Games My Summer Car Files Savegames Black Satsuma full tuning, 7k marks, all vehicles are at the garage, there is a pig's house, there is a watch
My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Black Satsuma full tuning, 7k marks, all vehicles are at the garage, there is a pig's house, there is a watch
chjornaja-satsuma-full-tjuning-7k-marok_1722335584_904526.zipDownload 835.45 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Saving features:
- Black Satsuma full tune.
- Complete tuning of engine and interior, ready for rally.
- The pig's house was won, a station wagon near the house (the wasps were not killed), a tractor near the barn, a van near the house, a sewer truck near the house, a moped in the default location.
- There is a wristwatch.
- Spare in the trunk.
- All tuning was purchased and installed.
- A computer has been purchased and installed.
Installation path:
C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Чёрная Сатсума фулл тюнинг, 7к марок, весь транспорт у гаража, дом свина есть, есть часы
Особенности сохранения:
- Чёрная Сатсума фулл тюн.
- Полный тюнинг двигателя и салона, к ралли готова.
- Дом свина выигран, универсал возле дома (осы не убиты), трактор возле сарая, фургончик возле дома, ассенизатор возле дома мопед в дефолтном месте.
- Есть наручные часы.
- Запаска в багажнике.
- Весь тюнинг куплен и установлен.
- Куплен и установлен компьютер.
Путь установки:
C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
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