Dori in Genshin Impact: Best Weapon and Artifact Builds, Skills, Talents and Leveling

Dori — a four-star swordswoman in Genshin Impact, who serves as a healer and electro-support character. In this guide, we will talk about the heroine's abilities, the resources needed for her leveling, as well as combat tactics involving this beauty.
How to get Dori in Genshin Impact
The first banner with Dori was available on September 9, 2022, in the 3.0 update. It's possible that the developers will add it again later with other major updates. Stay tuned to our website for news!
Description of Dori — title, affiliation, constellation, and gender
- Gender: Female;
- Constellation: The Magic Lamp;
- Affiliation: Alcazarzaray Palace;
- Titles: Merchant from Sumeru.
Dori is a female merchant who specializes in rare and sometimes strange goods. Among them are unique herbs, precious stones, and other exotic items that cannot be bought from other merchants. It remains a mystery where she gets them from. Some believe that the girl takes advantage of the situation and jacks up the price, while others are grateful to her for truly useful items for them.
Artworks with Dori
What are Dori's active skills
Dori is a four-star swordswoman who deals Electro damage to enemies. However, her key ability is summoning a genie. This creature restores health and energy to the active character.
- Enchanting Sword Dance (Normal Attack). Dori delivers up to three blade strikes to enemies. The charged version of this attack is a spinning sword move that continuously consumes stamina.
- Spirit-Subduing Lamp: Troubleshoot Cannon (Elemental Skill). The heroine launches a Troubleshoot Projectile at the enemy. If it hits an opponent, two more Warranty Service Projectiles will emerge, automatically finding their targets.
- Alcazarzaray's Persistence (Elemental Burst). The character summons a genie with Electro status. It restores health and energy to the active hero. The replenishment rate is proportional to Dori's own life force scale. In addition, a connection is established between the genie and the character it heals. If an enemy comes into the path of this connection, they will receive Electro damage once every 0.4 seconds. Summoning a second genie will cause the first one to disappear.
What are Dori's passive talents
- Unexpected Order. When crafting materials for character or weapon enhancement, there is a 25% chance to refund a portion of the used resources.
- Golden Sand. If the character connected with the genie triggers an elemental reaction (Stimulation, Charged, Superconductor, Electro Crystal, Overload, Intensification, Electro Discharge, or Vegetation), Dori's Elemental Skill cooldown is reduced by 1 second.
- Compound Interest. When the Troubleshoot Projectile hits an enemy, it replenishes 5 units of Dori's energy for every 100% of her energy recharge rate. This way, up to 15 energy units can be compensated.
Dori's Constellations
For each new constellation, you will need Dori's Luck. You will obtain it if you pull the character again during wishes. We have detailed all of Dori's constellation bonuses below:
- Additional Investments. The number of Warranty Service Projectiles will increase by one.
- Special Franchise. While healing the active character, the genie will shoot at enemies with Electro damage. The damage amount is 50% of Dori's base attack.
- Unceasing Wonders. Increases the level of Elemental Burst by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
- Wise Distribution. If the character being healed by the genie has less than 50% health, their healing rate increases by 50%. If this character has less than 50% energy, their energy replenishment rate increases by 30%. Only one of these effects will be in effect at a time.
- Justified Expenditure. Increases the level of Elemental Skill by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
- Squandering Wealth. After using the Elemental Skill, Dori gains Electro Infusion for 3 seconds. This means that all damage from normal and charged attacks will be converted to Electro damage. If during this time the heroine hits an enemy, then all party characters will restore health equal to 4% of Dori's maximum health.
Where to find (how to obtain) materials for Dori's Ascension
Ascension is a process that needs to be undertaken to continue leveling up after reaching level 20. For this, you will require specific resources.
- Level 20: Mora (20,000), Kalpalata Lotus (3), Vajrada Amethyst Sliver (1), Faded Red Satin (3);
- Level 40: Mora (40,000), Kalpalata Lotus (10), Vajrada Amethyst Fragment (3), Faded Red Satin (15), Thunderclap Fruit (2);
- Level 50: Mora (60,000), Kalpalata Lotus (20), Vajrada Amethyst Fragment (6), Trimmed Red Silk (12), Thunderclap Fruit (4);
- Level 60: Mora (80,000), Kalpalata Lotus (30), Vajrada Amethyst Chunk (3), Trimmed Red Silk (18), Thunderclap Fruit (8);
- Level 70: Mora (100,000), Kalpalata Lotus (45), Vajrada Amethyst Chunk (6), Rich Red Brocade (12), Thunderclap Fruit (12);
- Level 80: Mora (120,000), Kalpalata Lotus (60), Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone (6), Rich Red Brocade (24), Thunderclap Fruit (20).
Kalpalata Lotus can be found in the open world of the game. Refer to our map for guidance.
Vajrada Amethyst Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones are obtained from the Stormterror and Electro Hypostasis, as well as in the Golden House.
A Vajrada Amethyst Fragment can be crafted from 3 Slivers, a Chunk from 3 Fragments, and a Gemstone from 3 Chunks.
Faded, Trimmed, and Rich Red Brocades drop from Hilichurls. Their habitats are indicated on the map.
Trimmed Red Silk can be crafted from 3 units of Faded Silk, and Rich Red Brocade from 3 units of Trimmed.
Where to find and how to obtain materials for Dori's Talent Level-Up
- Level 2: Mora (12,500), Teachings of Wit (3), Faded Red Silk (6);
- Level 3: Mora (17,500), Guide to Wit (2), Trimmed Red Silk (3);
- Level 4: Mora (25,000), Guide to Wit (4), Trimmed Red Silk (4);
- Level 5: Mora (30,000), Guide to Wit (6), Trimmed Red Silk (6);
- Level 6: Mora (37,500), Guide to Wit (9), Trimmed Red Silk (9);
- Level 7: Mora (120,000), Philosophies of Wit (4), Rich Red Brocade (4), Cleansing Heart (1);
- Level 8: Mora (260,000), Philosophies of Wit (6), Rich Red Brocade (6), Cleansing Heart (1);
- Level 9: Mora (450,000), Philosophies of Wit (12), Rich Red Brocade (9), Cleansing Heart (2);
- Level 10: Mora (700,000), Philosophies of Wit (16), Rich Red Brocade (12), Cleansing Heart (2), Crown of Insight (1).
We have already discussed the different types of red silk above.
Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Wit are obtained from the Tower of Ignorance. Its location is indicated on the map.
Guide to philosophies can be crafted from 3 Teachings, and Philosophies from 3 Guides.
Cleansing Heart is dropped by a boss known as Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto. To find it, refer to our map.
The Crown of Insight is obtained at level 11 of the Frostbearing Tree. Additionally, it appears as a reward during some time-limited events.
The best weapon and artifact build for Dori
Ceremonial Greatsword. This weapon has an attack of 44-565 units and an energy recharge bonus of 6.7-30.6%. When the character's elemental skill hits an enemy, there is a 40-80% chance its cooldown will reset, allowing you to use the skill again. The effect can occur no more than once every 30-16 seconds. The sword can be obtained through prayers to the Mountain and Market, Forest Patrol, and Incarnation of the deity.
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa. This sword has a base attack power of 42-510 units with an additional increase in energy regeneration of 10-45.9%. Thanks to this weapon, damage from the elemental skill is increased by 6-18%. If it hits an enemy, Dori will lose 3 energy units but will regenerate 3-5 units every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. The effect can occur once every 10 seconds and will activate even if Dori is not on the field.
To craft the Katsuragikiri Nagamasa, you will need:
- Northlander Polearm Billet (1);
- Crystal Chunk (50);
- White Iron Chunk (50);
- Mora (500).
Crystal Chunks can be found in the open world of the game.
To find White Iron Chunks, refer to the map.
The Northlander Polearm Billet can be purchased at the Liyue Souvenir Shop, received as a reward for level 8 of the Frostbearing Tree and level 24 of the Sacred Sakura, and also obtained during the first floors of the Spiral Abyss. The location of the shop where you can buy the billet is shown below.
Ocean-Hued Clam. Perfect for those who use Dori strictly as a healer. Equipping two pieces from this set increases healing effectiveness by 15%. If you equip 4 artifacts, a Sea-Dyed Foam Bubble appears during healing on the battlefield. It counts healing points, including the excess. The maximum value is 30,000 units. After 3 seconds, the Bubble explodes and deals damage to enemies equal to 90% of the counted points. The effect can occur once every 3.5 seconds. These set items can be obtained in the Slumbering Court dungeon.
Thundering Fury. An optimal choice for players who use Dori as a character for dealing additional attacks and elemental reactions. Two artifacts from this set increase Electro damage by 15%. Four pieces increase the damage of Overloaded, Superconduct, and Electro-Charged statuses by 40%. Their application also reduces the cooldown of the elemental skill by 1 second. The effect occurs no more than once every 0.8 seconds. Find artifacts from this set in the Midsummer Courtyard dungeon. Its location is marked on the map.
Pros and Cons of Dori
- High base health and energy values;
- Ability to use the character both for healing and for dealing high additional damage;
- Capability to restore both allies' health and their energy.
- Resource savings during materials for weapon and character upgrades.
- Dori is not effective as a primary attacking heroine;
- Small radius of elemental burst;
- To fully unlock the character's potential, you need to unlock the 6th Constellation.
How to play as Dori. Which heroes best complement her in a team
If Dori is primarily a healer for you, she will feel great in any squad. Switch to her, summon the djinn, and bring in the main attacking character. Their health and energy will automatically be restored.
If Dori is needed as a character for dealing additional damage, then it's best to rely primarily on her elemental skill. It's advisable to combine it with attacks from other characters to trigger elemental reactions. Even with such an approach, it's sometimes worth summoning the djinn for healing. In this case, another healer in the team won't be necessary.
Below we've described examples of teams with Dori as an Electro character for dealing additional damage.
First squad:
Second squad:
Third squad:
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