My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Satsuma completed the rally, 500k marks
satsuma-proshla-ralli-500-k-marok_1708856493_13937.zipDownload 1.50 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Satsuma, who completed the rally, the hero's name is Raivo Heiken, the rally was completed in 8 minutes, on the screen there is level 1 of the Junior Cup, there is a Paneer 250 suitcase, a van near the place where the strawberries are, there is no permanent death in Gifu in the city, a save on the license, nitro There is a racing carb comp, no Suski, the frame is on the dyno, 131 hp. s., there are numbers, but they are expired.
Сатсума, которая прошла ралли, героя зовут Райво Хейкен, ралли прошел за 8 мин, на скрине 1 уровень Junior Cup, есть чемодан «Панир» 250, фургон около места, где клубника, гифу в городе нет перманентной смерти, сейв на лицензии, нитро гоночный карб комп есть, Суски нету, каркас есть на диностенде, 131 л. с., номера есть, но просроченные.
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