The second season of Telltale Games' episodic adventure based on the Fables comic book series. The action takes place six months after the events of...
An action-adventure western set in an open world. Gamers are again invited to conquer the Wild West, preparing many interesting activities and story...
Mass Effect 5 is the expected continuation of the cult role-playing series Mass Effect. The player creates a character and goes on an exciting space...
Battlefield: Bad Company 3 is a continuation of the dynamic first-person shooter. The game will touch upon several important world events, including...
The game tells about an unsuccessful attempt to colonize the Moon: a certain incident forced the androids to go against the creators, and people had...
The revival of the legendary series of first-person shooters with horror elements. The original game offered to take part in the battle between Hell...
BioShock 4 is a continuation of the atmospheric first-person shooter. The game will take place in the 1960s in the fictional Antarctic city of Boreas...
Medieval open-world stealth action in the Assassin's Creed series. The game takes place in 1579 in feudal Japan, where the stories of Naoe, a skilled...
Crimson Desert is a multiplayer role-playing game with a third-person view in a dark fantasy setting, which is a prequel to the MMO Black Desert. The...