The second season of Telltale Games' episodic adventure based on the Fables comic book series. The action takes place six months after the events of...
An action-adventure western set in an open world. Gamers are again invited to conquer the Wild West, preparing many interesting activities and story...
Mass Effect 5 is the expected continuation of the cult role-playing series Mass Effect. The player creates a character and goes on an exciting space...
A game about survival in an open world where many years ago a zombie apocalypse almost wiped people off the face of the Earth. Zombies still threaten...
Battlefield: Bad Company 3 is a continuation of the dynamic first-person shooter. The game will touch upon several important world events, including...
Albion and Aurora are missing. The spire was completely restored and was used by the mad king to cause a meteorite to crash onto the planet. He also...
The game tells about an unsuccessful attempt to colonize the Moon: a certain incident forced the androids to go against the creators, and people had...
The revival of the legendary series of first-person shooters with horror elements. The original game offered to take part in the battle between Hell...
BioShock 4 is a continuation of the atmospheric first-person shooter. The game will take place in the 1960s in the fictional Antarctic city of Boreas...
Medieval open-world stealth action in the Assassin's Creed series. The game takes place in 1579 in feudal Japan, where the stories of Naoe, a skilled...
Crimson Desert is a multiplayer role-playing game with a third-person view in a dark fantasy setting, which is a prequel to the MMO Black Desert. The...
The plot centers around a powerful artifact called the Chronotector, which has the ability to warp space and time at the will of its owner. With its...