Fast Satsuma

  • My Summer Car — Fast Satsuma
  • My Summer Car — Fast Satsuma
  • My Summer Car — Fast Satsuma
  • My Summer Car — Fast Satsuma
  • My Summer Car — Fast Satsuma
  • My Summer Car — Fast Satsuma
Author: yellow sky
Size: 707.05 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: September 3, 2024, 10:31 AM
Downloads: 75

Saving features:

Didn't pick up the phone with tasks. There are 81k marks in the account. I didn't take the keys from my uncle. The Satsuma drives well, everything is filled and tightened. Satsuma did not rape, if only a little, his temperature was high. The wiring is done. In the garage there are disks for obtaining license plates (I didn’t receive them, I always turned around when I saw the police). All bills seem to have been paid. There is plenty of food and beer at home. The pig's house is not lost.

Installation path:

C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

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Быстрая Satsuma

Особенности сохранения:

Трубку с заданиями не брал. На счету 81к марок. Ключи у дяди не брал. Сатсума едет хорошо, всё залито и закручено. Сатсуму не насиловал, если только немного, была температура высокая. Проводка проведена. В гараже лежат диски под получение номеров (их я не получал, всегда разворачивался при виде полиции). Все счета вроде бы оплачены. Дома много еды и пива. Свину дом не проигран.

Путь установки:

C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.

Useful links:

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