Black Stone Buried Under White: Volume 5, Chapter 2 in Genshin Impact Walkthrough

The first chapter of the Pyro-region storyline in Genshin Impact ended on a rather sad note. After dealing with hordes of monsters, the main character discovered a sad secret: it turns out that if someone from the Abyss wounds a person, they will never recover and their body will slowly decay. In this guide, we will tell you how to complete the second chapter of the fifth volume, dedicated to the Natlan storyline.
After the Traveler, along with Mualani and other members of the Spring People tribe, repelled a sudden attack from the Abyss, a day passed and the party where they celebrated not only the bloodless victory over the monsters but also the recovery of the tribe's true legend—a woman named Atea—was already over. However, even this celebration was overshadowed by the sad news of Atea's possible imminent death. Returning to the Sacred Flame Stadium, Mualani and the main character learn another terrible news about Kachina. Next, we will tell you how to complete this quest chain.
Take a walk around the Spring People settlement
After completing the first chapter Flowers Under the Scorching Sun, fast forward the time in the game by two days in the settings. Then head west from the Spring People settlement, using the teleport in the same location. Run towards the cave where the party for Atea was held. There you will meet Mualani and learn that the Night Watch War has ended, but Kachina fell in battle. Fortunately, the Pyro Archon has the Ode of Resurrection, and the ceremony will take place at the Sacred Flame Stadium.
Head to the Sacred Flame Stadium
Together with Mualani, visit the stadium where the resurrection ceremony for Kachina is about to begin. Teleport to the entrance of the location and take a few steps forward. People have gathered in the stands, and Kinich joined the group of Mualani and the Traveler. Everyone wants to greet the heroes and meet Kachina.
Together with your friends, you climb higher to sing the Ode of Resurrection. However, the Pyro Archon cannot find the ancient name and the girl herself in the Realm of Night, where she ended up after being killed by the Abyss.
Having exhausted all possible options, the heroes decide to go after Kachina to the Realm of Night themselves, and also use a special practice to extract the girl's ancient name from the earth's arteries. After this, Mawuika meets the first Harbinger of the Fatui—Capitano—with whom the girl has a fight. Wounded, he flees the battlefield, and the action switches back to saving Kachina.
- Adventure Experience (700);
- Mora (31,000)
- Hero's Wit (3);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (6);
Return of the Ancient Name
After the battle between Capitano and Mawuika, the action shifts to the Traveler, Chaska, and Mualani, who are planning to find Kachina's ancient name in the earth's arteries and bring the girl back to life. This goal leads them to the Descendants of Kron tribe, as it is in this settlement that a special ritual artifact is kept, allowing them to retrieve the ancient name. They encounter many difficulties along the way, but ultimately succeed. Read on to find out how to complete all the tasks in the quest chain.
Head to the Descendants of Kron tribe
Following Kinich's advice, ascend to the Descendants of Kron settlement. It will be slightly east of the point where you found yourself. Use the teleport or possess a yumkaza to easily climb up. Once on the wooden structure, move forward until you see the tribe's chief named Huayna. Talk to him and take the spirit stone, which will help fish out Kachina's ancient name from the earth's arteries.
Then find an NPC named Wichama, who will help find the name and use the artifact to search for it. Go to the ledge on the platform where a young man with green hair is sitting and talk to him, then start the preparations.
Prepare to search for the ancient name
To capture Kachina's name, Wichama needs hooks and ropes, as well as two pieces of obsidian. These can be found in local shops. First, go down to the settlement's marketplace and buy the necessary materials from an NPC named Amauta. Then move a bit forward and purchase the pieces of obsidian from the wandering merchant Pahatena.
Possess the nearby yumkaza and use the red seals of rolled grass to fly to the collection point, where Wichama is already waiting for the Traveler. Talk to the NPC and start the ritual to gather the name.
Collect fragments of the ancient name
While the device is working, small golden orbs—fragments of the ancient name—will appear around. Quickly collect them to fill the success gauge.
In the middle of the ritual, the forces of the Abyss, breaking free from the Realm of Night, will interfere with the collection. Defeat the Zavrians and the Abyss Mage to complete the ritual.
Alas, Wichama will fall into a trap set by dark forces. The Traveler will begin to drain energy from the young man. To keep the process going, quickly press the spacebar or the button on the screen until all the energy is drained.
Return to the tribe, talk to Chaska's sister, and head back to the stadium to return the obtained artifact to Mawuika.
- Adventure Experience (1000);
- Mora (44,000)
- Hero's Wit (4);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (8).
Echo of Life
Returning to Mawuika, the Traveler, Mualani, and Chaska give the Archon Kachina's ancient name, who got lost in the Realm of Night after her death. The task of the Natlans and the main hero is to find the girl and help her resurrect using the powers of the Pyro deity. To avoid getting lost, the travelers have to be extremely cautious, as danger lurks at every turn. Next, we'll explain how to complete all the tasks in the quest chain.
Bring Kachina's ancient name to Mawuika
Teleport to the Advisor's Chamber at the Sacred Flame Stadium and enter the building to meet the Pyro Archon Mawuika. The girl will talk about her clash with Capitano and show the Traveler a room with souvenirs from all the Natlans.
Examine the souvenirs in the room
Mawuika will suggest examining all the souvenirs in the room. Simply approach each item in turn and listen to the Archon's comments about them. They will all have a slight glow, making them easy to find. Among them:
A fisherman's rod named Matawaru;
Athea's talisman;
Ritual utensils of the alchemist Yemaya from the Lords of the Night Wind;
Kitera's belt from the Blessed Lands tribe;
The weapon of a hero named Tenoch.
After examining all the items, talk to Mawuika.
Place Kachina's ancient name
After talking to Mawuika and learning more about the Pyro Archon's family and herself, insert Kachina's ancient name into the device specially prepared for the ritual. To do this, approach the hearth closely and select the Place the ancient name function. Listen to the deity's speech and connect with the girl, then head to the ancient ruins to enter the Realm of Night from there.
Enter the Underground Ruins
Teleport to the underground ruins slightly south of the teleport in the Basin of Countless Flames. Run from the tower down to the base of the cliff. There you will find the necessary dungeon. Recommended teams for the dungeon are Pyro and Hydro, but you can take heroes of any element, especially Hydro or Anemo characters, as they will be more useful.
Search the Ruins
Move forward through the cave, following the quest marker until you reach a large hall. Talk to your companions and continue moving forward. After this, you will see a monument with a yumkaza. Use it and cross the chasm with the help of the seals. You will then find yourself before a cliff leading into another cave. Jump down and deal with the dark Zavrians residing there.
Take the common chest and possess the kolohosaurus opposite. Then jump onto the spiritual paths nearby and cross another chasm on them. Next, deal with the Hilichurls blocking the chest and continue your path. Activate the mechanism nearby and enter the opened gates.
Continue Exploring the Ruins
In the new area, you will see a monument with a tepetlizard. Use it to enter the molten crack on the right to cross to the other side. Enter the opened round gates, deal with another group of monsters, and take the luxurious chest. Opposite it will be another mechanism opening the gates. Use it and continue exploring the ruins.
Once again, possess the tepetlizard and dash to destroy the pile of rocks blocking the path. Without exiting the stance, climb up the rocks and approach the purple rift in the ruins, which will lead to the Realm of Night.
- Adventure Experience (1000);
- Primogems (30);
- Mora (44,000);
- Hero's Wit (4);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (8).
Fall into Eternal Night
Through the rift in the ruins, the Traveler, Chaska, Iansan, and Mualani enter the Realm of Night to save their friend Kachina. It turns out that the fallen war bearer of the ancient name could not be resurrected by Oda because the Abyss blocked the powers of the local ancient deity — Vayob. With the help of the spirit Malco — the deceased friend of Wichama — the travelers find the girl and try to escape from the dead kingdom.
Follow Malco
Upon entering the Realm of Night through the rift, you immediately find the spirit of the long-deceased hero of Natlan — Malco. Talk to him and follow the soul to the place where Kachina is hiding. Fight the monsters along the way and beware of the purple souls — if they hit a character, they will deal damage. Try to stay close to Malco so that his dome protects you from attacks. Evil spirits will try to mislead you, but Malco will guide you to Kachina.
Talk to Kachina
Soon you will encounter Kachina surrounded by Rift Hounds. Defeat the enemies with the girl and talk to her. She will ask you to check on Vayob, who has been tainted by the Abyss. To fulfill the girl's request, head to the totem pole.
Check on Vayob
Check the place indicated by Kachina. Simply move forward along the road, following the quest marker, then turn left and head to the large pole. Interact with it and cleanse it of Abyssal forces: defeat the Pyro Reader and extract the dark energy from the deity. Trial heroes, Kachina, and Mualani will assist in the battle. Use their skills to defeat the enemy and buy time to cleanse Vayob.
After the battle, a hero from the past, possessing the same artifact — Tupac, will emerge from Mualani's ancient name. Cleanse Vayob and quickly say goodbye, escaping from the forces of the Abyss.
How to Escape from the Abyss
Immediately after saying goodbye to Vayob, an earthquake will begin — the forces of the Abyss will start advancing. To escape from the Realm of Night — run as fast as you can to the wind stream and ascend, then dash forward towards the quest marker. Falling stones from the sky will block your path.
Dodge them and be extremely careful — if you get caught in the advancing darkness of the Abyss, you will have to redo this mission stage. After the checkpoint, a cutscene will begin: despite the closing passage, the travelers will be saved by Mavuika, who breaks through the veil between the world of the living and the Realm of Night.
- Adventure Experience (1225);
- Mora (53,000);
- Hero's Wit (5);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (10);
Past and Future
By breaking the veil between the Realm of Night and Natlan, Mavuika paid a great price but saved the Traveler, Chaska, Iansan, Mualani, and Kachina, for whom the team had gathered. Talking to the Pyro Archon, the warriors learn what the ruler of Natlan had to sacrifice and what further steps need to be taken in the fight against the Abyss.
Find Mavuika
Head to the Sacred Flame Stadium and teleport to the Chamber of Advisors.
Along with the Pyro Archon will be Chaska's sister, Kuichi. She will examine the travelers for traces of the Abyss. It will also turn out that most of Mavuika's souvenirs have disappeared: she gathered their power for the rescue. Listen to the Archon's plan to save Natlan and follow her on a mysterious path through memories.
Attend the celebration held at the inn
After Mavuika's mysterious memories, head to the feast celebrating Kachina's return. The party will be held at the Abode of Fatigue inn, so head there without delay. On the way, talk to Chaska's sister and enter the building. Then speak with Mavuika and learn about Capitano's further plans.
- Adventure Experience (925);
- Primogems (30);
- Mora (40,000);
- Hero's Wit (4);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (7);
- Cornerstone of Stars and Flames (1).
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