My Summer Car
A hot Finnish cocktail of a third-person survival simulator and car arcade. The player is given complete freedom of action in a large open world of rural Finland... Read more
Almost stock Satsuma in original color, 100,000 marks
pochti-stokovaja-satsuma-v-rodnom-cvete_1736680151_647917.zipDownload 49.78 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Features of preservation:
- Almost stock Satsuma, in original color, not a bit, not painted, started once. All liquids are topped up and set up.
- Almost all the spare parts are in the garage; there are consumables for a couple of years ahead.
- At home there is a lot of food in the refrigerator, in the warehouse there is a good supply of everything you need.
- The character has 100,000 marks in his account.
Installation path:
- C:/Users/User/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Почти стоковая Сатсума в родном цвете, 100000 марок
Особенности сохранения:
- Почти стоковая Сатсума, в родном окрасе, не бита не крашена, заводилась один раз. Все жидкости залиты с горочкой, настроена.
- В гараже почти все запчасти, стоят расходники на пару лет вперед.
- Дома в холодильнике много еды, на складе все необходимое в неплохом достатке.
- На счету персонажа 100000 марок.
Путь установки:
- C:/Users/Пользователь/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech/My Summer Car.
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