Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact: Best Builds for Weapons and Artifacts, Skills, Leveling and Ascension

Kuki Shinobu is a five-star swordswoman who specializes in the Electro element. She is expected to appear in Genshin Impact with the next major update. In this guide, we will discuss the best builds for the character, effective combat tactics, and the resources needed for ascension and skill leveling.
How to Get Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact
This character was available with the release of update 2.7. Keep an eye on Genshin Impact updates to not miss the banner featuring this character!
Description of Kuki Shinobu — Title, Affiliation, Constellation, and Gender
- Gender: Female;
- Constellation: The Court of Final Appeal;
- Affiliation: Arataki Gang;
- Title: Assistant to the Arataki Gang Leader.
Kuki Shinobu joined the Arataki gang later than the others. However, her presence significantly changed the gang — the thugs began to take an interest in business negotiations, legal consultations, and even custom clothing tailoring, all thanks to Kuki's connections and influence. Negotiations involving her always go smoothly. Meanwhile, the girl has her own secrets, for example, nobody has seen her face under the mask, and few know why she tries to avoid getting close to the Grand Narukami Shrine.
Artworks of Kuki Shinobu
What are Kuki Shinobu's Active Skills
- Shinobu's Shadow Sword (Normal Attack). The heroine performs up to four sword strikes. The charged version of this attack consists of two powerful thrusts. The plunge attack deals AoE damage.
- Sanctifying Ring (Elemental Skill). The swordswoman sacrifices a portion of her health to create an aura around herself. It deals Electro damage to enemies and restores the active character's health once every 1.5 seconds. The healing effectiveness depends on Shinobu's maximum health. Note that the elemental skill will stop working if Kuki's health falls below 20%.
- Gyoei Narukami Kariyama Rite (Elemental Burst). The heroine creates a barrier that attacks electricity in an area. The damage depends on the swordswoman's maximum health. If she has less than 50% health, the protection will last longer.
Kuki Shinobu's Passive Talents
- Life Skill. The reward for expeditions in Inazuma is increased by 25% for 20 hours.
- Liberation. When Kuki's health drops below 50%, her healing effectiveness is increased by 15%.
- Serenity of Spirit. The damage from Sanctifying Ring is increased by 25% of Elemental Mastery, and the healing effectiveness is increased by 75% of this value.
Kuki Shinobu's Constellations
Constellations are character talents that can enhance vitality and basic attack, increase damage, or extend the duration of elemental burst and elemental skill effects. To unlock a constellation for Kuki, you need to obtain her again during wishes.
- Refusal of Compassion. The area of effect of the elemental burst is increased by 50%;
- Refusal of Fortune: The duration of Sanctifying Ring is increased by 3 seconds;
- Refusal of Suffering: The level of the elemental skill is increased by 3 levels (maximum — 15);
- Refusal of Bonds: If the swordswoman hits an opponent with a plunge, normal, or charged attack under the effect of Sanctifying Ring, a thundergrass mark will appear, dealing additional AoE damage equal to 9.7% of Shinobu's maximum health. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds;
- Refusal of Courtesies: The level of the elemental burst is increased by 3 levels (maximum — 15);
- Refusal of Weaknesses: When the swordswoman's health drops below 25% and then she is killed, she remains alive. Her Elemental Mastery is increased by 150 points for 15 seconds. This effect can occur once every 60 seconds.
How and Where to Get Materials for Kuki Shinobu's Talent Level-Up
To level up the heroine's talents, you will need the following materials:
- Level 2: Mora (12,500), Teachings of Elegance (3), Spectral Husk (6);
- Level 3: Mora (17,500), Guide to Elegance (2), Spectral Heart (3);
- Level 4: Mora (25,000), Guide to Elegance (4), Spectral Heart (4);
- Level 5: Mora (30,000), Guide to Elegance (6), Spectral Heart (6);
- Level 6: Mora (37,500), Guide to Elegance (9), Spectral Heart (9);
- Level 7: Mora (120,000), Philosophies of Elegance (4), Spectral Nucleus (4), Tear of the Calamity Purification (1);
- Level 8: Mora (260,000), Philosophies of Elegance (6), Spectral Nucleus (6), Tear of the Calamity Purification (1);
- Level 9: Mora (450,000), Philosophies of Elegance (12), Spectral Nucleus (9), Tear of the Calamity Purification (2);
- Level 10: Mora (700,000), Philosophies of Elegance (16), Spectral Nucleus (12), Tear of the Calamity Purification (2), Crown of Insight (1).
Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Elegance can be obtained in the Violet Court. Additionally, Guides can be crafted from 3 Teachings, and Philosophies can be crafted from 3 Guides.
Spectral Husks, Hearts, and Nuclei drop from specters. On the map, we have indicated where they can be found.
Tears of the Calamity Purification are dropped by the boss Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto. Its location is marked below.
The Crown of Insight can be obtained as a reward for completing various time-limited events. Additionally, it will be awarded to you if you reach level 11 of the Frostbearing Tree.
How and Where to Get Materials for Ascending Kuki Shinobu
When your heroine reaches level 20, her leveling will stop. To gain new levels, you need to ascend her. You will need the following materials:
- Level 20: Mora (20,000), Naku Weed (3), Vajrada Amethyst Sliver (1), Spectral Husk (3);
- Level 40: Mora (40,000), Naku Weed (10), Vajrada Amethyst Fragment (3), Spectral Husk (15), Runic Fang (2);
- Level 50: Mora (60,000), Naku Weed (20), Vajrada Amethyst Fragment (6), Spectral Heart (12), Runic Fang (4);
- Level 60: Mora (80,000), Naku Weed (30), Vajrada Amethyst Chunk (3), Spectral Heart (18), Runic Fang (8);
- Level 70: Mora (100,000), Naku Weed (45), Vajrada Amethyst Chunk (6), Spectral Nucleus (12), Runic Fang (12);
- Level 80: Mora (120,000), Naku Weed (60), Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone (6), Spectral Nucleus (24), Runic Fang (20).
You can find Naku Weed in Inazuma. Refer to our map for guidance.
Slivers, Fragments, and Chunks of Vajrada Amethyst drop from the bosses Magatsu Mitake Narukami, Bathysmal Vishap Herd, Thunder Manifestation, Primo Geovishap, Childe, Stormterror, and Electro Hypostasis. Their locations are also indicated on the maps.
A Vajrada Amethyst Fragment is crafted from 3 Slivers, a Chunk from 3 Fragments, and a Gemstone from 3 Chunks.
The Runic Fang drops from the Ruin Serpent.
Details about Spectral Husks, Hearts, and Nuclei were provided in the previous section.
The Best Weapon and Artifact Build for Kuki Shinobu
The best weapon for Kuki is the Primordial Jade Cutter. It increases health by 20-40% and boosts the heroine's attack by 1.2-2.4% of her maximum health. It can be obtained through the Epitome Invocation wish.
For artifacts, pay attention to the Tenacity of the Millelith set. It increases health by 20%. You can obtain it in the Mountain's Bounty domain. As a secondary set, take the Ocean-Hued Clam. It increases healing effectiveness by 15%. You will find it in the Slumbering Court.
If you wish, you can take all 4 artifacts from the Ocean-Hued Clam set. In this case, during healing, a Sea-Dyed Bubble is created. It accounts for how many health points were restored. This number includes the excessive healing that exceeds the character's health bar. After 3 seconds, the bubble explodes and deals damage to enemies equal to 90% of the restored health points. The effect can occur no more than once every 3.5 seconds.
How to Play as Kuki Shinobu. Which Heroes Combine Well With Her in a Team
Kuki Shinobu, much like Barbara, is primarily a healer, making her beneficial to virtually any team. You should switch to her when a character in your squad needs to recover health. Use her Sanctifying Ring (elemental skill) and then switch back to your main DPS character. If needed, you can create an electrical barrier, which is especially effective when combined with other elements (Hydro, Cryo, and Pyro).
If you want, you can be strategic about it. Intentionally take damage to reduce Shinobu's health below 50%. In this case, the effectiveness of healing and the electrical barrier will increase.
Optimal team composition with Kuki Shinobu:
Depending on the opponents, Cryo characters can be replaced with Pyro element heroes. Klee, Diluc, or Yoimiya would work as the main DPS character, while Bennett, Xinyan, Thoma, Amber, or Xiangling will serve as support characters.
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