Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks

  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
  • My Summer Car — Satsuma stock after capital, full of food, 40k marks
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: dixsdixid
Size: 828.64 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: July 16, 2024, 12:02 PM
Downloads: 41

Saving features:

  1. There are 40,000 marks on hand.
  2. The refrigerator is full of food.
  3. Satsuma is ready for departure, all fluids are filled. It's an old battery.
  4. There is some satsuma liquid in the garage, the shelves on the bottom are almost empty, the shelves on top are full.
  5. All important things from the cottage were moved into the house, except for the trap. She is in the cottage to the right of the pier in the water.
  6. Satsuma, van, tractor with trailer, moped with helmet near the house, truck standing near the wastewater station.

Installation path:

C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сток Сатсума после капиталки, полно еды, 40к марок

Особенности сохранения:

  1. На руках 40000 марок.
  2. Холодильник полон еды.
  3. Сатсума готова к выезду, все жидкости заправлены. Стоит старый аккумулятор.
  4. В гараже есть немного жидкости для сатсумы, на полках снизу почти пустые, сверху полные.
  5. Все важные вещи с коттеджа перенесены в дом, кроме ловушки. Она находится в коттедже справа от пристани в воде.
  6. Сатсума, фургон, трактор с прицепом, мопед со шлемом возле дома, грузовик стоит возле станции сточных вод.

Путь установки:

C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

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