Flowers Under the Scorching Sun in Genshin Impact Walkthrough Guide

With the release of the Genshin Impact 5.0 update, not only did a new location — Natlan — appear, but also Archon Quests that tell the story of the Pyro region. In this guide, we will detail how to complete the first chapter of the fifth volume, explaining each quest and how to accomplish it.
As of the time of writing this article, there are four chapters of the story, the total completion of which can take from 14 to 20 hours, depending on how immersed you are in the story.
Flowers Under the Scorching Sun
The first chapter of Natlan's story is dedicated to saying goodbye to old friends from Fontaine and meeting new ones. The first person the Traveler will see is Kachina from the «Children of Echo» tribe. The girl will tell you that preparations are starting for the sacred Pilgrimage ritual for all residents of the Pyro region: a special tournament where the strongest heroes are chosen to participate in the battle against the Abyss. Next, we will explain in detail how to complete the first chapter of «Flowers Under the Scorching Sun.»
Natlan! A New Journey
The first quest in the «Flowers Under the Scorching Sun» quest chain. The Traveler heads to Port Romarin to say goodbye to old friends from Fontaine and embark on new adventures. Next, we will explain how to complete this quest.
Head to Port Romarin
Teleport to the Statue of the Archon in Port Romarin and go directly to the monument, bypassing the lift. Then, confidently jump down to the pier and head to the spot highlighted by a beam. Talk to Navia, Clorinda, Charlotte, and Furina, take a commemorative photo, and head directly to Natlan.
Head to Natlan
The easiest way to visit Natlan is through the Hadramavet Desert: there will already be a teleport open in the Pyro region, even if you haven't unlocked the map itself. Move to the specified point and go forward. However, halfway through, you may enter a side world quest where you will have to save a baby Tepetlizaur, who will subsequently accompany you on your travels through the country. Complete this small quest and then continue with the main storyline.
According to it, you need to reach the «Children of Echo» tribe. Talk to Paimon and continue moving forward to a small gorge: this is where the tribe is located. Follow the road, cross a small suspension bridge until you see a girl and two characters.
Eavesdropping on the conversation, you will learn that the girl's name is Kachina and she was abandoned by her teammates who were supposed to participate in the Pilgrimage with her. Kachina will tell you a bit about the ancient names and the Pilgrimage itself.
Follow Kachina to the Children of Echo
After the dialogue, follow Kachina. While the girl runs, just follow her. Inspect the huge drill, which is a symbol of the tribe, and run forward to the stage. There, the girl will tell you that instead of dancing, she decided to become a warrior. By the way, if you watch the dancers' performance for a while, you will receive the achievement «Dance! Dance! Dance!».
Continue exploring the Children of Echo territory
Follow Kachina and she will lead you to a group of Tepetlizauruses, including Ayo, a baby Tepetlizaurus belonging to the girl. She will explain that while these animals serve the tribe, they are quite independent. If you already have a companion obtained from the quest at the beginning, he will appear in the introduction scene with Ayo and go play with the baby. After that, go with Kachina to Vaiob — the ancient deity that each tribe has. There you will meet the tribe's leader, who will tell you in detail about the ancient names. After that, you will need to go to the Statue of the Archons.
Go to the Statue of the Seven Archons
Together with Kachina, go to the monument. Simply climb the stairs, pass a small gorge, and you will see the quest marker. Talk to the girl and demonstrate the power of the elements to her, then proceed further.
Go to the Sacred Flame Stadium
From the Statue of the Archon, continue to the Sacred Flame Stadium. To do this, simply run straight along the main road without turning anywhere. Orient yourself by the tall dinosaurs in the distance and the long trees with blue foliage. Additionally, there is already a teleport near the required place, so if you have already explored Natlan and opened all the points, feel free to move there.
Once there, talk to Kachina and make a camp. During the dialogue, it will become known that the Traveler cannot obtain the power of Pyro for a reason, and this may be related to the unusual archon of Natlan, who is an ordinary human and not a deity.
Activate the Phlogiston Monument
Paimon will discover a strange monument called the Phlogiston Monument. It is believed that if it is activated, something good will happen, but only Natlan residents can do this. However, you can still try. Approach the statue closer (after collecting phlogiston particles and filling the bar), then press «fill with phlogiston», and then talk to Kachina.
Having met a large Tepetlizaurus named Toto, you can shorten part of the way to the stadium by riding on the rhino, after which continue following Kachina to the destination. To do this, follow the trail, then cross the bridge, and you will be there. There, you will meet Mualani and Kinich, who will provide more information about the Pilgrimage and the War of the Night Watchers and resolve the dilemma involving Kachina.
Register for the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame
Go up the stairs and turn left to the registration desk. There will be several NPCs standing there. After talking to the registrar, it will become known that foreigners like the Traveler can interfere with the extraction of the Sacred Flame, which is obtained during the Pilgrimage when the Natlans fight each other.
Go to the «Abode of Fatigue»
After registration, go to the local hotel called «Abode of Fatigue». From the registration desk, turn left and run a bit forward, then turn right and go up the stairs. A door will open in front of you. Enter it and continue straight down the corridor to the souvenir shop. From there, go down the stairs on the left. Right opposite the steps will be the entrance to the hotel. Enjoy the local cuisine with your new friends and complete the first day of preparation for the tournament.
- Adventure experience (1000);
- Mora (44,000);
- Hero's experience (4);
- Magic enhancement ore (8).
Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame
The decisive day of the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame, which is the most important competition in all of Natlan, is coming. The tournament takes place in two stages: team and individual. Although the Traveler is among the spectators, the residents of the Pyro region handle all the difficulties excellently on their own. We will tell you how to complete all the tasks of the match further.
Find Kachina and Mualani (optional)
After a hearty dinner, you can immediately fast-forward time to the start of the tournament, or you can first find Mualani and Kachina training. Leave the hotel and head to the bridge at the entrance to the Sacred Flame Stadium. Go through the corridor and head east of the location. After leaving the underground corridor, go up the wide steps on the left and run to the bridge. Somewhere in the middle of it, jump down to the waterbody. There you will see your newfound friends and can talk to them. After that, set the time to 8-10 AM to start the continuation of the quest.
Meet Kachina and the others
Return to the «Abode of Fatigue» to meet your new friends there and see them off to the tournament. After that, talk to the NPC named Lamanai. The game will give a notification warning that you should proceed with the quest only if you have enough free time. If you're ready to continue, choose the response «enter the stand» and the tournament will begin.
Collect the Sparks of Competition (3)
Although the Traveler will remain in the stands, the player will be able to directly participate in the Pilgrimage. You will be able to control two trial characters, Kachina and Mualani, to take part in the team stage. The goal of the competition: defeat enemies and collect three Sparks faster than the opponents do.
The first spark will be ahead: run to the pedestal above which the spark flew up. Using Mualani and Kachina's skills, deal with the enemies and take the spark from the pedestal.
The second spark will be to the right of the previous one, on a wooden structure. To shorten the climbing time, use Kachina. Again, defeat the enemies (and also the monsters) and take the spark from the monument.
After that, go to the edge of the platform and notice a tall mountain on the right. Using Kachina's skill, climb the rock and enter the molten crack to get to the top faster. If you didn't manage to collect it, run forward — there will be another stand.
After that, switch to Mualani and jump on the spiritual paths when the girl is in a special stance. The paths will lead you to the stadium.
Return to the Sacred Flame Stadium
Hand over the collected sparks and Mualani and Kachina will go to rest before the solo fights. However, two participants will come to the girl's room and start threatening her. Fortunately, the Traveler will arrive in time. After the conversation, prepare for the individual stage: approach the door, gather the phlogiston particles, and start the tournament.
Complete the duel with Nkunga
Kachina's first opponent will be Nkunga. He is quite easy: just dodge his stones, then attack when the NPC is catching his breath and use all the girl's skills. Moreover, if her health reaches a critical point, you can use food, not only to restore HP but also to increase damage.
Complete the duel with Liliuo
After a series of fights with varying success, Kachina will again face a strong enemy in battle, whom the player will have to defeat while playing as the girl. This opponent is a bit more challenging: she releases ice projectiles that can be dodged, and she also has a special attack that Kachina needs to interrupt. Here's how to do it:
Using Kachina's skill, climb the columns where the opponent has placed ice pillars and destroy them to weaken the NPC. Do this several times, and finally, climb the central platform and defeat Liliuo.
Complete the duel with Mualani
This time the player won't have to do anything. During the cutscene, Kachina will unleash her full potential and defeat her friend.
Participate in the award ceremony
Talk to Mualani and Kinich. While Kachina goes with the winners to fight the Abyss, new friends suggest the Traveler visit their tribes. Despite the interesting offers, you will eventually have to go to the «People of the Springs» tribe.
- Adventure Experience (1225);
- Mora (53,000);
- Hero's Wit (5);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (10).
Land of Hot Springs
Visiting Mualani's tribe, the Traveler had a great time: bathed in hot springs and helped the locals. But alas, all good things come at a price, and the grand party turned into another battle with the Abyss. Next, we will tell you how to complete the tasks in the chain.
Go to the People of the Springs tribe
Before heading to the tribe, it's best to unlock all teleportation points. The tribe itself is located in the south of Natlan and is situated in the Toyek Streams. You can start the quest by teleporting to a point slightly east of the tribe and descending a bit down the road. Talk to Mualani and head to the hot springs, but follow all the rules—first, try out the artificial pools.
Bathe in the artificial hot springs
Following the advice, head to the springs. Climb onto the wooden platform and turn right from the shop. After that, you will meet the tribe leader and several characters. They will want to throw a party for Athea, deciding that she has recovered from the Abyss attack. Then, go bathe in the spring, but change clothes first.
After bathing, meet everyone who planned Athea's party in the cave. Walk forward on the stone path, then turn left and run to the entrance to the secluded place. After talking with the men and distributing tasks, go shopping with Mualani.
Head to the market street to buy everything you need
Go shopping with Mualani. The first seller will be Elafat. Buy wood, decorations, and gems from her, receiving a box of juice as a gift. Return to the cave and check how the party preparations are going. Once the place is decorated, head to the hotel.
Deal with the unforeseen situation
Traveler and Paimon won't get much sleep—shouts will be heard outside. It will soon turn out that the tribe was suddenly attacked by the Abyss. Help the people get rid of it and kill as many monsters as possible with Mualani in the squad.
Go with Mualani to find Amina
You can find the leader in the central tower of the People of the Springs. With Mualani in the party, you can quickly reach it via the water. The tribe leader will reveal that the Abyss monsters are entering through special gates in the east, which need to be destroyed.
Destroy the Abyss gates
Head east, following the quest marker. Upon reaching the gates, deal with the monsters guarding them. To destroy the portal itself, use elemental attacks to deplete the white bar on the structure, then destroy the weakened mechanism, fending off the Hounds simultaneously. Mualani, who will remain in your party, is the best suited for this.
Head to the abandoned hot spring
After talking to Mualani, you notice that the cave where the party is supposed to take place is surrounded by monsters. Head to the spring and deal with the enemies, then help Athea and cleanse her from the Abyss forces. Once the attack is repelled, go and rest.
The next day, return to the cave and attend the party.
- Primogems (30);
- Adventure Experience (1000);
- Mora (44,000);
- Hero's Wit (4);
- Mystic Enhancement Ore (8).
Additionally, you can claim one event wish for completing the chapter.
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