to Ochkanatlan to find the archon. Despite the girl's eagerness to pay with her life for the powers received, Capitano volunteers to repay the debt. He will give his life to the Lord of the Night so that she can exist forever, and at the same time rewrite the rules to allow the souls he carried in his heart to rest.
Head to the farewell ceremony location
After some time, head to the monument where the fallen heroes are commemorated. As you pass by, you will notice graffiti dedicated to the Traveler. Talk to friends and conduct the ceremony.
Pay tribute to the heroes
Talk to Mavuika and she will answer the Traveler's questions. After that, you can talk to friends nearby, then approach the statue and place a feather crown as a sign of respect.
Head towards new adventures
Return to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame and listen to the story about yourself that the storyteller entertains the local children with. After this, the main quest of Natlan will be completed.
- Primogems (30)
- Cornerstone of Stars and Flame (1)
- Adventure Experience (1225)
- Mora (53,900)
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (10)
- Hero's Wit (5)
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