My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Rally Satsuma + USSR Texture Pack
rallijjnaja-satsuma-ussr-texture-pack_1723668349_344367.zipDownload 372.85 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Saving features:
The Satsuma rally has been assembled, the mission with the drunk has been completed, his suitcase has not been stolen, a Gifu and a minibus have been obtained, the uncle is sitting resting, the station wagon has been stolen from the pig, there is a PC, the plot has been touched, the date with Suski has passed, in there is food in the refrigerator, CDs were bought from a catalog and CDs were stolen because of a brooch, there are old parts in the garage, etc., everything is neatly folded.
Features of the car:
Satsuma in a rally configuration, a racing radiator, a racing carburetor, antennas, subwoofers and an amplifier with a new radio are installed, external tuning is also installed, a rear spoiler, a front lowered bumper, tinting, also received license plates and supplied Mokia , bucket seats, roll cage, rally suspension and tires.
Installation path:
C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
Особенности сохранения:
Собрана раллийная Сатсума, миссия с алкашом пройдена, у него не крал чемодан, получен Gifu и бусик, дядя сидит отдыхает, универсал угнан у свина, ПК есть, сюжет тронут, прошел свидание с Суски, в холодильнике еда, куплены диски из каталога и украдены диски из-за брошки, в гараже старые детали и т. д., все аккуратно сложено.
Особенности автомобиля:
Satsuma в раллийной комплектации, установлен гоночный радиатор, гоночный карбюратор, антенны, сабвуферы и усилитель с новой магнитолой, установлен также внешний тюнинг, задний спойлер, передний заниженный бампер, тонировка, также получены номера и поставлена Mokia, сиденья ковшеобразные, установлен каркас безопасности, раллийная подвеска и шины.
Путь установки:
C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
Useful links: