My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Save - GT Satsuma, 10k marks, there are rooms, houses, there is food, the plot is touched
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The plot is touched, the drunk is driven away 1-2 times (I don’t remember exactly), Suski is not saved.
Satsuma in GT configuration.
There are keys to the gifu and the bead.
Satsuma has been inspected.
There are 11 thousand marks on the balance sheet.
From tuning ordered: ratchet, antennas, CD player, subwoofer, all leopard covers, two-stroke carburetor, front lip, ducktail and sports steering wheel.
Сюжет тронут, алкаш отвезен 1-2 раза (точно не помню), Суски не спасена.
Сатсума в GT комплектации.
Ключи от гифу и от бусика имеются.
Сатсума инспектирована.
На балансе 11 тысяч марок.
Из тюннинга заказано: трещотка, антенны, сд плеер, сабвуфер, все леопардовые чехлы, двухтактный карбюратор, передняя губа, дактейл и спортивный руль.
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