My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Saving My Summer Car (MSC), Satsuma Rally
cokhranenie-my-summer-car-msc-ralli_1701520760_211322.zipDownload 861.78 kBArchive password: vgtimes
cokhranenie-my-summer-car-msc-ralli_1701520760_91725.zipDownload 9.42 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Saving with rally-satsuma. (161 hp) You can participate in a rally, all the rally tuning is purchased and installed, there is also a filled nitrous oxide. There are cases of beer, a bunch of chips and moonshine preparations scattered throughout the house. The plot is completed, the Russian is won from the pig + all the cars of the city are at the house
There is also a separate folder with mods. There are fashions in the photo
Cохранение с ралли-сатсумой. (161 л.с) Можно участвовать в ралли, весь ралли тюнинг куплен и установлен, есть так же наполненная закись азота. По всему дому разбросаны ящики пива, куча чипсов и загатовок под самогон. Сюжетка пройдена, руско выйгран у свина + все авто г.г у дома
Так же есть отдельная папка с модами. Моды есть на фото
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