My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Difficult quest
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The task is this: hunger and thirst are at their maximum, Satsuma without headlights. Hayosiko, moped and tractor without fuel. It’s 12 o’clock at night and you need to get to the pub so as not to die of hunger and thirst.
- 500,000 marks;
- There is no food or water in the house.
Installation path:
C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
Задача такая — голод и жажда на максимуме, Сатсума без фар. Хайосико, мопед и трактор без топлива. На дворе 12 часов ночи и нужно доехать в паб чтобы не умереть от голода и жажды.
- 500000 марок;
- В доме нет еды и воды.
Путь установки:
C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
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