Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)

  • My Summer Car — Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)
  • My Summer Car — Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)
  • My Summer Car — Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)
  • My Summer Car — Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)
  • My Summer Car — Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)
  • My Summer Car — Preservation (Fully assembled semi-stock Satsuma GT, all cars at home)
Author: Nekit_1488
Size: 2.16 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: April 10, 2020, 01:18 AM
Downloads: 3992

All the cars are at the house, but there are no keys only for the pig's car.

There is a computer.

And there are also a lot of things, the Satsuma is moving at a brisk pace, it doesn’t stall, only 1 - the muffler has fallen asleep somewhere, namely the tip on it, and there the car is completely assembled, with numbers, and music.

In the save I used a turbine mod, which is available in the save file in the "Turbo" folder.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение (Полностью собранная полу сток сатсума GT, все авто у дома)

Все авто у дома, но нет ключей только от тачки свина.

Есть компьютер.

И так же множество всего, сатсума на бодром ходу, не глохнет, только 1 — проспал где то глушитель, именно наконечник на него, а там машина полностью собрана, с номерами, и музыкой.

В сейве использовал мод на турбину, кому надо имеется в файле с сейвом в папке "Turbo".

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