Red Dead Redemption 2
Continuation of the 2008 third-person action-adventure game set in a large open world. Players are once again invited to conquer the Wild West, with a host of... Read more
Main story ending

Saving will allow you to start the game from the moment you complete the main story. You will be able to explore the world and complete the remaining quests as John Marston. Installation: Open the game save folder: For Steam/EGS version: Docu ...
Save - chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 with all bags

Save - Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 with all bags. Possible installation paths: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\[user_id]\. C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SocialClub Emu Saves\RDR2\. Game fo ...
Save where Mika got the scar in the ending

Spoiler: Show spoiler Hide spoiler In the ending where Arthur goes after the money with great honor, he leaves Mika a scar, save made before killing Mika in the epilogue. Game completed 96.7%. All side effects completed. L ...
Special Preservation - Guarma

This save was made using the safe editor. At the camp are Dutch, Bill, Micah and Javier. There are no wanted areas or restricted areas on Guarma. If a camp is attacked, its members will defend it. There are no tasks either. There are no requirements ...
Save (Game completed, modified save 100% + a lot of money)

Completed the entire story for gold 100% Completed the entire gold add-on 100% All weapons are 100% unlocked All cards are 100% unlocked All animals, fish, plants are unlocked and upgraded to 100% All horses are unlocked and upgraded to 100% Al ...
Completed game, empty inventory

Game save in which John has nothing Scenario: John quarreled with Abigail and she threw him out of the house, taking his money, weapons, and horse, and John will have to survive... P.S. don't go back to the marston ranch if you don't want to break ...

Incredibly, already in Chapter 1, at the very beginning of the game, Arthur Morgan absolutely legally wears the “Legend of the East” costume Arthur Morgan: - health, stamina, dead eye - level 10 Horse: (Arabian) - health, stamina - level 10 Collec ...
Save (Game completed 100%)

I really tried my best to complete this game 100%! I had to spend about 500 hours collecting and completing absolutely everything, filling out all sections of the reference book, and replaying all quests for gold medals.
Save (Story completed, Blackwater not explored, 84.8% completion)

Save RDR 2 (Story completed, Blackwater not explored) 84.8% completion Useful for those who want to explore Blackwater. Blackwater has not been explored. Installation: Place the contents of the archive in the folder C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ro ...
Saving (Chapter 1, in the camp, immediately after the move, for those who want to start the game all over again immediately from the "open world") [No cheats]
![Saving (Chapter 1, in the camp, immediately after the move, for those who want to start the game all over again immediately from the "open world") [No cheats]](
The first 6 missions (the most tedious and annoying IMHO, because “stray bullets” can take up to 2 hours on average) were completed with gold. Paste files into the folder C:\Users\********\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\***** ...
Save (Game completed 101%, EVERYTHING completed and collected!)

The author tried very hard to complete this game 101%! He had to spend about 300 hours collecting and completing absolutely everything, filling out all sections of the reference book, and replaying all quests for gold medals. And this save has every ...
Save (Game completed 100%)

Game completed 100%: - All story missions completed with gold; - Received all achievements (for story mode); - Passed all tests; - 144 cigarette cards were found; - 30 dinosaur skeletons found; - 10 rock inscriptions were found; - 20 dream catchers f ...
Save (Game completed 100%)

Game completed 100%: - All story missions completed with gold; - Received all achievements (for story mode); - Passed all tests; - 144 cigarette cards were found; - 30 dinosaur skeletons found; - 10 rock inscriptions were found; - 20 dream catchers f ...
Save (Chapter 2, all items collected, all tests passed)

Save at the beginning of the 2nd chapter. Story missions are untouched, missions of non-comers/random encounters are also skipped. Arabian horse (4th level of trust). Passed all tests; 144 cigarette cards found; 30 dinosaur skeletons found; 10 rock ...
Saving (Before starting chapter 6)

Installation: C:\Users\*username*\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\*your profile*