TOP 10 games whose plot blows your mind: BioShock, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid and many others

Once upon a time, developers believed that games did not need a meaningful plot. Supposedly, you can limit yourself to a synopsis in the spirit of «a tough hero has arrived at the enemy base and must save the world.» Now the gaming industry is not much different from cinema or literature, and the plot of some projects is so twisted that it blows your mind. It is about games that impress with a good plot that we will talk about in this collection. If you're too lazy to read, turn on the video — it's full of jokes, memes and fun!

BioShock Infinite. An ending you won't forget

The life of BioShock Infinite hero Booker DeWitt is full of suffering. Once upon a time, he participated in a war with the Indians and proved himself to be a cruel soldier who burned wigwams and mercilessly cut throats. One day he realized that he had turned into a monster, and from that moment the feeling of guilt did not leave him.

Over time, Booker sank more and more to the bottom — the last straw was the death of his wife, who did not survive childbirth. As a result, DeWitt began to drink, got into huge debts and even sold his own daughter.

One day the hero receives an order, the successful completion of which will free him from financial obligations. The assignment takes Booker to the incredible city of Columbia, which floats right among the clouds. There he will face the cruel tyrant Zachary Comstock, rescue sweet Elizabeth from captivity and try to unravel mysteries that can blow his mind.

The culmination of the story will be the finale, which will answer all questions and shock with an unexpected twist. It is unlikely that the ending will leave anyone indifferent.

Perhaps the gameplay and shooting mechanics may upset demanding gamers. However, the design of the locations and the plot turn BioShock Infinite into a gorgeousproject that everyone should appreciate.

What did you think of the ending of BioShock Infinite?


SOMA. Philosophical parable

The hero SOMA Simon was in a terrible accident not long ago. Then he lost his beloved, and he himself suffered severe brain damage. To make sure everything is in order with his head, he signs up for a medical procedure. The doctor pulls a scanning machine on him, presses a couple of buttons, and everything goes dark before the hero's eyes.

When Simon comes to his senses, what he sees in front of him is no longer a bright doctor's office, but a place that makes his skin crawl. The walls are stained with blood. Not a single living soul is visible. Robots roam the corridors, intending to tear into pieces everyone who catches their eye.

How did the hero end up here? What the hell is going on? And why does someone's voice insistently demand that Simon save humanity? You will soon receive answers to these questions, but you are unlikely to like them.

SOMA raises many philosophical dilemmas. What determines a person's personality? What makes us ourselves: consciousness or body? Is a copy of my consciousness still me?

At the same time, the hero will not only have to think a lot and run away from terrible monsters, but also make heartbreaking decisions. Some of them will make emotional gamers a lot of tears. SOMA is a great game, and its story will provide an unforgettable experience.

The Evil Within. Creepy surrealism

In The Evil Within, gamers will play as detective Sebastian Castellanos. He is a stern guy who recently lost his daughter, had a fight with his wife and is now looking for the meaning of life at the bottom of a bottle. However, he also does not forget about work — and this will play a cruel joke on the hero.

One day, a detective receives a call to the Mayak psychiatric hospital, where a mysterious massacre took place. There, something strange happens to the hero: he comes to his senses in a place that is not at all similar to reality.

There, a creepy butcher is cutting up corpses and plans to turn Sebastian into his next victim. A big guy with a safe on his head is trying to tear the hero into pieces. Bloodthirsty demons are roaming everywhere. The city twists surrealistically, like in Nolan's Inception. What the hell is going on here? The answer will be interesting.

The Evil Within will definitely appeal to fans of intense horror and twisted stories.

Metal Gear Solid 3. You will cry

In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Hideo Kojima spoke about the events when Big Boss had not yet received his nickname and was an ordinary agent. The name Boss at that time was borne by his mentor, who was also called Joy, Voivode and Mother of Special Forces.

She was a legend who raised a whole generation of great warriors. Alas, in Snake Eater she commits a terrible betrayal and breaks Snake's heart. Why did the Boss go over to the side of the enemy? How could she do this to the soldiers she raised? The hero has yet to find out, but for now a flame is burning in his heart, demanding revenge.

Eventually, Snake will figure out the truth, and it will be shockingly unpleasant. The hero will have to decide the fate of his mentor: at this moment, only a cracker will not shed a tear.

No matter how Hideo experimented with production and genres, the plot of Snake Eater remained his best creation. Nowhere else have the characters been as well-developed or the plot as dramatic.

Disco Elysium. The hard everyday life of a loser cop

The development process of Disco Elysium was a real nightmare. Perhaps that is why the game turned out to be so incomparable.

The hero of Disco Elysium is a former good cop who was sent to investigate a murder. Unfortunately, his life has been going downhill lately. Instead of collecting evidence, he got drunk, lost his pistol and his official car, and forgot about everything in the world — even telling his own name is an impossible task for him.

He finds himself in a difficult situation, but is still forced to investigate. The hero will have to interview suspects, examine the corpse, understand the reasons for the local strike and find the killer.

However, finding answers will not be easy. Every character you meet is full of surprises and secrets. Powerful organizations intrigue and pursue their own interests. Witnesses are not shy about lying and putting detectives on the wrong trail, and some even refuse to talk to a cop. However, this will not stop the hero.

The plot of Disco Elysium sounds simple in words only. In fact, this is a monumental story that will make you cry and laugh, make you fall in love with the characters and more than once break and then melt your heart. If you have not yet appreciated this masterpiece, be sure to add it to your list of must-play games.

Life is Strange. It's interesting to be a hipster schoolgirl

It would seem that Life is Strange tells the story of hipster schoolgirls who fight and make friends, look for love and get creative. Well, who cares? In fact, Dontnod studio managed to create an intriguing story with mysteries, investigations and unexpected twists.

Things are bad in the city of Arcadia Bay. The most popular girl at the local school suddenly disappeared. Students sometimes behave strangely, as if they have gone through some traumatic experience. The strong offend the weak, and adults are too busy with their own problems and cannot help. And the main character Max sometimes has visions in which the city is destroyed by a hurricane.

It will not be easy to help cope with adversity, find the maniac terrorizing the area and save friends, but Max has her own secrets: she knows how to manage time. But won't timeline games just make things worse?

Life is Strange has a great story. He will make you cry more than once, admire the courage of characters whom you considered scum, and hate those who seemed like a nice guy. In addition, Max will have to make many fateful choices that will decide the fate of the entire city.

Silent Hill 2. The Great Horror

Silent Hill 2 played a cruel joke on the series. The game turned out to be so great that not a single sequel could reach it.

In the story, James Sunderland receives a letter from his wife, who died several years ago. The beloved asks to come to the town of Silent Hill and find her. Alas, a lot of trouble awaited the hero in his place.

Almost no one lives in a foggy place, and rare citizens behave strangely. Sweet stranger Maria looks exactly like her late wife. Creepy monsters (or are they not monsters?) roam the streets, and the most dangerous of them is Pyramid Head, who follows the hero no matter what.

If you think that the unfortunate hero simply got into an unpleasant situation, the story will surprise you. The plot can blow your mind, and the denouement can make you burst into tears.

Spec Ops: The Line. Horrors of war

At release, many gamers missed Spec Ops: The Line, but over time, popular rumor did its job. A dramatic action film about the horrors of war, it has acquired almost cult status. It's all about the plot, which turned out to be incredibly cool.

In the story, Dubai was hit by a sandstorm that changed the city forever. The streets are filled with groups of bandits who rob, steal and kill the unfortunate ones who were unable to escape. A detachment of American soldiers was supposed to save civilians — only the soldiers disappeared and did not get in touch.

The main character Martin Walker was sent to Dubai to find the missing soldiers and, if possible, help the residents. The mission seems noble, but the war is full of cruelty — sometimes it breaks even the strongest guys.

Over time, events begin to become more and more strange, the actions of the soldiers become cruel, and the hero plunges into the abyss of madness. All this turns Spec Ops: The Line into the best anti-war game that will impress even the most demanding gamers with its scenario.

Alan Wake. A writer's nightmare

During the development of Alan Wake, Remedy studio was inspired by the works of such geniuses as Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick. It's interesting that Sam Lake and team managed to write a story that would make horror masters nod approvingly.

Alan Wake is a famous writer who is known in every corner of America. Alas, a dark streak has come in his work: he released his last work two years ago and since then he has not been able to write a single line.

To come to his senses, the hero and his beloved go on vacation. A change of scenery should help Alan find inspiration — after all, the lake house is so beautiful that cool ideas should definitely get a writer to sit down at a typewriter.

It's a pity that the writer won't have a quiet vacation: a powerful evil is already eyeing him, which is about to ruin everything. On the very first evening, something frightening pulls his wife into the lake, and Alan selflessly jumps after her.

It is not possible to save his beloved: Wake comes to his senses in a wrecked car far from the lake. Judging by the calendar, a week has passed that has been completely erased from memory. In addition, the hero is wounded, monsters are roaming the forest, and the locals do not believe him — it turns out that the house by the lake went under water 40 years ago. So where did Wake vacation?

The mystics add Alan's own manuscripts scattered around the area, which he apparently did not write. Everything that is told in them will certainly come true — if you believe the records, nothing good awaits the hero ahead.

If you missed this great story 11 years ago, check out not bad re-release of Alan Wake Remastered, which was recently released. The plot of the project will certainly impress you.

Her Story. True or false?

Her Story is an unusual game with an original concept. You play as a police officer who sits in front of the office computer screen and studies interrogation records. In the video, a certain Hannah Smith answers the investigator's questions about her missing husband. You have to find clues, use keywords to find new records and, in the end, form a complete picture of what happened.

Who is Hannah Smith? Is she a victim or a predator? Where did her husband go? It will be interesting to work on this case, because the plot here is steeper than in famous detective novels. Opinions about what happened will change constantly, and the suspects will more than once force you to look at yourself from a different angle.


As you can see, there are many games with great plots. What other projects would you include in this collection? Write in the comments!

Which game has the coolest story?

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