Kamisato Ayato in Genshin Impact: Best Builds, Talents, Weapons, Constellation, Leveling and Team Composition

Kamisato Ayato is a five-star swordsman who wields the element of water (Hydro). He will appear in Genshin Impact after the 2.6 update. In this guide, we will talk about the combat tactics for this character, his strengths and weaknesses, and the materials required for leveling up the traveler's skills.
How to Obtain Kamisato Ayato in Genshin Impact
This hero can join your team after his banner is released. To do this, use the corresponding prayer. Follow the updates of Genshin Impact to not miss the banner!
Description of Kamisato Ayato — Title, Affiliation, Constellation, and Gender
- Gender: Male;
- Constellation: The Guardian Cypress;
- Affiliation: Yashiro Commission, Kamisato Clan;
- Title: Head of the Kamisato Clan.
This hero makes every effort to maintain order in Inazuma. He appears reserved and detached, but behind his calm facade lies a cunning nature and resourcefulness. Moreover, Ayato easily shares benefits with those around him, as if he himself needs nothing. Perhaps, this is just part of a grand plan...
Artworks with Kamisato Ayato
Kamisato Ayato's Active Abilities
- Kamisato Art: Marobashi (Normal Attack). The character performs from one to five sword strikes. The charged version of this attack is a forward thrust, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. The plunging attack causes AoE damage.
- Kamisato Art: Kyouka (Elemental Skill). The warrior enters the Takimeguri Kanka state and summons an illusion. When attacked, the illusion bursts, dealing Hydro AoE damage.
In the Takimeguri Kanka state, your hero deals exclusively Hydro damage with attacks called Shunsuiken. Each successful hit on an enemy triggers the Namisen effect, which increases the damage of normal attacks proportional to the character's maximum health. This effect can stack up to four times. Additionally, interruption resistance is increased. However, charged attacks and plunging attacks become unavailable.
Takimeguri Kanka will be canceled if the warrior uses the elemental skill again or if you switch to another character. - Kamisato Art: Suiyuu (Elemental Burst). Creates an area on the battlefield where enemies take Hydro damage. Additionally, it increases the normal attack damage of all your team's characters within the area.
Kamisato Ayato's Passive Abilities
- Kamisato Art: Daily Cooking. When you cook a perfect dish, there is a 15% chance to obtain an additional special dish of the same type.
- Kamisato Art: Mine-o Matoi Shi Kiyotaki. Using an elemental skill immediately grants 2nd level Namisen. After the illusion bursts, this effect is increased to its maximum.
- Kamisato Art: Michiyuku Hagestu. If the character is off-field and their energy is below 40, they regenerate 2 energy every second.
How and Where to Get Materials for Leveling Up Kamisato Ayato's Talents
To level up the character's talents, you will need the following resources:
- Level 2: Mora (12,500), Teachings of Elegance (3), Old Handguards (6);
- Level 3: Mora (17,500), Guide to Elegance (2), Kageuchi Handguards (3);
- Level 4: Mora (25,000), Guide to Elegance (4), Kageuchi Handguards (4);
- Level 5: Mora (30,000), Guide to Elegance (6), Kageuchi Handguards (6);
- Level 6: Mora (37,500), Guide to Elegance (9), Kageuchi Handguards (9);
- Level 7: Mora (120,000), Philosophies of Elegance (4), Famed Handguards (4), The Bloodjade Branch (1);
- Level 8: Mora (260,000), Philosophies of Elegance (6), Famed Handguards (6), The Bloodjade Branch (1);
- Level 9: Mora (450,000), Philosophies of Elegance (12), Famed Handguards (9), The Bloodjade Branch (2);
- Level 10: Mora (700,000), Philosophies of Elegance (16), Famed Handguards (12), The Bloodjade Branch (2), Crown of Insight (1).
Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Elegance will be given to you after completing the Violet Court domain. A Guide can be crafted from 3 Teachings, and a Philosophy from 3 guides.
Old and Famed Handguards, as well as Kageuchi Handguards, are dropped by Nobushi. We have indicated on the map where to look for them.
If you wish, you can make a Kageuchi Handguard from 3 Old Handguards. A Famed Handguard is assembled from 3 Kageuchi Handguards.
The Bloodjade Branch is obtained after defeating the boss Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto. You will find it in the End of the Oneiric Euthymia domain. Refer to the map for guidance.
The Crown of Insight will be awarded to you when you reach level 11 at the Frostbearing Tree. Additionally, this item can be obtained as a reward for completing certain time-limited events.
Constellations of Kamisato Ayato
- Kyouka Fushi: Increases damage against enemies with less than 50% health by 40%.
- Spring of the World: Raises the maximum Namisen levels to 5.
- Flower Viewing: Increases the Elemental Skill level by 3 (maximum of 15).
- Endless Flow: After activating an Elemental Burst, the normal attack speed of all your team's characters is increased by 15% for 15 seconds.
- Bansui Ichiro: Increases the Elemental Burst level by 3 (maximum of 15).
- Endless Source: If the next attack of your character hits an enemy after activating the Elemental Skill, it will grant 2 additional Shunsuikens with 300% damage. The Namisen effect does not apply to them.
How and Where to Get Materials for Ascending Kamisato Ayato
- Level 20: Mora (20,000), Sakura Bloom (3), Varunada Lazurite Sliver (1), Old Handguards (3);
- Level 40: Mora (40,000), Sakura Bloom (10), Varunada Lazurite Fragments (3), Old Handguards (15), Cleansing Heart (2);
- Level 50: Mora (60,000), Sakura Bloom (20), Varunada Lazurite Fragments (6), Kageuchi Handguards (12), Cleansing Heart (4);
- Level 60: Mora (80,000), Sakura Bloom (30), Varunada Lazurite Chunks (3), Kageuchi Handguards (18), Cleansing Heart (8);
- Level 70: Mora (100,000), Sakura Bloom (45), Varunada Lazurite Chunks (6), Famed Handguards (12), Cleansing Heart (12);
- Level 80: Mora (120,000), Sakura Bloom (60), Varunada Lazurite Gemstones (6), Famed Handguards (24), Cleansing Heart (20).
Sakura Bloom can be found in the open world of the game. Refer to our map for guidance.
Varunada Lazurite Slivers, Fragments, and Chunks can be obtained as rewards for defeating the bosses Azhdaha, Hydro Hypostasis, Ancient Geovishap, Stormterror, and Oceanid. Their locations are indicated on the map.
A Varunada Lazurite Fragment is crafted from 3 Slivers, a Chunk from 3 Fragments, and a Gemstone from 3 Chunks.
Cleansing Heart can be obtained by defeating the Hydro Hypostasis. You can find it using our map.
The Best Weapon and Artifacts Build for Kamisato Ayato
The best weapon for this character is the five-star sword Haran Geppaku Futsu. Its attack power ranges from 46 to 608, with a critical damage chance of 7.2-33.1%. This weapon provides a bonus to all elemental attacks by 12-24%. If one of the characters uses an elemental skill, the hero wielding this sword gains one level of Wavebreaker. There are two levels in total. When the warrior with Haran Geppaku uses an elemental skill themselves, their normal attack damage increases by 20-40% per level for 8 seconds. This weapon can be obtained through the Invocation of the Divine prayer after March 30, 2022.
If you don't have Haran Geppaku, use the Falcon Sword instead. It increases attack by 20-40%. Upon taking damage, the hero's health is restored by 100-160% of the attack power, and enemies take damage equal to 200-320% of this value. The effect can occur once every 15 seconds. To get this sword, use the Invocation of the Divine and Wanderlust Invocation prayers.
For artifacts, consider the Echoes of an Offering. Two pieces increase attack by 18%. If you have four artifacts, hitting an enemy with a 36% chance will trigger the Valley Ritual effect. It increases normal attack damage by 70% for 0.5 seconds. If this does not happen, each new hit on an enemy increases the chance of triggering Valley Ritual by 20%. The effect can occur no more than once every 0.2 seconds. Echoes of an Offering will appear in the game on March 30, 2022.
Instead of Echoes of an Offering, you can choose Gladiator's Finale. With two pieces, you increase attack power by 18%, and with four, you further increase it by 35% if the hero uses a sword or spear. These artifacts drop from bosses Stormterror, Wolf of the North, Hypostases of different elements (geo, anemo, cryo, and electro), Pyro Regisvine, Childe, Ancient Geovishap, and Oceanid. To find them, refer to our maps.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Kamisato Ayato
- Ability to increase attack power for all team members;
- Elemental burst effect remains even when the hero leaves the battlefield;
- High critical damage;
- Accelerated energy recovery while the warrior is not in battle;
- Extra dishes while cooking.
- Low attack power if the hero is not sufficiently leveled up;
- Damage depends on the health scale.
How to Play as Kamisato Ayato. Which Heroes Pair Well With Him in a Team
Kamisato is a character that should be used as the main attacking hero. Use the elemental skill and elemental burst to enhance his basic attacks. Don't forget about the support hero abilities. Geo-characters will help you reduce incoming damage, Anemo-characters will increase elemental damage, and healers will restore health. Remember that when Ayato is not on the battlefield, his energy recovers faster.
Team focused on Pyro damage:
- Kamisato Ayato (main attacking character);
- Kazuha (Anemo-hero for enhancing elemental attacks);
- Xiangling (Pyro-character for additional damage);
- Bennett (healer and Pyro-character support).
Squad focused on defense and Geo damage:
- Kamisato Ayato (main attacking hero);
- Kazuha (Anemo-character for enhancing elemental attacks);
- Yun Jin (Geo-hero for defense and additional damage);
- Zhongli (Geo-character for defense).
Team focused on Electro damage:
- Kamisato Ayato (main attacking character);
- Beidou (Electro-hero for dealing additional damage);
- Fischl (Electro-character support);
- Jean (Anemo-character for enhancing elemental attacks).
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