After a squad of brave paratroopers is killed in an intergalactic ambush, the only surviving member of the team embarks on a path of retribution and...
Returning from a trip, the main character discovers that his ship has been captured by intergalactic “infectors”. To save your home, you will have to...
A pixel game about a wizard who can move into the shadows to avoid opponents and solve puzzles. The action takes place in an unusual castle, divided...
A sci-fi game set on a research space station. While traveling to the planet, the team encounters an unknown creature, which they take on board as a...
The main character is a young chef who is tasked with reviving a once famous restaurant in a beautiful seaside town that was once a thriving tourist...
A multiplayer game in which drivers try to avoid getting caught by the police. There are several different modes. You can also play as the police and...
The plot tells the story of a girl Anita, who is the result of an experiment. She receives an implant in the form of a sentient nanomechanical entity...
The new part of Test Drive takes place in an open world on the luxurious island of Hong Kong, recreated on a 1 to 1 scale. Like previous parts of the...
The protagonist explores a sunny sci-fi world by car to find his sister. You can help people you meet on the road solve their problems. The car needs...
Industry Idle is a free, exciting management simulator with arcade clicker elements. As you progress, you will build factories, manage resources, and...