Quest: Father's Inheritance

  • My Summer Car — Quest: Father's Inheritance
  • My Summer Car — Quest: Father's Inheritance
  • My Summer Car — Quest: Father's Inheritance
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Author: AndreyBaraska
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Date: January 17, 2025, 01:08 PM
Downloads: 106

For the complete quest, I advise you to download a mod for a garage in the city, there is a lift for the engine there for a reason. The engine is in Busik, Rusko is drowned in the lake near the cottage, mod Ricochet is too, but he is drowned in the swamp at the edge of the map. There are 3000 marks on the balance, there is a note from the girl, the goal of the quest is to assemble the car and have a date with her, the garage has all the tuning, a lot of work on pumping out septic tanks and chopping wood.

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Квест: Наследство отца

Для полного квеста советую скачать мод на гараж в городе, подъемник для двигателя там не спроста. Двигатель находится в Бусике, Руско утоплен в озере возле коттеджа, модовый Рикошет тоже, но он утоплен в болоте на краю карты. На балансе 3000 марок, есть записка от девушки, цель квеста — собрать машину и провести свидание с ней, в гараже есть весь тюнинг, куча работы по откачке септиков и рубке дров.

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